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Castagna, Edwin: Three Who Meet the Challenge : Joseph L. Wheeler, Lawrence Clark Powell, Frances Clarke Sayers
Philbrook, Horace W: Appeal to the People
Sharp, Leedom: The Establishment of Immunity Against the Germs of Arthritis and Rheumatism
Anonymous: Mapleine Dainties : How to Make Them
Bradley, Alice: Good Things to Eat Made with Arm & Hammer, Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)
Anonymous: The New Importance of Yeast in Diet
Anonymous: Excellent Recipes for Baking Raised Breads
Anonymous: Paramount Mayonnaise Recipes
Boulware, Jean T: Two New Subspecies of Kangaroo Rats (Genus Dipodomys) from Southern California
Allen, J.A: Nomenclaturial Notes on American Mammals
Davis, William B: Distribution and Variation of Pocket Gophers (Genus Geomys) in the Southwestern United States
Hall, E. Raymond: Revision of the Rodent Genus Microdipodops
Reynold, Charles B: Washington the Beautiful. Illustrating in Colors the Magnificent Public Buildings, Stately Edifices, Monuments, Pleasure Grounds and Historic Shrines Which Make Washington the Pride of the Nation, with Descriptive Text
Prime, W.C: Among the Northern Hills
Anonymous: Fleischmann's Booklet : Devoted to the Interests of Good Baking and Containing Some Valuable Hints Pertaining Thereto
Welch, John Edgar: Normal Human Blood Serum as a Curative Agent in Hemophilia Neonatorum. A Preliminary Report, with Suggestions for Its Use in Other Conditions
Anonymous: Souvenir of Fryeburg and Vicinity and the Chautauqua Grounds, Fryeburg, Maine. The First White Mountain Settlement
Anonymous: Davis Cook Book
Anonymous: A Biographical Sketch of Andrew Smith Hallidie
Anonymous: Visit the Orleans Treasure Chest. The Home of the James D. Stewart Historical Collection Old Town-Auburn, Calif. Crossroads of the Gold Country
Anonymous: Tablets - Anasarcin - Elixir
Anonymous: The Continental Savings, Loan and Building Company
Anonymous: Scott and Denney's Text-Books on English Composition
Slaught, H.E: Extract from an Address on the Training of the Teacher of Mathematics
Anonymous: Franco-Belgique Tours Company Super Service Tours 1924. An American Organization Specializing in European Travel. Independent Travel Arrangements, European Atuomobile Service De Luxe Steamship Tickets
Ely, J.T.A., And C.M.J. Hord: How to Get a Good Position
Anonymous: Tenth Annual Catalogue of the Rogers Mfg. Co. Rockfall, Conn
Gray, Thomas: The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray. Edited, with a Life By Rev. John Mitford
Thurston, Ernest L: The Young Boss of Camp Eighteen
Garis, Howard R: The Curlytops and Their Playmates, or Jolly Times through the Holidays
Garis, Howard R: The Curlytops at Cherry Farm, or Vacation Days in the Country
O'Hara, John: Hellbox
Surtees, Robert Smith: Jorrocks on 'unting and 'osses
Anonymous: First-aid Suggestions. a Booklet Prepared By the Prudential for Distribution to Its Members and the Public. This is One of a Series Dealing with the Subject of Health and Safety. The Health of Each of Us Depends on the Health of All of Us
Chapman, Charles E: The Alta California Supply Ships, 1773-76
Adams, Emma H: To and Fro in Southern California, with Sketches in Arizona and New Mexico
Price, Anthony: Sion Crossing
Anonymous: '30th Annual Strawberry Day' Introduction . Twenty-Nine Years Have Come and Gone Since the Inception For the First Strawberry Day in 1898.
Anonymous: Use & Care of Drawing Instruments with Instructive Exercises
Anonymous: Wright's Pictorial Family Almanac 1872
Various: Half Hours with the Best Authors
Anonymous: Royal Baker and Pastry Cook : A Manual of Practical Receipts for Home Baking and Cooking
Sherman, Harold M: Under the Basket and Other Basket Ball Stories
Anonymous: Handbook. Training Camp at Camp Lewis. Washington. June 12-August 31, 1925. R.O.T.C., C.M.T.C. Organized Reserve, National Guard
Hope, Laura Lee: The Outdoor Girls on a Hike; or the Mystery of the Deserted Airplane
Moore, Harry: The Liberty Boys of "76": No. 1069
Various: Wild West Weekly. "Young Wild West Gunning for Gold, or Outwitting the Mine Plotters, and Other Stories."
Mott, Gertrude: A Handbook for Californiacs: a Key to Meaning and Pronunciation of Spanish and Indian Place Names. With a Foreword By Herbert E. Bolton
Wilmot-Buxton, Ethel M: The World's Romances: Faust and Marguerite
Edholm Lizette M: The Merriweather Girls in Quest of Treasure
Garis, Howard R: The Curlytops Touring Around; or, The Missing Photograph Albums
Riley, Robert L: A New Believe it or Not! By Ripley
Anonymous: Catalogue No. 259 [March 1952]. A Complete Collection of the Books Printed By William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1891-1898. Books from the Library of Porter Garnett; Some Wood-cuts from the Ashendene Press of St. John Hornby; Books on Bibliography, Calligraphy
Fitch, Guillermo and Pina, Blas: Narrative of Guillermo Fitch and Blas Pina. Taken on Board of Steamer M.S. Latham on Her Voyage from San Francisco to Donahue. April 16th, 1874. Translated By Members of Los Hispanistas, Spanish Club of the C. K. McClatchy Senior High School, from the Original Spanish of California Ms. E67, No. 3, in Bancroft Library, Berkeley, California
Anonymous: Park Grants of John A. Sutter, Junior. By Students of C. K. McClatchy Senior High School
Anonymous: Early Day Romances : Sutter's Fort 1847-1848. The Nugget Editions Club of C. K. McClatchy Senior High School
Anonymous: Estate Cook Book : Some Extra Good Recipes for Baking and Roasting By "Time and Temperature"
Fox, Norman A: Stranger from Arizona
Hope, Laura Lee: The Bobbsey Twins on an Airplane Trip
Anonymous: Adam Hepplewhite and Sheraton
Colnett, James: Bodega to Clayoquot in 1790 in a Long Boat
Captain Robert Gray, 1792-1911. Monument to Discoverer
Porter, Edward G: The Discovery of the Columbia River
Wagner, Henry R: Henri Ternaux Compans : The First Collector of Hispanic-Americana
Wagner, Henry Raup: Notes and Suggestions - a Discussion of Ramon Iglesia's Cronistas e Historiadores de la Conquista de Mexico: el Ciclo de Hernan Cortes
Anonymous: Henry Raup Wagner, 1862-1957
McCoy, J.E: Dispersion Sale of Short Horn Cattle. To be Held at the Farm 1 1/2 Miles South of German Valley, Illinois. Friday, June 4th, 1915. At 1:00 am Sharp. Free Lunch at Noon
Kaigh-eustace, Edyth: Jungle Babies. Foreword By Kermit Roosevelt
Williams, L.P: First Annual Financial Statement: Sacramento County California. For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30th, 1904 Including the Itemized Receipts and Disbursements of All School Districts in the County
Anonymous: Program of Elena Gerhardt
Anonymous: Program for Augusta Cottlow - A Piano Rectal
Anonymous: Program - Song Recital Zelie De Lussan
Anonymous: Program for Fannie Bloomfield-Zeisler
Anonymous: Program for Sophie Braslau
Anonymous: Program - Emilio De Gogorza