MacKinnon (J.P.) & Shadbolt (S.): SOUTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN, 1879, A memorial volume, containing sixty permanent cabinet photographs of the officers of the British army and navy who lost their lives in the Zulu War, biographical notices, detailed accounts of the various engagements, maps of the country showing the movement of the army, summaries of the movements of the various regiments in the field, and separate records of the services of every British officer who was engaged

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MacKinnon (J.P.) & Shadbolt (S.)

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SOUTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN, 1879, A memorial volume, containing sixty permanent cabinet photographs of the officers of the British army and navy who lost their lives in the Zulu War, biographical notices, detailed accounts of the various engagements, maps of the country showing the movement of the army, summaries of the movements of the various regiments in the field, and separate records of the services of every British officer who was engaged by MacKinnon (J.P.) & Shadbolt (S.) listed for sale on Bibliophile Bookbase. Click here for full details and on-line purchase.