Wright, Silas: Speech of Mr. Wright, of New York. The Special Order, Co. Benton's Resolutions, Were Announced from the Chair, and Mr. Wright Being Entitled to the Floor, Said: . In Senate, February 15, 1836

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Wright, Silas

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Speech of Mr. Wright, of New York. The Special Order, Co. Benton's Resolutions, Were Announced from the Chair, and Mr. Wright Being Entitled to the Floor, Said: . In Senate, February 15, 1836 by Wright, Silas listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.

Speech of Mr. Wright, of New York, The Special Order, Col. Benton's resolutions, were announced from the Chair, and Mr. Wright being entitled to the floor, said: In Senate, February 15, 1836. .. by Wright, Silas listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.