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Joseph Conrad--and His Work (Advertising Brochure) Roehrs, Julius: A Few Leaves and Some Glimpses from The-Ten-Ten Spring Book from the Sign of the Tree Choate, Joseph H: The Career and Character of Abraham Lincoln: An Address Delivered by Joseph H. Choate, Ambassador to Great Britain, at the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, November 13, 1900
Illinois State Historical Library: "Illinois" Lincoln Exhibit; Illinois State Historical Library, Lincoln Room, Illinois Building, Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1926 Chicago Book and Art Auctions, Incorporated; Meine, Franklin J. (Foreword): Abraham Lincoln: Books and Pamphlets, Medals, Portraits and Autographs: The Collection Made by John Scripps Little of Rushville, Ill.; Sold by Order of John L. Scripps, of Peoria, Ill Irving, Washington: The Wild Huntsman
Sinks, Perry Wayland: The Reign of the Manuscript Berkeley, August (Gardner, S. A.): A Modern Quixote: or, My Wife's Fool of a Husband Frazar, Douglas: Practical Boat-Sailing: A Concise and Simple Treatise on the Management of Small Boats and Yachts Under All Conditions, with Explanatory Chapters on Ordinary Sea Manoeuvres, and the Use of Sails, Helm, and Anchor, and Advice as to What Is Proper to Be Done in Different Emergencies; Supplemented by a Short Vocabulary of Nautical Terms
The Prohibition Educational League of New York County: Abraham Lincoln on Prohibition Dyba, Thomas J: The Story of the Only Home Abraham Lincoln Ever Owned: Eighth and Jackson Streets, Springfield, Illinois, 1844-1861 Blanchard, W. O: The Geography of Illinois
Carlton, Mabel Mason: Abraham Lincoln: Preserver of His Country Tyler, John G.; Grinnell, Joseph (Editor); Swarth, Harry S. (Editor): Some Birds of the Fresno District, California (Pacific Coast Avifauna, Number 9) Doubleday, Page and Company: The Country Life Press
Farmer, Philip Jose: A Woman a Day (Galaxy Novel #43; Beacon Book No. 291) The Philatelic Californian, Vol. III, No. 11: Wells Fargo/Pony Express Edition Forrest, Justin H.; Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings: Lincoln and Historic Illinois
Shillaber, B. P: Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington and Others of the Family Hellenbach, Baron; Clive, Caroline (pseudonym V): Birth and Death as a Change of Form of Perception: or, The Dual Nature of Man Cooper, Courtney Ryley: The Golden Bubble
Bryant, Harold Child: Outdoor Heritage: of the Series California, Edited by John Russell McCarthy Cozzens, Frederick S. (pseudonym Richard Haywarde): The Sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and Other Learned Men Smith, Louisa Hutchings: Bermuda's "Oldest Inhabitants": Tales of Plant Life
Lowes, John Livingston: Of Reading Books: Commencement Address at Simmons College, June 9, 1924 and at Radcliffe College, June 18, 1924 Soule, John P: Original Stereocard Photograph - No. 1120. Trained Horses. Costello's Circus, Sacramento Lister, Edmund: Catalogue of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris), Consisting of a Private Collection Recently Purchases, Comprising a Large Assemblage of Ladies' Plates, Early English, Jacobeans, Chippendales, etc. Together with Many Modern Examples by C. W. Sherborn, G. W. Ever, E. D. French, etc., Never Before Catalogued. On Sale by Edmund Lister, 104 Manchester Street, Oldham, England. (No. 3.)
Lister, Edmund: Catalogue of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris), On Sale By Edmund Lister, 104, Manchester Street, Oldham, England. (No. 4.) Hayter, Earl W: Horticultural Humbuggery Among Western Farmers, 1850-1890 Browne, Charles Farrar (pseudonym Artemus Ward); Robertson, T. W. (Introduction); Hingston, E. P. (Prefatory Note): Artemus Ward's Panorama. (As Exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, London.)
