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Lamplugh, Lois: The Rifle House Friends
Rule, Jane: Against the Season
Meurant, L. H: Zamenspraak tusschen Klaas Waarzegger en Jan Twyfelaar over het onderwerp van afscheiding tusschen de Oostelyke en Westelyjke Provincie (Herdrukreeks . Biblioteek ; 3) (Dutch Edition)
Tabor, George: The Cape to Cairo Railway
Wright, John B: Bushman Raiders of the Drakensberg 1840 - 1870
Stals, E.L.P: Morewind Oor Die Karasberge
Taffrail: Dorling, Taprell Captain: Blue Star Line At War 1939 - 1945
Poland, Marguerite: The Boy in You: A Biography of St Andrew's College 1855 - 2005
Hammerton, Sir John (ed): Aerial Wonders of our Time : A Pictured Story of Flying Past Present and Future - War In The Air
Dictionary: English- Xhosa/ Xhosa- English
Langenhoven, Jan H: Gooi Los! : Die Vissermanne van Witsand en Port Beaufort
Chang, Ha-Joon [Editor]: Rethinking Development Economics
Burkitt, M C ; Breuil, L'Abb? H (preface): Prehistory : A Study of Early Cultures in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin
Worden, Nigel; Van Heyningen; Bickford-Smith, Vivian: Cape Town, the making of a City
de Henningsen, Amelia: The reminiscences of Amelia de Henningsen (notre mere) (Graham's Town series)
Collins, Canon L.John: Southern Africa : Peace and Freedom: Addresses to the United Nations, 1965-79
Pope, Alexander ; Aikin, J: An Essay on Man. To which is prefixed, A Critical Essay by
Maclean, Gordon; Maclean, Cherie: Southern Africa's Beautiful Deserts: The Big Picture
van Oosten, Marsel; Sibbing, Daniella: Wild Romance: Africa's Most Romantic Safari Lodges
Croft-Cooke, Rupert: St. George for England
Knox, P. ; Gutsche, T: Do You Know Johannesburg?
Beattie, J.C: Report of a Magnetic Survey of South Africa
Gold, Alethea ; Zordan, Luca: Children of China
The Construction of the Iraq-Mediterranean Pipe-Line: A Tribute to the Men Who Built It : An Account of the Contruction in the years 1932 to 1934 of the Pipe-Line of the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited from its oilfield in the vicinity of Kirkuk, Iraq to the Mediterranean Ports of Haifa (Palestine) and Tripoli (Lebanon)
Tutu, Desmond; Sachs, Albie; Manyelo, Asnath; Smal, Kobus; Dhlabu, Mmeiwa; Msimanga, Jane; Smit, Lizelle:: Some evidence of things seen: Children
Lock, Ron; Quantrill, Peter: The 1879 Zulu War: Through the Eyes of The Illustrated London News
Cowey, Antony: Mining and Metallurgy in South Africa: A Pictorial History
Reimold, W.U. and Gibson, R.L: Meteorite Impact! The danger from space and south -africa's mega-impact
Howarth, W: Greenwich : Past and Present
Feldman, W.M: The Jewish Child
McDonald, Trevor; Kuus, Juhan: South Africa in Black and White
Groser, Horace G: The Book of Animals : An Album of Natural History
Dhar, N.R: The Chemical Action of Light
Stern, Albert G: Tanks 1914-1918, The Log-Book of a Pioneer
Kruger, D. W: Paul Kruger, staatsman 'n Lewenskets van President S. J. P. Kruger (S. A. Gallery 6)
Krige, Uys: Muur van die Dood
Duggan, Alfred: Leopards and Lilies
Leverton, Basil J.T. : Pringle, John A: The Pioneers of Vryheid : The Nieuwe Republiek and Its Staats Courant / Die Baanbrekers van Vryheid
