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Bibliotheque Nationale: Picasso L'oeuvre Grave
Waldemar Georges: Andre Derain Sculptures Inedites Presentees Par Mm. Mouradian et Vallotton
Georges Rouault Au Musee D'art Moderne
Russoli, Franco (director of the Brera Gallery in Milan): Modigliani Drawings and Sketches
Nicholas, R: The Manchester and District Regional Planning Committee Report on the Tentative Regional Planning Proposals
New York Housing Authority: 10th Annual Report 1944
Miller, Helen Markley, Illustrated by Robert Frankenberg: The Lucky Laceys
Post, Lawrence W: The Challenge of Housing
VIIPURIN: VIIPURIN: Realikoulu (1874-1888)
Creighton: Selected Schools from PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE
Roth, Joseph: Rebellion
Hirschman, Jack: A Correspondence of Americans
Henry Gun Spares Co: CATALOGUE: Henry Gun Spares Co. - Specialists in Original and Reproduction Antique Gun Parts
Norman, A.V.B., Illustrated by Pottinger, Don: The Medieval Soldier
Joslin, E.C: The Standard Catlogue of BRITISH ORDERS DECORATIONS & MEDALS (with Valuations)
Baron De La Belle-Croix: Enthuellungen Und Erinnerungen Eines Franzoesischen Generalstabsoffiziers Aus Den Unglueckstagen Von Metz Und Sedan
Krichler, Franz: Der Jagdhund, Seine Zuechtung, Erziehung, Wartung, Dressur Und Fuehrung
Commonwealth of PENNSYLVANIA: Certificate of Appointment as State BANK ASSESSOR (1878)
Sears, Roebuck: 1902 Edition of the Sears, Roebuck Catalogue
Justice Society of America: Famous First Edition Winter Issue All Star Comics Nr. 3
Major League Baseball: All Star Game 1994 (Gameday Edition Program)
Manson, Richard: The Theory of Knowledge of Giambattista Vico
La Perchia, Alexander: In Search of Self: An Introduction to a Mordant Young Man
Hill, Claude and Ralph Ley: The Drama of German Expressionism : a German-english Bibliography
Luiz Aranha Correa Do Lago: Oswaldo Aranha O Rio Grande e a Revolucao De 1930; Un Politico Gaucho Na Republica Velha
Alfred Haberpointner: Skulpturen 12.April Bis 8.Juni 1997
Heine, Heinrich: Antologia Lirica
Kipling, Rudyard, Illustrated by Don Daily: The Jungle Book
Caruso: Caricatures By Enrico Caruso: Complete Collection Issued with the Approval of the Artist
Fordyce, George M.D: The History and Treatment of Fevers in Five Dissertations
Motwani, Kewal: Sri Aurobindo on Social Sciences and Humanities
Henry Moore: Scultue Disegni Incisioni Arazzi
Pasca, Vanni (Text By -), Illustrated by Design By Italo Lupi: PRINTED IN ITALY:
Goodstein, DAvid: Feynman's Lost Lecture: The Motion of Planets Around the Sun with Audio CD
Veronesi, Giulia: L'astrattismo: La Ricerca Delle Forme Dell'assoluto
Revillon Freres: Igloo Life: a Brief Account of a Primitive Arctic Tribe Living Near One of the Most Northern Trading Posts of Reveillon Freres
Harrap, Neil, Illustrated by Neil Harrap: Rambling Round New York City
Carelman: A CATALOGUE OF UNFINDABLE OBJECTS (Objets Introuvables)
Howard, Geoffry S: Computer Anxiety and the Use of Microcomputers in Management
Arregui, Josefina Romo: Elegias Desde La Orilla Del Triunfo
Boehm, Edward Marshall: The 1974 Boehm Collection of Limited Porcelains of the American and English Studios
Jean Lipman, Editor: Art in America: Vol 51, NO. Five, October 1963
Father Bernard Lynch: A Priest on Trial
Luis Carlos Grajales Ruiz: Ebriedad De Cerezos
Shakespeare, William, Illustrated by Isadore Seltzer: Othello
Ramsier, Paul: My Hamster Crawls and Other Piano Pieces Composed and Illustrated By Children
Landmark B. (edited by): Meteorological and Astronomical Influences on Radio Wave Propagation: Proceedings of Papers Read at the Nato Advanced Study Institute in Corfu
Aluminum Company of America: Aluminum in Aircraft
Fenn, Goerge Manville: THE YOUNG CASTELLAN
Fischer, Voelter, Eggers: Der Neuzeitliche Polsterer Und Dekoratuer: Ein Praktischer Lehrgang Fuer Das Polstern, Dekorieren, Tapezieren, Linoleum Und Teppichlegen
Bayr, Gustav: Springen: Grundlagen Fuer Eine Natuerliche Lehrweise
Eichler, Wilhelm: Neuzeitliche Turnkunst Nebst Rhythmischen Turnen Fuer Knaben Und Maenner in Schule Und Verein
William, Eric: The Negro in the Caribbean
Hugo, Victor: I MISERABILI
Netton, Ian Richard: Middle East Materials in United Kingdom and Irish Libraries: A Directory
Gilman, Lawrence: Music and the Cultivated Man
Gorochtchenko, G: Oformlienie Oupakovok (Decoration for Packaging)
Kulagina-Klutsis - Kruchenykh, A: Zaumnyi Lazyk U. Seifullinoi, V. Ivanova, Leonova, Babelia, Vaseloge I Dr. (Transrational Languages in Seifullina, Ivanov, Leonov, Babel, Vaselyi et al.)
Bales, Kate: Film Writers Guide
Rendra: Nyanyian Orang Urakan (Song of the Marginal Man)
Droge, Christoph: Giannozzi Manetti Als Denker Und Hebraist
Dietz, Betty Warner (edited by): Folk Songs of China Japan Korea
Tamuno, Tekena N: Peace and Violence in Nigeria
Seeger, Alan: Le Poete De La Legion Etrangere Ses Lettres et Ses Poems
Lascelles, Mary (edited by): Samuel Johnson a Journey to the Western Island of Scotland
Eckhart, Marie: Liszt Ferenc Memorial Museum
Rev. Bramble, Peter: The Overcome a Black Passover
Petronius, Arbiter: Satyricon (trans. ascribed to Oscar Wilde)
Burroughs, William: Naked Lunch
Mowry, Jess: Way Past Cool
Eriksson, Goeran: Growth and Finance of the Firm: Models of Firm Behaviour Tested on Data from Swedish Industrial Firms