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SILVESTRE, Israel: York from St. Maries Tower Ao: 1678 SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Somersettensis Comitatus Vulgo Somersett Shyre BLOME, Richard: A Mapp of Barkshire with its Hundreds
BLAEU, Joan: Bercheria Vernacule Barkshire LEA, Philip: Devon=Shire Described by C. Saxton Corrected, Amended, and many Additions by P: Lea LAURIE, Robert - WHITTLE, James: The Kingdoms of Portugal and Algarve from Zannoni's Map by J. Lodge Geographer
WALKER, John & Charles: The Islands of New Zealand BUCK, Samuel & Nathaniel: The North East Prospect of the City of Salisbury HOMANN HEIRS: Neuester und Exacter Plan und Prospect von der Stadt Vestung, Bay und Fortification von Gibraltar
DE BRUYN, Cornelis: Rhodus BOWEN, Emanuel & KITCHIN, Thomas: An Accurate Map of Hartfordshire TALLIS, John: Central America
KITCHIN, Thomas: South America GOULD, John: The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands .. BICKHAM, George: The British Monarchy: Or, a New Chorographical Description of all the Dominions Subject to the King of Great Britain …
BOLTON, James: Harmonia Ruralis; or, an Essay towards a Natural History of British Song Birds BOWEN, Emanuel: A New and Accurate Map of the Empire of the Great Mogul, together with India on both sides of the Ganges LONDON MAGAZINE: A New and Accurate Map of East and West Florida, Drawn from the Best Authorities
LONDON MAGAZINE: Louisiana, as Formerly Claimed by France, Now Containing Part of British America to the East & Spanish America to the West of the Mississipi. From the Best Authorities by T. Kitchin Geogr LONDON MAGAZINE: A New Map of the North East Coast of Asia, and North West Coast of America, with the Late Russian Discoveries SANSON, Nicolas: Partie de la Coste de Barbarie en Africque ou Sont les Royaumes de Tunis, et Tripoli ..
FRICX, Eugene Henri: Partie de L'Angleterre DANCKERTS, Theodorum: Novissima Regnorum Portugalliae et Algarbiae Descriptio .. MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae III Tab
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Eur: VIII Tab: MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae IX Tab: MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Asiae I Tab
MERCATOR, Gerard - PTOLEMY, Claudius: Europ. III. Tab CLOPPENBERG, Johannes: Arragonia & Catalonia BERTIUS, Petrus: Catalonia et Aragonia
LANGENES, Barent: Hispania SANTINI, Paolo: Partie Occidentale de L Empire de Russie en Asie Contenant les Provinces de .. PURCHAS, Rev. Samuel: Greneland [Spitsbergen]
BOWEN, Emanuel: A New & Accurate Map of Moscovy, or Russia in Europe, with its Acquisitions .. WAGHENAER, Lucas Jansz: De Zee Custen Tusschen Douere en Orfordts Nesse, Daer de Teemse de Vermaer de Rivire va Lonon .. ORTELIUS, Abraham: Austriae Ducatus Chorographia, Wolfgango Lazio Auctore
BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Oenipons, sive Enipontus vulgo Insspruck, Tirolensis Comitatus Urbs Amplissima MDLXXV BRAUN, George - HOGENBERG, Frans: Constantia, vulgo Costnitz Memorabile Sueuie Opp MERIAN, Matthaus: Die Eydtgnoschafft Punten und Wallis Helvetia cum Confinijs. Hans Conr'd Geiger von Zurich. Fecit Anno 1637
MERIAN, Matthaus: Mantua Ducatus D'ANVILLE, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon: Troisieme Partie de la Carte d'Asie, Contenant la Siberie, et quelques autres Parties de la Tartarie ... par le Sr. d'Anville ... MDCCLIII avec Privilege HONDIUS, Henricus: Scotia Regnum
HONDIUS, Henricus: Scotiae Regnum MERCATOR, Geradus: Siciliae Regnum ORTELIUS, Abraham: Portugalliae que olim Lusitania, Novissima & Exactissima Descriptio
LONDON MAGAZINE: A Plan of the Straits of St. Mary, and Michilimakinac, to Shew the Situation & Importance of the Two Westernmost Settlements of Canada for the Fur Trade CAMDEN, William: Britannia: Or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain SMITH, Charles: A Two Sheet Map of the Principality of Wales
NORDENSKJOLD, Nils Adolf Erik: Facsimile-Atlas to the Early History of Cartography .. CARY, John: Hertfordshire CASSINI DE THURY, Cesar-Francois: (Channel Islands)
SAXTON, Christopher - HOLE, William: Frugiferi ac Amaeni Herefordiae Comitatus .. BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Carte Des Isles Philippines KAEMPFER, Englebert: De Stad Nagasaki
KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Kaart van de Reys te Land van Fammamatz tot aan Farra door Engelbert Kaempfer KAEMPFER, Englebert: Platte Grondt van dr Stad MIACO. JAPAN
KAEMPFER, Englebert: Beschryving van de Stad Jedo KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Kokura tot Khurissima KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart van Japan strekkende van Nagasaki tot Kokura
KAEMPFER, Englebert: Particuliere Reis Kaart te Land strekkende van Jokaitz tot aan het Dorp Fammamatz QUAD, Matthias: Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locupletissima Descriptio MERCATOR, Gerard: Das Wiflispurgergou
SAXTON, Christopher - KIP, William: Lecestriae Comitatus. Sive Leicestershyre: Pars olim Coritanorum BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of Portugal Laid down According to the Sr. Nolin BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of Switzerland Comprehending the Thirteen Cantons with their Allies and Subjected Territories by Abr. Rouvier
BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New One-Sheet Map of the German Empire, Divided into its Circles DIX, Thomas: A New Map of the County of Buckinghamshire Divided into Wards BOWLES, Henry Carington & CARVER, Samuel: Bowles's New Pocket Map of the Discoveries Made by the Russians on the North West Coast of America. Published by the Royal Academy of Sciences at Petersburg
BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas: Costes de France depuis Brest jusqu'a Dunkerque et celles d'Angleterre qui leur sont opposees DE FER, Nicolas: Carte Nouvelle de l'Isle de Cadix & du Detroit de Gibraltar MUNSTER, Sebastian: Tabula Asiae V
DE FER, Nicolas: Partie Orientale du Gouvernement General de Languedoc ou se trouve dans Les Sevenes et dans le Bas Languedoc COVENS, Jean - MORTIER, Corneille: Le Gouvernement General de Guienne et Gascogne JAILLOT, Alexis Hubert: Le Cercle de Baviere