de la Caille, Nicolas Louis ; Raven-Hart, R (translator and editor): Travels At Cape 1751-53 : An annotated translation of Journal historique du voyage fait au Cap de Bonne-Esp?rance into which has been interpolated relevant passages from M?moires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Totius: Wilgerboombogies - Ter Gedagtenis aan drie liewe dode
Van Schoor, M.C.E. ; Van Rooyen, Jan J: Republiek en Republikeine
Villiers, C G S de: Snel Dan Jare - Overbergse Sketse en Verhale
Caras, Roger: The Custer Wolf
Botes, D.P.M: Wat is n Gewone Man
Newby, Eric: The Last Grain Race
Hutchinson, Michael: Africa speaking with Earthj & Sky
Reisener, Hasso O: The Special & Commemorative Postmarks, Cachets & Covers of South Africa, 1892-1975
Wilson, Andrew Dr: Wild Animals and Birds: Their Haunts and Habits
Meintjes, Johannes: Stormberg A Lost Opportunity : The Anglo -Boer War in the North-Eastern Cape Colony, 1899 - 1902
Hesse, Hermann; Strachan, W. J: The Prodigy
Scholtz, J. Du P: Uit Die Geskiedenis Van Die Naamgewing Aan Plante En Diere In Afrikaans
De Villiers, Meyer: Afrikaanse Klankleer Inleiding Tot Die Fonetiek En Die Fonologie
Krynauw, D.W. and Moller, G.S.J: Blouberg: Ons Beroemdste Strand
Meintjes, Johannes: Sword in the Sand : The Life and Death of Gideon Scheepers
Hahn, C.H.L: The Native Tribes of South West Africa
Kruger, Braam: Provocative Cuisine
Weinberg, Paul: View Points: The University of Cape Town and its Treasures
Anhaeusser, C R: A Century of Geological Endeavour in Southern Africa, 1895-1995
Botha, Simon; Haupt, Roy; MacKenzie, Graham; Watson, Margo: Play Bowls
Burrows, Edmund H: Overberg Odyssey: People, Roads & Early Days
Gregorowski, Christopher ; Davis-Mesman, Ellen: Bill Davis, Sculptor: His Life & Work
Winchester-Gould, June: Gamebirds & Waterfowl of Southern Africa
Brown the Younger, Thomas: Intercepted Letters; or, the Twopenny Post-Bag. To which are added, Trifles Reprinted - with a New Preface and several additional poemscbfy
Chambers, Robert: Traditions of Edinburgh - 2 volumes
Kohler, C W H ; Robertson, Allan ; Melck, Captain G H ; Allsop, G A ; Byl, Lieut.-Colonel V A Van der ; Bisset, Murray ; Taylor, H W ; Beattie, Sir J Carruthers ; MIllar, W A ; Devenish, G St L ; Scholtz, Hugo ; Schreiner, W F R ; Apperley, W F R ; Apperley, C W ; Kent, Victor: Sports and Sportsmen - South Africa
Brown, Robert: The Story of Africa and its Explorers - 4 volumes
Die Bank van Oom Bossie
Haskins, Samuel: November Girl
Stotherd, Lieutenant-Colonel E A W: Sabre & Saddle
Broad, F H: Applied Mechanics for Technical Students
De Wet, C.R: De Strijd Tusschen Boer En Brit
Spies, F J du Toit: Hamelberg en die Oranje-Vrystaat
Harza, Leroy Francis ; Lellis, Alceu de ; Rimes, CArlos de Figueiredo: An Investigation of the Hydraulic Ram - Bulletin of the Wisconsin No 205 / Fabrica??o de Ferro e A?o com o Forno Electrico 'Lellis' - Privilegiado conforme a patente brasileira n. 9679 de 12 de Setembro de 1917 e a patente sueca n. 49468 de 9 de Junho de 1921
Bosman, Dani?l Brink: Afrikaans en Maleis-Portugees: Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor in de nederlandse letteren aan de rijksuniversiteit te Groningen, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus Dr J Van Wageningen, Hoogleraar in de Fakulteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, tegen de Bedenkingen van de Fakulteit in het openbaar te verdedigen op Maandag 26 Junie 1916, des namiddags te 4 uur, door Dani?l Brink Bosman, geboren te Boshof (Oranje Vrij Staat)