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Fawcett, J R: The Fruit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
van't Slot, Steef: World Evangelisation
Baily, Brian J: David and Solomon
Smith, Janet;Beauregard, Tromp: Hani;A Life Too Short
Jefferies, Alan: The Absolute Border
Mussell, Frank: A More Excellent Way
Schrire, Robert;et al: Leadership in the Apartheid State: From Malan to De Klerk
Thomas, Cornelius: Sport And Liberation In South Africa;Reflections And Suggestions
Odendaal, Andre: Cricket in Isolation
Kannemeyer, John Christoffel: Jan Rabie: Prosapionier En Politieke Padwyser
Van Heerden, A: Vaarwel Aan Gister
Hendriks, R: Geheim Van Die Rooi Ster
Coetzee, Abel: Waar Die Waterbul Brom
Rosenthal, Eric: Cutlass & Yardarm
van Gogh, Joan & Anderson, John: Trees and Shrubs of the Witwatersrand
Vaughan, Iris: O Valiant Hearts
Thomas, Cornelius C: Cocktails of Liberty
Randles, Brian M: A History Of The Kaffrarian Museum
Fouche, Meiring: Losprys vir Liefde
Wessels, Annemarie: Hulle Dien
Jordaan, Johann: Gemaskerde Jare
van der Berg: Reisigers na Nerens
van Zyl, D H: In die Konsentrasiekamp
Leon, Tony: Hope & Fear
Bosman, D B: Oor die Ontstaan van Afrikaans
Drummond, W H: The Large Game and Natural History of South and South East Africa
Strauss, Herman: Lewe die See! Lewe die See?
Griffiths, Reginald: This Day's Madness
Williams, Glyn: 100 Years of Border Cricket
Hermann, Neil: Body Scopes
Milewski, Zygmunt: With Garlic in My Teeth
Dread, Zebulon: Blackheart Poet
Smith, W Robertson: De Profeten van Israel en Hun Plaats in de Gesciedenis
Bethal 1880 - 1980 Eeufees Gedenkalbum
Gastrow, Shelagh: Who's Who In South African Politics No. 3
Combrink, A J: Eeufees Potgietersrust Centenary 1854 - 1954
Malan, J. P: Die Musiekskole In Duitsland En Die Toepassing Van Die Idee In Suid - Afrika:Musiekreeks Nr. 1
Francis, S. & Rico: Strike While The Iron Is Hot
Henty, G. A: By Pike & Dyke
Decle, Lionel: Three Years In Savage Africa;Volume 35
Nicholls, G. F. & Mitton, G. E: Cornwall
Sommer, Francois: Man & Beast In Africa
Laurie- Long, E: Gauges Steady
Perrault: Perrault's Fairy Tales
Haines, T. L.;Yaggy, L. W: The Royal Path Of Life
Long, E Laurie: A Saga of the Cliffs
Volans, Keith: African Paraphrases
The Government of South Africa Vol II
Baxter, Doreen: Woodland Frolics
Vigario, F: Managerial Accounting
Baumbach, E J M & Marivate, C T D: Xironga Folk-tales
Cooper, Montgomery: Man
Brownlee, Frank: Lion & Jackal
Martin, Nigel H: He Who Has The Gold
Kelland, J & French, C. M: Figureology; The Science of Figures & How to Read Character from them
Krige, Uys: Poems Of Roy Campbell
Glover, C W: Civil Defence
Green, E Goodwin: Raiders and Rebels
Meisterwerke fur Elektronishe Orgel
Henry, Matthew: Letterlijke en Practicale Verklaring van het Oude Testament Zesde Deel Ezechiel - Maleachi
Henry, Matthew: Letterlijke en Practicale Verklaring van het Oude Testament Vifde Deel Jesaja - Klaagliederen
Lucas, C P: Historical Geography of the British Colonies Vol IV
Chance, John Newton: Yellow Belly
Macpherson, Angus: A Highlander Looks Back
Van Koetsveld, C E: De Gelijkenissen van Het Evangelie op Nieuw Bewerkt tot Een Huisboek voor het Christelijk Gezin
MacDonald, J F: The War History of Southern Rhodesia Vol 1 & Vol 2
Netolicky, Cecilia: The Fires of Prehistory are Burning
Schmeling, Max: Erinnerungen
Durham, James: The Dying Man's Testament to the Church of Scotland : or a Treatise Concerning Scandal
Bike;Hunters And Collectors Of Classic Machines
Bauer, Katy: Spite
Roberts, H. Armstrong: The Farmer His Own Builder
Montague, Eric: Mitcham: A Pictorial History
Corbett, Julian S: Drake and the Tudor Navy Vol I & II
Morris, William O'Connor: The Great Campaigns Of Nelson