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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Bower Donald E
Smith Thomas Page Jr
Osborn Norris G
Osborne Duffield
Hawthorne Julian
Judge Staff
McLaren John
Hingston R W G
Wheeler Dandace
Camp Charles Editor
Ward Nathaniel
Amicis Edmondo De
Haskell Thomas Nelson
Overton Grant Sinclair Lewis Dorothy Canfield Harry Hansen
Clark Sterling B F
Shaffer Ellen K And Lucille S J Hall
Henderson James D and Robert E Massman
Taylor Harvey
Bowen Helen Gilman
Cole Cyrenus
Berg Baron Gustav von
Howe the Right Hon The Earl
Newell Robert R
Buelteman Robert
Townsend E D
Harcourt Alfred
Greenough Horatio
Seward Theodore F
Perkins W O
Mead C H G E Chambers and W A Williams
Mason Luther Whiting
Marshall Leonard
Zenner Ch
Reed Ephraim
Aldrich Richard
Baker B F And L H Southard
Morrison D H
Ellsworth Eliot Jr
Fontana Bernard L
Fergusson Erna
Davis A
Mather Increase
Dunham Sam C
Abbot Jacob
Brownell L W
Slosson Edwdin E
Stewart Bruce and Michael Truman
Voltaire Francois-Marie Arouet De
Russo Dorothy Ritter and Thelma Lois Sullivan
Munk Joseph Amasa
Clary William W
Lewis Bernard
Phelps William Lyon
Sears Lorenzo
Tyler Moses Coit
Rather Lois
Taylor Edward DeWitt
Paul Rodman W
Weigel John C
Uzanne Octave
Soule Phelps
Harlan Robert D
Wilson Neill C Editor
Vann William H
Dreier Thomas
Piehl Frank J
Shumate Albert and Oscar Lewis Editors
Hoskin Beryl
Timperley C H
Drake Daniel
Burke Harry R and F A Behymer
Roatcap Adela Spindler
Radbill Samuel X
Forgue Norman W
Comegys B B