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Hall, H S & Stevens, F H: An Elementary Course of Mathematics Comprising Arithmetic, Algebra and Euclid Wegger, Gordon: Topham's Principles Of Company Law;South African Edition Quail, Edna: Kattau the Hunter
Liebenberg, Skalk: Kaptein Van Sy Skool Staunton, H: Chess Praxis A Supplement to the Chess Player's Handbook Fawcett, Millicent Garrett: Political Economy for Beginners
Graham, John: Letter to his Son No. 2 Graham, John: Letter to his Son No. 3 Graham, John: Letter to his Son No. 4
Graham, John: Letter to his Son No. 5 Graham, John: Letter to his Son No. 8 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer February 1984
Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer April 1984 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer May 1984 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer June 1984
Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer July 1984 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer August 1984 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer September 1984
Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer October 1984 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer November 1984 Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer December 1984
Whittingdale, Richard: South African Cricketer December 1983 Faull, Charles: Racing Ahead- Issue 2 September- October 1994 Standpunte; Nuwe Reeks Nr. 2
Standpunte; Nuwe Reeks Nr. 11 Boyce, A. Napier: The Johannesburg College Of Education Parkinson, Frederick: The Artist; Featuring; Special Analysis Of Oil Paints For Students
Parkinson, Frederick: The Artist; The Only Art Magazine That Covers Every Subject Of Vital Interest To The Amateur & Student Artist Parkinson, Frederick: The Artist; Watercolour Drawing & Painting; Painting From Nature; Exhibition Reviews & Oil Painting For Beginners Grobbelaar, Pieter W: Die Mooiste Afrikaanse Sprokies
Grabianski, Janusz: Die Groot Fabelboek Al-Masih, Abd: World Muslim Population Growth 1970- 2000 Fugard, Athol;Gray, Stephen: My Children! My Africa!, and Selected Shorter Plays
Leipoldt, C Louis: Die Heks Benade,M. L.;Henning, J. J.;et al: Entrepreneurial Law Euripidis: Tragoediae Sex
Daniel, William: The Catalyst Voigt, F. A: Pax Britannica Bell, Nigel: The English Academy Review Vol 12, December 1995
Rabinowitz, Ivan: The English Academy Review Vol 9, December 1992 Charlton, L E O: War Over England The Salvation Army International Company Orders for Young People
Strydom, C. J. Scheepers: Black & White Africans Naimy, Mikhail: The Book of Mirdad : a Lighthouse and a Haven Keene-young, Robyn & Bailey, Adrian: Safari: Journeys Through Wild Africa
Cloete, J. J. N: Munisipale Regering En Administrasie In Suid - Afrika Jaarboek Van Die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring Johannesburg 1941 No. Vl Moorrees, F. D: Die Lamp Vir My Voet : 'N Bybelse Verskeidenheid
Deighton, Len: Town's album of Fine Wines & High Spirits Bell, Nigel: The English Academy Review Vol. 13, December 1996 Smith, Wilbur: The Courtneys of Africa
Francis, S.;Dugmore, H. & Rico: The Bottom Line Collection Mans, KN; Binnekade, CS;Koppeschaar, ZR & Stegmann, N: Cilliers & Mans Group Statements Vol.2 Moody, John: Na Sewe Jaar Die Son
Schimmel, H. J: De Kaptein Van De Lijfgarde` Addison, Paul: Churchill on the Home Front 1900-1955 Kielblock, Karl: Ek, Die Moordenaar
Swann, Gwen: Papillons And Other Friends Dissel, Philippa: Zebra Register Of South African Artists & Galleries- Vol. 3 Frankel, Rudy;Robertson, Marian: Tiger Tapestry
Niek, Elisabeth: CSO Yachts Exclusive Yachts Charter 2010 Jaarboek van die Afrikaanse Skrywerskring Johannesburg 1942 Hayes, Peter: Frontier Drums
Maybury, Anne: The Valley of Roses Bell, Nigel: EAR 13 The English Academy Review Lange-Kowal, Ernst Erwin: Langenscheidts Handworterbuch Franzosisch
Sutherland, John D: The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis Volume XLII 1961 Clarke, Hugh: Human Resources: A Practical Guide To South African Labour Legislation Taylor, Fred: Angling In Earnest
Keene, Carolyn: The Clue Of The Velvet Mask Table Delights With Meat & Wine Courtney, Caroline: Masquerading Heart
Caidin, Martin: Anytime, Anywhere Snow, Edward Rowe: True Tales Of Terrible Shipwrecks Platter, Erica: John Platter's South African Wine Guide 1988