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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Naylor Tim
Walker Dale R
American Genealogical Lending Library
Agresto John
Uhler John Earle
Edited by Panayotis Pantazis Beppino C Giovanella and Mace Rothenberg
Rabbi Jack Segal
Welhoelter N A
Jackson Ronald Vern
Raaf John H
Ed Kilman Charles E Gilbert Jr
Groupe de Recherche et d'etudes Nord-Americaines
Edited By Julio Bird Karl Maramorosch
Canarete Emmanuel
Phoenix Publications
The University of Southern Mississippi
Andreas Slominski
Roudebush Jay
Stokes Stephanie
Hunsucker Kara
Francey Molly
Fulbright Melody
Christie's London
Sotheby Parke Bernet
Christie's East
Leroy L Creasy and Geza Hrazdina
Kuzma Kay
Ashworth Kenneth H
Steffensen Steffen
American Medical Association
Daniel X Freedman
R M Ginn
Cornelia Papacostea-Danielopolu
O'Faolain Sean
Morrell David
Anderson Olov Bertil
Joseph P Allen with Russell Martin
Martin L Burgan
Cahill Richard A
Kazan Elia
Ulrich Kloti Peter Knoepfel Hanspeter Kriesi Wolf Linder Yannis Papadopoulos
Giancarlo Setti and Giovanni G Fazio
Harrington Karen
Martin H Greenberg
Schmidt Elisabeth
Johnson Donna C
Woodard Jay
Minns Michael
Lithium Corporation of America Inc
Fix Paula
Boswell Jeanetta
Vineyard John W
Craftsman Publishing Company Limited
Wright Sharon
Sundberg Chris
Azarieva Nadejda
Neufert Ernst
Rene Cardoso Segarra
James C Morehead and James C Morehead Jr
Joy Schultz
Dorothy Erickson and David Hanson
Kent State University
Sicola Charles V
Hines Cragg
Plath Wm H
The New Yorker Magazine Inc
Uwe Arndt Feliciano Flores Leonard Weinstein
E J And Theo Menard Lyndes
Leigh Olivia
Forrest E Gilmore
The Rice Institute
Wortham Lyndall Finley
The University Of Texas M D Anderson Hospital And Tumor Institute
Nixon Joan Lowery