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Wakeman, W.H: Engineering Practice and Theory For Steam Engineers. Written For The Benefit of Those Men in Charge of Steam Plants Who Wish To Improve Their Knowledge of Steam Engineering in Order to Enable Them to Pass Examinations Where A License is Required, and To Do More Satisfactory Work Whenever A Steam Engine is Found
Zwicker, Philip Henry: Zwicker's Revised Practical Instructor for Machinists, Firemen, Electricians and Steam Engineers in Questions and Answers
Wood, W.W: The Walschaert Locomotive Valve Gear. A Practical Treatise On the Locomotive Valve. Actuating Mechanism Originally Invented by Egide Walschaerts. With the History of its Development by American and European Engine Designers, and its Evolution into the Mechanically Correct Locomotive Valve Gear of the Present Day
Rose, Joseph M.E: The Slide-Valve, Practically Explained. Embracing Simple and Complete Practical Demonstrations of the Operation of Each Element in a Slide-Valve Movement, and Illustrating the Effects of Variations in Their Proportions, by Examples Carefully Selected From the Most Recent and Successful Practice
Miller, Edward F. & Hall, Albert F. & Crosy Steam Gage and Valve Co: Practical Instructions Relating to the Construction and Use of the Steam Engine Indicator in Three Parts. Part First. General Design and Construction of Steam Engine Indicators. Special Design, Construction and Use of the Crosby Indicator With Directions for its Attachment and the Construction of Suitable Mechanism for Operating the Drum, Together with Full Instructions for Taking Diagrams, Computing Horse-Power, etc. Part Second. Some Additional Uses of the Indicator. Part Third. Properties of Steam and Perfect Gases. Correct Methods for Making Engine Tests With Full Numerical Calculations
Bankson, Llyoy B.S: Slide-Valve Diagrams. A French Method for Constructing Slide-Valve Diagrams
Wakeman, W.H: Manual of Steam Engineering Comprising Instructions, Suggestions and Illustrations for Progressive Steam Engineers, Concerning the Application to Modern Daily Practice of the Approved Theory of Steam Engineering
Templeton, William: The Practical Examinator on Steam and the Steam Engine: With Instructive References Relative Thereto. Arranged for the Use of Engineers, Students and Others
Audels Answers on Practical Engineering For Engineers, Firemen, Machinists, and Those Desiring to Acquire a Working Knowledge of the Theory and Practice of Steam Engineering
The Standard Library Cyclopedia of Political, Constitutional, Statistical and Forensic Knowledge. Forming A Work of Universal Reference on Subjects of Civil Administration, Political Economy, Finance, Commerce, Laws and Social Relations
Two Hundred Power Plant Pointers
Skiff, Frederick Woodward: Landmarks and Literature. An American Travelogue
Skinner Automatic Engines. Center and Side Crank, Steam-Tight-Valve Counterflow
Peterson, Arthur Everett: New York as an Eighteenth Centrury Municipality. Prior to 1731. Submitted in Partial Fulfulment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University
Clymer, Floyd: Floyd Clymer's Album of Historical Steam Traction Engines
Richardson, James W: Bibles of the Estelle Doheny Collection; The Edward L. Doheny Memorial Library, St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California, 1952
Modern Steam Generators. Steam Boilers Feed-Water Heaters
Pacific Mill and Mine Supply Co. Inc. Manufacturers and Distributors of Belting, Hose, Packings, Mechanical Rubber Goods, Engineers, Machine Shop, Contractors, Cotton Gin, Factory and Mill Supplies
Dyke, A.L. E.E: Dyke's Automobile and Gasoline Engine Encyclopedia. Containing 366 charts with a Dictionary and Index. Treating on the Construction, Operation and Repairing of Automobiles and Gasoline Engines
The Niles Tool Works Co. General Machinery Catalogue
Winters, Yvor and Janet Lewis: Yvor Winters & Janet Lewis. A Centenary Tribute to the Poets Stanford University / November 2000
Grimshaw, Robert. M.E: Modern Workshop Hints. Describing Unusual and Rapid Ways of Doing Work From the Latest and Best American and Other machine Shop Practices. 581 Items and 528 Illustrations
McCaslin, H.J: American Pattern Shop Practices. Frontier Series No. 1
Woolley, Joseph W. B.S. and Roy B. Meredith, B.S: Shop Sketching. Prepared in the Extension division of The University of Wisconsin
Marshall, William C. M.E., C.E: Elementary Machine Drawing and Design
Colvin, F.H. and F.A. Stanley: The Hill Kink Books, Drill Press Kinks
Smith, Albert W: Materials of Machines
The Amateur's Workshop
Colvin, F.H. and F.A. Stanley: The Hill Kink Books, Screw thread Kinks
Godey's Lady's Book. 1851-1852
Hasluck, Paul N: The Model Engineer's Handybook. A Practical Manual on Model Steam Engines. Embracing Information on the Tools, Materials and Processes Employed in Their Construction
Meyer, J.C. A: The Elementary Principles of Machine Design. Embracing the Proportions of Connecting Rods, Piston Rods and Pistons For Steam Engines. Cotter Joints, Screw Wrenches etc
Shores, Rev. J: Model Steam Engines: The Story of a Clergyman's Hobby
Rogers, Warren O. and Geo. A Seaton ( edited and arranged ): Kinks and Recipes for Engineers. No 1