Fields, James T: Underbrush Church, R. W.; Morris, Edward E. (Editor); Phillpotts, J. Surtees (Editor); Colbeck, C. (Editor): The Beginning of the Middle Ages (Epochs of Modern History) Creighton, Mandell; Morris, Edward E. (Editor); Phillpotts, J. Surtees (Editor): The Age of Elizabeth (Epochs of Modern History)
Morris, Edward E.; Phillpotts, J. Surtees (Editor); Colbeck, C. (Editor): The Age of Anne (Epochs of Modern History) Airy, Osmund; Colbeck, C. (Editor): The English Restoration and Louis XIV: From the Peace of Westphalia to the Peace of Nimwegen (Epochs of Modern History) Moberly, C. E.; Morris, Edward E. (Editor); Phillpotts, J. Surtees (Editor); Colbeck, C. (Editor): The Early Tudors, Henry VII.: Henry VIII (Epochs of Modern History)
Morris, Edward E: The Early Hanoverians, Henry VII.: Henry VIII (Epochs of Modern History) Mitchell, S. Weir: Characteristics Howells, W. D: A Little Swiss Sojourn (Harper's Black and White Series)
Fields, Annie: Whittier: Notes of His Life and of His Friendships (Harper's Black and White Series) Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Concerning All of Us The House of Stokes, 1881-1926: A Record; Together with Some Letters from Authors on the Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Publishing House of Frederick A. Stokes Company
Townsend, Virgina F: The Hollands Wiggin, Kate Douglas: Rose o' the River Kirk, Ellen Warner Olney: Better Times
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Book and Heart: Essays on Literature and Life Harland, Henry (pseudonym Sidney Luska): The Lady Paramount Warner, Charles Dudley: The Relation of Literature to Life
Ames, Mary Clemmer: A Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary, with Some of Their Later Poems U.S. Land Grant (Manuscript Document) - Washington, 1893 Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America: Constitution and Membership Book of the Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America, Revised and Adoped at Indianapolis, Indiana, September, 1934, in Effect January 1, 1935
Kieffer, Henry Martyn: It Is to Laugh: A Collection of the Best Short Stories and Amusing Anecdotes, Being a Book for a Dull Hour at Home, or a Tedious Journey Abroad Hawthorne, Julian: Section 558; or, The Fatal Letter: From the Diary of Inspector Byrnes Whitney, A. D. T: Real Folks
Smyth, Albert H.; Warner, Charles Dudley (Editor): Bayard Taylor (American Men of Letters Series) Balmes, Jaime: European Civilization: Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Grand Lodge of California: Proceedings of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the State of California, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, from Its Organization, May 17, 1853 to May 7, 1859, Inclusive. Volume I
Stockton, Frank R: John Gayther's Garden and the Stories Told Therein The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 267 (No. 6, Vol. VI). February 7, 1914 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 208 (No. 51, Vol. IV). December 21, 1912. Christmas (Xmas) Supplement
The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 207 (No. 50, Vol. IV). December 14, 1912 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 194 (No. 37, Vol. IV). September 14, 1912 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 169 (No. 12, Vol. IV). March 23, 1912
The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 166 (No. 9, Vol. IV). March 2, 1912 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 164 (No. 7, Vol. IV). February 17, 1912 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 162 (No. 5, Vol. IV). February 3, 1912
The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 158 (No. 1, Vol. IV). January 6, 1912 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 156. (No. 51, Vol. III). December 23, 1911 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 149. (No. 44, Vol. III). November 4, 1911
The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 148. (No. 43, Vol. III). October 28, 1911 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 146. (No. 41, Vol. III). October 14, 1911 The Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom: Flight. No. 141. (No. 36, Vol. III). September 9, 1911
Directory of Secret and Fraternal Societies, Pacific County, 1910; List of Officers for Ensuing Term; Time and Place of Meeting Cowan, Robert E.; Cowan, Robert G: A Bibliography of the History of California (Four Volumes) Cooke, Philip St. George; Sullivan, Joseph A. (Foreword): The Conquest of New Mexico and California: An Historical and Personal Narrative