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Beecher, Lyman: Lectures on Scepticism, Delivered in Park Street Church, Boston, and in the Second Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati
Crawshaw, W.H: Literary Interpretation of Life
Cable, George W: Bylow Hill
Cable, George W: Bonaventure: A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana
Carroll, Lewis: Sylvie and Bruno; and, Slyvie and Bruno Concluded
Williams, George H: Occasional Addresses
Carpenter, Wesley M. [editor]: Proceedings at the Dinner Given By the Medical Profession of The City of New York April 12, 1883 to Oliver Wendell Holmes
Wharton, O.P: Lincoln and the Beginnings of The Republication Party in Illinois
Blair, F.G: Semi-Centennial of the Lincoln-Douglas Debates in Illinois 1858-1908. Circular of Suggestions for School Celebrations
Buck, Pearl S: The Delights of Learning. Address Delivered on the Occasion of the University of Pittsburgh Honors Convocation April 6, 1960
Wallace, John William: An Address Delivered at the Celebration By the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the Two Hundredth Birth Day of Mr. William Bardford, Who Introduced the Art of Printing Into the Middle Colonies of British America
Laurie, Alex: The Flower Shop
Beecher, Lyman: Views in Theology. Published By Request of the Synod of Cincinnati. Second Edition
Hall, Charles H: The Dutch and the Iroquois : Suggestions as to the Importance of their Friendship in the Great Struggle of the Eighteenth Century for the Possession of this Continent
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: Baby Bell
Clark, A.H: A Complete Roster of Colonel David Waterbury Jr.'s Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers . The First Regiment of Infantry Responding to a Call for Volunteers Fro the Defence of New York City Against the British in the American Revolution. Now for the (cont)
Powell, Alice Faith: Kathleen Norris: The Story of the Career of a Woman Novelist of Rare Charm and Power
Heyliger, William: Behind the Scenes in a $5,000 Prize Novel Contest' or Why 599 Manuscripts Were Rejected
Lossing, Benson J: Eminent Americans Comprising Brief Biographies of Leading Statesmen, Patriots, Orators and Others, Men and Women, Who Have Made American History. Illustrated with Over One Hundred Fine Portraits By Lossing and Barritt
Winterich, John T: Three Lantern Slides. Books, the Book Trade, and Some Related Phenomena in America: 1876, 1901 and 1926
Wakeman, Stephen H: The Stepehn H. Wakeman Collection of Books of Nineteenth Century American Writers. The Property of Mrs Alice L. Wakeman. First Editions, Inscribed Presentation and Personal Copies, Original Manuscripts and Letters of Nine American Authors: Bryant, (cont)
Carr, Edwin Hamlin: Putnam's Handbook of Expression for the Enrichment of Conversation, Writing, and Public Speaking
Holley, Marietta: Josiah Allen's Wife as a P.A. And P.I. Samatha at the Centennial. Designed as a Bright and Shining Light, to Pierce the Fogs of Error and Injustice That Surround Society and Josiah, and to Bring More Clearly to View the Path That Leads Straight on to Virt
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: Border Lines of Knowledge in Some Provinces of Medical Science. An Introductory Lecture, Delivered Before the Medical Class of Harvard Univerity, November 6th, 1861
Blanch, Josephine Mildred: The Story of a Friendship : Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Simoneau : A California Reminiscence of Stevenson
Frederic, Harold: Mrs. Albert Grundy Observtions in Philistia
Small, Herbert: Handbook of the New Library of Congress, with Essays on the Architecture, Sculpture and Painting By Charles Caffin, and on the Function of a National Library, By Ainsworth R. Spofford
Morgan, Charles: The House of MacMillan (1843-1943)
Lanier, Henry Wysham: A.B. Frost, The American Sportsman's Artist
Imbelloni, J: La Esfinge Indiana: Antiguos y Nuevos Aspectos Del Problema De Los Origenes Americanos
Holley, Marietta: Samantha Among the Brethren, By "Josiah Allen's Wife"
Lowell, James Russell: Democracy and Other Addresses
Taylor, Henry: Notes from Life in Seven Essays : Money; Humility & Independence; Wisdom; Choice in Marriage; Children; The Life Poetic; The Ways of the Rich and Great
