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Du Plessis, E. J: N Ondersoek Na Die Oorsprong En Betekenis Van Suid-Afrikaanse Berg - En Riviername: Naamkundereeks NR. 3
Potgieter, D. J: Animal Life In Southern Africa
Lyster, Lynn: Ballards Of The Veld-Land
Bill, Max: Le Corbusier & P Jeanneret Oevre Cmplete 1934 - 1938
Flavell, Ray; Smale, Claude: Studio Glassmaking
Inglis, C. J: The Journal Of The Mountain Club Of South Africa No.67 1964
McCock, Cyril: Psalm Of A Bard
Barclay, C. N: The History Of The Duke Of Wellington's Regiment 1919-1952
Chistie, Agatha: Poems
Dulac, Edmund: Stories From Arabian Nights
Van Der Vyver, G. C. P: My Erfenis Is Vir My Mooi 1869-1969: U Lig En U Waarheid
Churchill, Winston S: Painting As A Pastime
Deighton, Len: Only When I Larf
Greenfield, J. M: Testimony of a Rhodesian Federal Volume One
Willcox, A. R: Southern Land: The Prehistory and History of Southern Africa
A. G: Willie & Lucy At The Sea- Side- For Very Little Children
O'Brian, Patrick: H.M.S. Surprise
Macdonald, J. F: The War History Of Southern Rhodesia Volume 1
Tort: Gunners A Narrative of The Gunners of Southern Rhodesia during the Second World War
Cartland, Barbara: Love In Hiding
Cartland, Barbara: The Enchanted Waltz
Hackforth- Jones, Gilbert: Submarine Flotilla
Cartland, Barbara: The Little Pretender
Cartland, Barbara: Love Is an Eagle
Versfeld, Martin: Food For Thought
Cartland, Barbara: The Golden Gondola
Cartland, Barbara: Sweet Adventure
Price, W. K: Johannesburg- One Hundred Years
Cartland, Barbara: Desire Of The Heart
Cartland, Barbara: Stars in My Heart
Cartland, Barbara: Elizabethan Lover
Konsalik, Heinz: Dokter Erika Werner
Teubes, Annien: Lovely Lampshades
McMinn, A: Florentynse Borduurwerk
Hughes, Laurence: Johannesburg- the cosmopolitan city
South Africa Yearbook 2010/11
Hahlo, H. R: The South African Law Of Husband & Wife
McKenzie, H S: The Law of Building and Engineering Contracts and Arbitration
Pyemont, L. O. P: Company Law Of South Africa
Van Loon,Hendrik Willem: The Story Of The Pacific
Cartland, Barbara: A Ghost in Monte Carlo
Van Tonder, Jan: Roepman
Platter, John: John Platter South African Wine Guide 2006
Crawford-Browne, Lavinia & Meiring, Piet: Tutu as I Know Him
Cartland, Barbara: The Captive Heart
Malaparte, Curzio: Kaputt
Feinberg,Kim: Tomorrow
Clew, Jeff: The Restoration of Vintage and Thoroughbred Motorcycles
Cowper, William: Poems By The Late William Cowper Vol.1 Only
Cartland, Barbara: Love Me For Ever
Cartland, Barbara: A Duel of Hearts
Klinov, I[ Editor]: Encyclopaedia Of Israel In Pictures 8 Vols
Pound, Ezra: A B C Of Reading
Stewart, Basil: The Witness Of The Pyramid
Reflections Of Yesteryear: Antques & Collectables Volume 1 no.7 October/November 1999
Total Road/ Pad Atlas
Unknown: For Those In Peril: 40 Years Of Memorable NSRI Rescues
Portoghesi, Paolo: Postmodern: The Architecture of the Postindustrial Society
Sisson, Terence: Just Nuisance, AB: His Full Story
Impressionist And Modern Drawings And Watercolours Wednesday 27th March 1985
Cossons, Malcolm (Editor): Sotheby's Preview April 2001
Important English, Dutch, Cape & Other Silver, Cape Furniture, Objects Of Vertu & Jewellery Including The De Waal Diamond April 1977
Volks Art Auctions [Edward & Romano Bernard]
De Beer, Mona;Johnson Barker, Brian: A Vision of the Past: South Africa in Photographs, 1843-1910
Finch-Davies, C.G. & Kemp, A.C: The Birds of Prey of Southern Africa
Palmer, Eve & Pitman, Norah: Trees of Southern Africa Covering all Known Indigenous Species in the Republic of South Africa, South-West Africa, Botswana, Lesotho & Swaziland
Westerman, Percy F: The White Arab
Weinrich, A. K. H: Chiefs and Councils in Rhodesia:Transition from Patriarchal to Bureaucratic Power: Transition from Patriarchal to Bureaucratic Power
Kirkwood, James: Good Times/Bad Times : A Novel
Johns, W E: Death Rays of Ardilla
Cartland, Barbara: Love is the Enemy
Ross, Charles A: Crocodiles and Alligators
Cartland, Barbara: Cupid Rides Pillion
Alexander, Robyn (Editor): Fire Water: South African Brandy
Jacobsen, Niels: Remarkable Reptiles of South Africa