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Lang, Rupert: Maiden Voyage
Aiken, Joan: Black Hearts in Battersea
Chetty, S et al: Fundamental Economics Micro and Macro
Kempton Park Town Council Yearbook 1990
Okavango Skeppende Hande
Natal / Kwazulu Leaders' Forum The Key to South Africa
Louw, N P van Wyk: Rondom Eie Werk
Godden, Rumer et al: Het Beste Boek: De Kinderen; Komplot op Zee; Nachtvlucht; Dr Carter Chirurg
Godden, Rumer et al: Een Madonna Voor Marta; De President; De WereldreisVan De Gipsy Moth; Spion Met Twee Gezichten
Bonatti, Walter et al: De Overwinning Op De Dru; Spion Aan De Muur; De Stille Strijd; Erfgenaam Van Kirkland
The South African Union Government's Nativve Policy
Langenhoven, C J: Versamelde Werke Deel XIV
Auckland Park Preparatory School Our Own Recipe Book
Scholtz, Merwe: Vlugtige Spore
Mogg, A O D: Important Plants of Sterkfontein
Stallworthy, John ; Walker, Kenneth: Problems of Fertility in General Practice
Cooke, H B S: Geological Map and Locality Map of Southern Africa
Sassen, F: Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte der Grieken en Romeinen
Shackleton, Ernest: Shackleton in the Antarctic : the Hero Readers
Hauck, Maria [Editor]; Sowman, Merle [Editor];: Waves of Change: Coastal and Fisheries Co-Management in South Africa
Webb, Vic [Editor]; du Plessis, Theodorus [Editor];: The Politics of Language in South Africa : Selected proceedings of a colloquium held by the University of Pretoria at the Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Southern Africa, 6 to 8 July 2005, Dikhololo, South Africa
Martac, Liana ; Strocchi, Cristina: Cucina Afrodisiaca
Scholtz, H. v.d. M. : Lategan, F.V: 'n Bloemlesing van Nederlandse Verhale
Kayfetz, Victor [Translator]: Raoul Wallenberg
Martin, David; Johnson, Phyllis: The Chitepo Assassination (Pan-African Children's Series)
Van Den Vondel, Joost: Jeptha of Offerbelofte
Pickthall, Marmaduke: The Meaning of The Glorious Koran : An Explanatory Translation
Solomon, Derek: Gardening With Birds in Zimbabwe
Muller, M.A.N: Grasses of South West Africa / Namibia
McCallum, Ian: Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature
The "Mechanical World" Pocket Diary and Year Book for 1909 - Containing a Collection of Useful Engineering Notes, Rules, Tables and Data
Wood, Ernest: Concentrazione Avvio Alla Meditazione
Banana, Canaan S. [Editor]: Turmoil and Tenacity Zimbabwe 1890 - 1990
Jacobs, Alice: South African Heritage : A biography of H.J. Van Der Bijl
Triangle : An Epic of Land Water and Man
Amin, Mohamed: Pilgrimage to Mecca
Marais, Eugene N: My Friend the Baboon
Heywood, Kathrine: Cape Hills in Sunlight
Le Roux, T.H: Van Stamverwante Bodem V : Esmoreit
Van Den Vondel, Joost: Joseph In Dothan
Kombuis, Koos: Die Tyd Van Die Kombi's (Afrikaans Edition)
Trevor, Meriol: Newman : Light in Winter
Marais, Christine: Windhoek, Our Heritage; Ons Erfenis, Unser Erbe
The Centre for Deaf Studies : Celebrating 15 Years
Maxwell, Donald: The New Lights O' London
Hirsch, Morris I: A Decade of Crisis : Ten years of Rhodesian Front Rule (1963-1972)
Child, Brian [Editor]: Parks in Transition: Biodiversity, Rural Development and the Bottom Line
Dodd, Alexandra (text): Impact
Meintjes, Malcom : Pedder, Murray [editors]: Favoured Flies and Select Techniques of the Experts . Volume 4 Only
Basson,Adriaan: Finish & Klaar : Selibi's Fall From Interpol To The Underworld
Colquhoun, Silke (Ed): The Life and Times of Vodacom: As Covered by the Media from 1993-2007
Bergengruen, Werner: Die Spaanse Roosboom
Alexander, Jocelyn; McGregor, JoAnn; Ranger, Terence: Violence and Memory: One Hundred Years in the Dark Forests of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe (Social History of Africa)
Knuvelder, G.P.M: Schets Geschiedenis Nederlandse Letterkunde
Nyagumbo, Maurice: With the People
Carmiggelt, S: Spijbelen
Verne, Jules: The Blockade Runners (Author's Illustrated Edition)
Hattersley, Alan F: The Victoria Club: Pietermaritsburg 1859 - 1959
Pretorius, Fransjohan: Kommandolewe tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog 1899-1902
Uys, Pieter-Dirk: Funigalore
Vaque, Klaus D: Verraad teen Suid-Afrika
Hough, Estelle: Thoughts on Underwear and other essentials
Hall, Lynn Bedford: More Food With Flair
Singer, Lauren: A Measure of Time
Adair, Ian: Encyclopedia of Dove Magic Vol. 3
Rose, June: The Perfect Gentleman: The remarkable life of Dr James Miranda Barry, the woman who served as an officer in the British Army from 1813 to 1859
Rabie, M A and Strauss, S A: Punishment
Chalmers, James: Pioneer life and work in New Guinea 1877 - 1894
Phillips, Fransi: Die Horlosie Se Wysers Val Af
Odendal, F. F: Aspekte Van Taal
Pretorius, Wessel: Storm Sevenster
Grosskopf, J F W: Die Armblanke-Vraagstuk in Suid-Afrika. Verlag van die Carnegie-Kommissie Deel 1 - Plattelandsverarming en Plaasverlating
Steyn, Elmar: Kaapse Weer
Blignault, Audrey: Die Verlange Loop Ver