Pinkney, Edward Coote: The Life and Works of Edward Coote Pinkney : A Memoir and Complete Text of His Poems and Literary Prose, Including Much Never Before Published
Anonymous: Journal of a Young Lady of Virginia, 1782
Wise, Daniel: John Milton
Anonymous: Boston, Massachusetts : A Great, Modern Manufacturing and Commercial Community Built on Historic Ground Around America's National Shrines
Gerard, James W: The Old Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam : A Paper Read Before the New York Historical Society, June 15th, 1875
Anonymous: The Plate of Brass Reexamined : A Supplement : 1979
Hart, James D: The Plate of Brass Reexamined : A Report Issued By the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley 1977
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett: The Complete Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Hodge, Fredereick W: Thirty-First Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909-1910
White, Stewart E: Conjuror's House : A Romance of the Free Forest
Thomas, Isaish: The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers & an Account of Newspapers
Duychinck, Evert A: National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans : Including Orators, Statesmen, Naval and Military Heroes, Jurists, Authors, Etc., Etc., From Original Full Length Paintings By Alonzo Chappel. With Biographical and Historical Narratives
Drury, Aubrey: The Library of Aubrey Drury, 1891-1959
Douglas, Lester: The Battle of the Fifty Books. Address By . At the Opening of the Fifty Books of the Year, Febr 9th 1932
Powell, Lawrence Clark: A Tribute to Bradford Booth
Merriam, John C: New Protohippine Horses from Tertiary Beds on the Western Border of the Mohave Desert
Various: Hamlin Garland : A Son of the Middle Border
Anonymous: Snappy Jokes: A New Collection of Rich and Rare Jokes, Compiled By a Jolly Bartender for Stag Parties, Smokers, Etc
Everson, William: On Hand Printing : 2 Letters
Strouse, Norman H: "English and Amercian Bookbinding : Modern Bibliopegy at Its Best". To Introduce Modern Fine Bookbinding in England and America, an Exhibition of 84 Bindings
Spender, Stephen: The Year of the Young Rebels, Revisited
Anonymous: Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland, on Its Two Hundredth Anniversary
Hedley, John: Tramps in Dark Mongolia. With Illustrations and a Map
Awes, Addison, Jr., Pseud. Of William M. Cubery: Why a Rich Yankee Did Not Settle in California
Anonymous: The Scenery of Ithaca and the Head Waters of the Cayaga Lake, as Protrayed By Different Writers, and Edited By the Publisher
Hanazono, Kanesada: The Development of Japanese Journalism. Illustrated
Cressy, Will M: Continuous Vaudeville
Natsume, Soseki: Unhuman Tour (Kusamakura). Translated By Kazutomo Takahaski
Towne, Charles Hanson: The Shop of Dreams: A Tale of Love, Youth and Books
Finger, Charles J: After the Great Companions. A Free Fantasia on a Lifetime of Reading
Wilder, Marshall P: The People I've Smiled With: Recollections of a Merry Little Life
Harris, Gideon: Audel's Answers on Automobiles for Owners - Operators - Repairmen. Relating to the Parts, Operation, Care, Management, Road Driving, Carburetors, Wiring, Timing, Ignition, Motor Troubles, Lubrication, Tires, Etc., Including Chapters on the Storage Battery, Electric Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Overhauling the Car, Etc
Fuller, Charles H: Chas. H. Fuller's Advertisers' Directory of Leading Newspapers and Magazines. 1905-06
Fosalba, Rafael J: El Problema De La Poblacion En Cuba. Conferencia Leida En Sesion Publica De La Academia De Diencias De La Habana, El 16 De Abril De 1909
White, Eric W. [editor]: 15 Poems for William Shakespeare. With an Introduction By Partrick Galand, John Lehmann & William Plomer
Greene, Charles S. [bound with] Edward A. Ross: Magazine Publishing in California. [and] the Relation of Libraries to Righteousness
Anonymous: Le Libre Contemporain: M'Achete Pour Me Lire C'est Ainsi Qu'on S'instruit. No. 1, Vol. 1 (Summer 1918)
Anonymous: A Budget of News for Lovers of Books
Anonymous: Dew-Drops. My Speech Shall Distil as the Dew. - Deut. 32:2
Delong, Dwight M: A Revision of the American Species of Empoasca Known to Occur North of Mexico
Evans, Margaret B: Some Problems in Modern Book Illustration
Repplier, Agnes: Varia