Machinery's Shop Receipts. Six Hundred Useful Receipts, Compositions and Formulas Selected from Machinery's Columns and Republished in a Classified, Pocket-size Edition, in Response to Repeated Requests from Friends Throughout the Mechanical Field
Longanecker, E.W. (Ezra W.): The Practical Gas Engineer. A Manual of Practical Gas and Gasoline Engine Knowledge. Covering Errors To Be Avoided In The Construction of and How to Erect, Operate and Care for Gas and Gasoline Engines
Seaton, A.E. and H.M. Rounthwaite: Seaton & Rounthwaite's Pocket Book of Marine Engineering Rules & Tables
Taylor, Bayard: New Pictures from California
Weber, Francis J. Msgr: The Goodyear Blimp
Ladies in My Library. Books and Letters From the Collection of Norman H. Strouse
Turbody, William Alexander and Charles L. Camp: William Alexander Trubody and the Overland Pioneers of 1847. Volume XVI Number 2
Doran, John Dr. (1807-1878): Memories of Our Great Towns with Anecdotic Gleanings Concerning Their Worthies and Their Oddities (1860-1877)
Hicks, Jimmie. Forward by Lawrence Clark Powell: W.W. Robinson. A Biography and A Bibliography
Fibel, Pearl Randolph: The Peraltas. Spanish Pioneers and the First Family of the East Bay
Olmsted, Duncan and David Magee: A Keepsake on Keepsakes. A Checklist of Joint Meeting Keepsakes of the Roxburghe Club of San Francisco and Zamorano Club of Los Angeles for the Years 1953-1966. Compiled as a Keepsake for the Occasion of the 1968 Joint Meeting in San Francisco by Duncan Olmsted and David Magee
In Appreciation. A Keepsake for Craftmen
Low, David Allan: An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design
The Morse Cutting Tools. Catalog No. 87. America's Foremost Line of Drills, Reamers, Cutters, End Mills, Taper Pins, Counterbores, Taps, Dies, Saws, Arbors, Sleeves, Countersinks
Low, David Allan and Alfred William Bevis: A Manual of Machine Drawing and Design
Mechanical Principles. Mechanical Principles, Parts 1-2
Alden, Robert O: Bench Work. Part 1-2
Benedict Jr, Otis: Manual of Machine Shop Practice
Pemberton. T.P: The Students' Illustrated Guide to Practical Draughting. A Series of Practical Instructions for Machinists, Mechanics, Apprentices, and Students at Engineering Establishments and Technical Institutes
Sellander, H.W: New Lighting Calculator for Marine Engineers. Latest Rules and Formulas for Boilers and Mechanical Problems, Also Useful Information Concerning Breakdowns and Repairs, Diesel Engines, Steam Turbines, Electricity and Ice Machines
Dr. Johnson on Reading, Conversing, and Writing: Being a Keepsake Issued on the Occasion of the Visit of the Roxburghe and Zamorano Clubs to the Cecil H. Green Library, Stanford University, October 28, 1984
Hill, Clarke & Co. Catalogue of "Machine Tools". Dealers in Iron Working Machine Tools and Machine-Shop Supplies
Pratt & Whitney. Small Tools. Catalog No. 16
Superior Drop-Forgings and Drop-Forged Tools
Jenkins Valves and Mechanical Rubber Goods. Catalog No. 23
Wayte-Berry Company. Dealers in Machinery, Mill Supplies, Power Transmission Machinery, Steam Specialties
Hill, Clarke & Co. Catalogue of "Machine Tools." Dealers in Iron Working, Machine Tools, Machine Shop Supplies and Pattern Makers' Machinery
Penrose, Charles: The D'Este Steam Engineers' Manual with Electrical Appendix
Star Pointer Pump Manufacturing Company. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Pumps and Accessories. Catalog A
Union Twist Drill Company. Manufacturers of Milling Cutters, Gear Cutters, Twist Drills Hobs, Reamers Machine, Tools, Catalog R
Jones Hardware Co. Ltd. Catalog B
The General Tool Co. 25th Anniversary Edition. Catalog No. 51
A Chronicle of the Automotive Industry in America. Revised Edition 1893-1946. A Salute to the Automotive Industry Golden Jubilee
Godbold, John H: The Western Engineer, Containing Tables, Rules, and Practical Information for th Use of the Owner, Engineer and All Interested in the Use of Steam Engines and Boilers
Grimshaw, Robert: The Engine Runner's Catechism: Telling How To Erect, Adjust and Run the Principal Steam Engines in Use in The United States. Describing the Principal Featers of Various, Special and Well-known Makes of Engines: Temper Cut-off, Shipping and Receiving Foundations, Erecting and Starting, Valve Setting, Care and Use, Emergencies, Erecting and Adjusting Special Engines. Being a Sequal to the Author's Steam Engine Catechism
Grimshaw, Robert: The Steam Engine Catechism: A Series of Direct Practical Answers to Direct Practical Questions, Not Only Intended for Young Engineers, and For Examination Questions, But A Handy Volume For Every One Interested In Steam Engineering, Including Illustrations of the Various Valves and Valve Gears With Their Principals of Operation, As Well As A Large Number of Tables Which Are Indispensable to Every Engineer That Wishes to be Progressive and is Ambitious to Become Master of His Calling
Rexroth, Kenneth compiled by James Hartzell and Richard Zumwinkle, with a Foreword by Lawrence Clark Powell: Kenneth Rexroth, A Checklist of His Published Writings. A Roxburghe-Zamorano Keepsake 1968 from the UCLA Library
Shaw, George Bernard: The Quintessence of Ibsenism. Now completed to the Death of Ibsen
Jamieson, Andrew: A Text-Book on Steam and Steam Engines. Specially Arranged for the Use of Science and Art, City and Guilds of London Institute, and Other Engineering Students
Levin, David: Sonnets In Several Tones
Espey, John: The Empty Box Haiku