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Norris, Frank: Frank Norris of "The Wave". Stories and Sketches from the San Francisco Weekly, 1893 to 1897. Foreward by Charles G. Norris. Introduction by Oscar Lewis Weber, Francis: Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken (1902-1983) A Personal Memoir Vredenburg, Edric: Like Grandpa
Downey-Bartlett, Laura B: Chinook-English Songs Original Portrait Photograph--Carolus Duran (Carolus Auguste Emile Durand) Eddy, Mary Baker: Editorial Comments on the Life and Work of Mary Baker Eddy
Corbin, Alice: The Sun Turns West Harmon, Appleton Milo: The Journals of Appleton Milo Harmon. A Participant in the Mormon Exodus from Illinois and the Early Settlement of Utah 1846-1877 Annual Report of the Isthmian Canal Commission for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30 1912. Maps and Diagrams. Plates No. 69-126
Original Stereocard Photograph. "No. 2483 Floral Fountain, National Military Home O." Original Stereocard Photograph. "No. 12640. The Harbor, Key West Winters, Yvor: A House
Winters, Yvor: The Giant Weapon Jack Gannon / Canon Addenda Powell, Lawrence Clark: A Forword For Ward, An Afterword After Ward
Letter Written in London on April 7, 1931 from Bruce Rogers to Will Bradley, With An Explanatory Note by Carey S. Bliss John Muir 1838-1914 The "Maid of the Mist" Trip. Is Deservedly Popular Because of the Unparalleled View of the Grandest Waterfall in the World
Crawford, Medorem: Journal of Medorem Crawford Akin, James: The Journal of James Akin, Jr Poems of Lord Byron. Selected and Arranged in Chronological Order With A Preface by H. J. C. Grierson
Fanning, Captain Edmund: Voyages & Discoveries in The South Seas. 1792-1832 Breton, Nicholas: A Mad World My Masters, And Other Prose Works Gay, Theressa: James W. Marshall. The Discovery of California Gold, A Biography
Lear, Edward: Edward Lear's Nonsense Songs & Laughable Lyrics. With Two Unfinished Poems, and a Foreword Written by Philip Hofer for the Peter Pauper Press Steele, Rufus: The City That Is. The Story of The Rebuilding of San Francisco in Three Years The Cripple Creek Short Line Trip Is The Most Wonderful Sight-Seeing Trip in America
Catherwood, Mary Hartwell: The White Islander Wells, H. G. (Herbert George Wells): A Year Of Prophesying Rivers, Geo. R. R: The Count's Snuff Box. A Romance of Washington and Buzzard's Bay during the War of 1812
Wilder, Thornton Niven: The Cabala Leichtentritt, Hugo: Frederic Chopin Kielland, Alexander: Tales of Two Countries. Translated from the Norwegian by William Archer. With an Introduction by H. H. Boyesen
Repplier, Agnes: In Our Convent Days Inspector Wade of Scotland Yard in The Mystery of the Red Aces. The Big Little Book No. 1448 Beach, Rex: Rex Beach's Jaragu of The Jungle. Adventures Among the Indians of Central America. The Big Little Book No. 1424
Caniff, Milton: Terry and the Pirates In The Mountain Stronghold. Based on the Famous Newspaper Strip. The Better Little Book. NO. 1499 Some Presses You Will Be Glad To Know About Eckert, J. E. (John Edward Eckert): Beekeeping in California. California Agricultural Extension Service. Circular 100. July, 1936
Moore & Wright. Sheffield Ltd. Catalogue No. 46A Original Stereocard Photograph. The Tabor Block, Denver, Co Original Stereocard Photograph. No. 2764 Lake View Park, Cleveland
Cooke, George Willis: A Bibliography of James Russell Lowell Lagerlof, Selma: The Emperor of Portugallia Friedmann, Herbert: Birds Collected By The Childs Frick Expedition To Ethiopia and Kenya Colony
The History of Little Bo Peep, The Shepherdess Showing How She Lost Her Sheep and Coundn't Tell Where To Find Them The Country Picture-Book Duniway, Abigail Scott: From The West to The West. Across the Plains to Oregon
Walker, Alice: The Way Forward Is With A Broken Heart Campbell, Douglas Houghton: Plant Life and Evolution Thomson, J. Arthur: Concerning Evolution
Armsby, Leonora Wood: Musician Talk Morley, Christopher: In Modern Dress Gullan, Marjorie: The Speech Choir. With American Poetry and English Ballads for Choral Reading
Morley, Christopher: On The Nose Dixon First Quality Tools and Supplies. Needed by Jewelers, Silversmiths, Die Sinkers, Engravers, Arts and Crafts and Metal Workers Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert Holland): Miss Gilbert's Career: An American Story
Hughson, Della Thomas: Peter Pert's Outings Hamilton, Gail: Wool-Gathering Winton, John G. and W. J. Millar: Engineer's Encyclopedia. Containing a History of the Discovery and Application of Steam, With Its Practice and Achievements From The Earlies Period To The Present Time
Lallier, Ernest V: An Elementary Manual Of The Steam Engine Containing Also A Chapter On The Theory, Construction and Operation of Internal Combustion Engines. For The Operating Engineer Boardman, Curtiss and Scoot, Professors: Current Discussions in Theology Owen, Charles F: The Stationary Engineers' Book. 1910-1911. Compiled For Engineers, Firemen and Others Interested In The Application of Power. Containing A Manual Of The Latest Scientific Information On Power Plant Practice, Including Many Subjects Appertaining To The Engineers Trades
Swingle, Calvin F: Complete Examination Questions and Answers For Marine and Stationary Engineers. A Complete Engine Operator's Catechism Brookes, L, Elliott: 20th Century Machine Shop Practices. Arithmetic, Practical Geometry, Mensuration, Applied Mechanics, Properties of Stream, The Indicator, Horsepower, Electricity, Measuring Devices, Machinists' Tools, Shop Tools, Machine Tools, Auxiliary Machines, Portable Tools, Miscellaneous Tools, Plain and Spiral Indexing Machines, Notes on Steel, Gas Furnaces, Shop Talks, Shop Kinks, Medical Aid, Tables Tennyson, Alfred Lord: The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson. Edited by William J. Rolfe. 12 Volume Set
Fairman, Charles E: Art and Artists of the Capitol of The United States of America. 69th Congress, 1st Session. Senate Documents Number 95 Pennant, Thomas: A Tour In Scotland and Voyage To The Hebrides; 1772. 3 Volume Set Wright, Harold Bell: The Re-Creation of Brian Kent
Hamilton, Gail (Mary Abigail Dodge): Skirmishes and Sketches Dilworth, Thomas: The Schoolmasters Assistant: Being A Compendium of Arithmetic, Both Practical and Theoretical In Five Parts Burton, Gideon: Reminiscences of Gideon Burton. Written by Himself in His Eighty-fifth Year
Morley, Christopher: A Christmas Salute Rogers, A. H: Original Photograph. "No. 238 Hall of Records & Court House, Santa Barbara Ca" Del Monte Weekly. A Guide To Things Worth Seeing and Doing in California. Vol. 1. First Saturday (7) May Nineteen Hundred Ten