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Wollaston, A F R: From Ruwenzori to the Congo
Mockler-Ferryman, A F: Up the Niger
Hall, Richard & Peyman, Hugh: The Great Uhuru Railway
Dread, Zebulon: City of Nine Gates
Saadi, Suhayl & McInerney, Catherine: Freedom Spring Ten Years On
Gordon-Brown: The Year Book and Guide to Southern Africa 1958 Edition
PhotoAlto 4 see / 4see
Shots No 93 March 2006
Shots No 85 November 04
Shots No 87 March 2005
Shots No 94 May 2006
Shots No 92 January 2006
Shots No 89 July 2005
Shots No 90 September 05
Shots No 91 November 2005
Shots No 83 July 04
Shots No 88 May 2005
Powell, Ivor: Ndebele A People & Their Art
The Art Group Catalogue
Loerie Annual Awards 2002
Hayes, S V: Who's Who of Southern Africa 1987 / 88
PhotoDisc Resource Book 3 - 4
The Thinker's Gallery Catalogue 3
Hilton-Simpson, M W: Land and Peoples of the Kasai
Mhlope, Gcina et al: Have You Seen Zandile?
Welz, Dieter: Writing Against Apartheid
Puleo, Mev: The Struggle is One
Matiwana, Mizana et al: The Struggle for Democracy A Study of Community Organisations in Greater Cape Town from the 1960s to 1988
Brunner, Gunda Hardegen: Zebra Horizon
Horne, Charles: Salt Water Fishing in Southern Africa
Stiff, Peter: Cry Zimbabwe Independence - Twenty Years On
Cook, Mary Alexander: The Cape Kitchen
Mokoena, Cikizwa Nzube ka: A Pot of Poetry
Crapanzano, Vincent: Waiting The Whites of South Africa
Parrish, J M; Smith, Frederick, T & Williams, A M et al: The "King's English" Dictionary
Dawson, Lawrence H: Popular Card Games
Hood, Tom: The Rules of Rhyme A Guide to English Versification
Bunyan, John: The Pilgrim's Progress Part I & II in One Volume
Gillies, John: The History of Ancient Greece Its Colonies and Conquests
Hocking, Anthony: Yachting in Southern Africa
Collins, Sewell: The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Terrier
Russell, George: The History of Old Durban
O'Dowd, Cathy & Woodall, Ian: Everest Free to Decide
van Heerden, Etienne: Leap Year
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Suid-Afrikaanse Regskommissie Projek 77 Grondwetlike Modelle Verslag (Volume 2)
van Warmelo, Dietlof: On Commando
Warren, Howard: for better or for boerewors
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Jacobson, Gerald: Lighting the Nude
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler: Poems of Peace
Hood, Thomas: The Comic Poems of Thomas Hood A New Edition
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Calpin, G H: Sherry in South Africa
Jackson, Ward: Cancer and Obesity Cured by Common Sense
Hayes, S V: Who's Who of Southern Africa 1998
Sharp, Colin Ainsworth: Tomorrow's Wind
Metcalf, John & Vic: The Illustrated Story of the Beatles
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Myers, Robin: The British Book Trade from Caxton to the Present Day
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St Aubyn, Lorna: The Garden of the Thousand Trees
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Rosenthal, Eric: General de Wet
Gordon-Brown, A: The Year Book and Guide to Southern Africa 1958 Edition
Win Shin Bilingual Dictionary of English