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Andreu,Paul & Filippo Bettrami Gadola: Paul Andreu: The Discovery of Universal Space
Stoneman, Richard: A Luminous Land: Artists Discover Greece
The American Scholar. Vol. I, No.3
The American Scholar. Vol. I, No.4
The American Scholar. Vol. 2, No.1
Shoten, Kadokawa (editor): A Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Oriental Arts: China (Volumes 1 & 2)
McDonald, Edward D: A Bibliography of the Writings of D.H. Lawrence & the Writings of D.H. Lawrence 1925-1930: A Bibliographical Supplement (2 Vols)
Leland, Charles G: A Manual of Wood Carving
Sartre, Jean-Paul; Michel Contat & Michel Rybalka: The Writings of Jean-Paul Sartre (2 Volumes)
Swann, Peter C: Chinese Monumental Art
Austin, Mary: The American Rhythm: Studies and Reexpressions of Amerindian Songs
Kardon, Janet (Ed.): Revivals! Diverse Traditions 1920-1945: The History of Twentieth-Century American Craft
Shakespeare, William: Julius Caesar
(John Archer): Sagittarius: His Book. Gathered for John Archer by His Friends
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: Human Work
Corinth, Lovis: Gesammelte Schriften
Heinzel, Hermann & Barnaby Hall: Galapagos Diary: A Complete Guide to the Archipelago's Birdlife
Gisolfi, Diana & Staale Sinding-Larsen: The Rule, the Bible, and the Council: The Library of the Benedictine Abbey at Praglia
Dodwell, Peter: Brave New Mind: A Thoughtful Inquiry Into the Nature and Meaning of Mental Life
Battiston, Silvano: Particolari Palladiani
Crane, Walter: Hazelford Sketch Book. a Sampler with Autobiographical Notes from the Manuscripts in the Caroline Miller Parker Collection
Favata, Benedict V. and Frank J. Pirone: The Nature of Life and Cancer: A New Unifying Concept
Guerman, Mikhail: Art of the October Revolution
Moore, N. Hudson: The Collector's Manual
Moore, N. Hudson: Old Glass: European and American
Johanson, Donald; Lenora Johanson & Blake Edgar: Ancestors: in Search of Human Origins
Dudley, Sheldon F: The Four Pillars of Wisdom: A Rational Approach to a Healthy Education
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journey to the Home of Robert G. Ingersoll
Hubbard, Elbert: Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Orators (Vols. 12 & 13)
Lang, Andrew (editor): Poet's Country
Miller, Anita: Uncollecting Cheever : The Family of John Cheever Vs. Academy Chicago Publishers
Fuegi, John: Brecht and Company: Sex, Politics, and the Making of the Modern Drama
Lamont, Corliss (Ed.): "Dear Corliss": Letters from Eminent Persons
Lang, D.M.; Malcolm Bradbury et al. (Eds.): The Penguin Companion to World Literature (4 Volumes)
Miller, Jonathan: The Body in Question
Munich. Die Neue Sammlung: Um 1930: Bauten, Mobel, Gerate, Plakate, Fotos
Stadhalle Freiburg: Rudolf Riester: Gemalde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Lithographien
Kunsthalle Bremen: Gerhard Marcks: Bildnisse und Landschaften. Skulpturen, Handzeichnungen und Aquarelle
Stockholm. Moderna Museet: Max Ernst: MåLningar, Collage, Frottage, Teckningar, Grafik, BöCker, Skulpturer 1917-1969
Physick, John: Designs for English Sculpture, 1680-1860
Arcangeli, Francesco & Piero Del Giudice: Edmondo Dobrzanski: Salone Farnese in Pilotta
London. Marlborough Fine Art: Barbara Hepworth Recent Work: Sculpture, Paintings, Prints
Düsseldorf. C.G. Boerner: Richard Gessner: FrüHe Druckgraphik, 1913-1924
Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane: Tutankhamen: Life and Death of a Pharaoh
Bullock, Alan: Great Rivers of Europe
Taylor, Lonn & Ingrid Maar: The American Cowboy
De La Iglesia, Maria Elena: The Catalogue of American Catalogues: How to Buy Practically Everything by Mail in America
Dorsey, Leslie & Janice Devine: Fare Thee Well: A Backward Look at Two Centuries of Historic American Hostelries, Fashionable Spas & Seaside Resorts
Katz, Karl et al: From the Beginning: Archaeology and Art in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Johnson, Laurence A: Over the Counter and on the Shelf: Country Storekeeping in America, 1620-1920
Flexner, Stuart Berg: Listening to America: An Illustrated History of Words and Phrases from Our Lively and Splendid Past
Nash, Eric P: Manhattan Skyscrapers
Fleischman, Richard (Preface) & Maurizio Vitta (Intro): Richard Fleischman: Spaces to Be Shared
Shay, Joseph J. & Joan Wheelis (Eds.): Odysseys in Psychotherapy
Dowbiggin, Ian: Suspicious Minds: The Triumph of Paranoia in Everyday Life
Alland, Alexander, Jr: Human Nature: Darwin's View
Burkholder, Robert E. & Joel Myerson: Emerson: An Annotated Secondary Bibliography
Kingsley, Charles: The Water-Babies
Magoun, F. Alexander: The Frigate Constitution and Other Historic Ships
Bede, Cuthbert: Little Mr. Bouncer and His Friend Verdant Green Also Tales of College Life
Bede, Cuthbert: The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman (Vol. II)
Roux, Antoine; Alfred Johnson (Translator): Ships and Shipping: A Collection of Pictures Including Many American Vessels Painted by Antoine Roux and His Sons
Fay, Charles Edey: Mary Celeste: The Odyssey of an Abandoned Ship
Matthews, Leonard Harrison: The Whale
Marestier, Jean Baptiste: Memoir on Steamboats of the United States of America
Rosemann, Ernst & Carlo Demand: The Big Race: The Story of Motor Racing
Lyman, Azel S: Historical Chart, Containing the Prominent Events of the Civil, Religious & Literary History of the World ..
De Leeuw, Hendrik: Crossroads of the Caribbean Sea
Stuart, Vincent: Changing Mind
Johnson, Jay & William C. Ketchum, Jr: American Folk Art of the Twentieth Century
Peppin, Brigid & Lucy Micklethwait: Book Illustrators of the Twentieth Century
Mach, Lee: Collected Works of Lee Mach
Redgrave, Lynn: This Is Living
Kenny, John B: Ceramic Sculpture
Cram, Ralph Adams: Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts