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August Derleth Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped DJ Design By Ronald Clyne Blank Endpapers AuguSt Seated in Photo on Back DJ Panel By David Bachhuber
August Derleth Salmon Endpapers Dustjacket with the Publisher's Original Price of $6 00 Listed on the Inside Front Flap
George H Coomer Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Cracked Glossy B W Frontispiece Going Down the River to the Ship
Frank H Converse Name&Initials Inked on Flyleaf Former Owner Back Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Glossy B W Frontispiece Van Sees the Great Jaguar Brought Down By Arrows of the Dwarfish Hunters Scene in Jungle
Lieutenant Lionel Lounsberry K Emmett Owen The Front E p Are Stamped Twice with Best Books For Boys Logo and an Inked Name and No 12 B W Glossy Frontispiece Before the Bend Was Reached he Gained the Side of the Flying Ani
By Van Dyne Edith No Other Plates Previous Owner's Ex Libris Sticker Remains on Ffep Bookseller's Unobtrusive Sticker on Front Pastedown B W Frontispiece By Alice Carsey of 5 Girls with Flag
By Van Dyne Edith
By Edith Van Dyne
Matthew White Illustrated with B W Glossies Internals Blank Endpapers FOX B W Glossy Frontispiece I Cannot Perjhure Myself By Confessing a Crime of Which I am Not Guilty of 4 Men in Office Has Chips Wear Near Hinges Not Affecting Illustration Tho
Fenworth Moore Inner Flap DJ Light FOX Lists Thru Prisoners on Pirate Ship Blank Endpapers FOX Former Owner Name Address B W Glossy Frontispiece By Russell H Tandy Where are My Clothes he Demanded of Boy By Fire Surrounded By Men in Igloo
Matthew White Jr Glossy B W Frontispiece Holding the Lantern Aloft Breck Led the Way Into the Abandoned Hotel
Matthew White Glossy B W Frontispiece Harry at Work Light Crease Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Cracked
B S BONSALL Blank Endpapers Bookplate Attached Edited By Eric S Waterhouse
Edith Thurston Keyes SIGNED on Blank Flyleaf By Author Beautiful Marblelized Endpapers Original B W Photographs Tipped in By Carl O Retsloff of the Missions Yosemite Valley Torrey Pines
Criss Angel Mindfreak SIGNED Flyer from Show By Magician at World Underground Theatre in NY Signature GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC Production Design John Farrell Special Effects Thaine Morris Pete Cappadocia Created Directed&Produced By Criss Angel
August Derleth SIGNED&Inscribed By Author in Ink on Blank Endpapers
Paul Eluard 1895-1952 English Translations By Lloyd Alexander Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Blank Endpapers Back Blank Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Introductory Notes By Aragon Louis Parrot&Claude Roy
By Their Daughter Dorothy Louise Strang SIGNED Dated&Inscribed By Strang Illustrated in Xeroxed B W Photographs B W Frontispiece Photo of Dr Pearl Marie Sampson&Dr Theodore Alfred Strang
Stanley W Paher SIGNED By Author Photographic Endpapers Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Back Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Color DJ Photo By Renowned Photographer David Muench Back DJ Cover Painting of Magnificent Gothic Wood-Frame House of Theodore Wint
David G Christensen NEW Foreword to Vestal Press Edition By Richard M Bueschel Illustrated in B W Back Blank Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP
Newly Translated from Greek with Introduction By Richard Atwater Signed By Atwater Typography&Type Design By Douglas C Mcmurtrie Signed By Mcmurtries Blank Endpapers Former Owner Bookplate&Rub Scuff&TAPE Reinforcement at Inner Hinges Col
William K Vanderbilt Former Owner Inscription&Date of 1937 Back Blank Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Hinges Little Weak&Slightly Separating Blank Endpaper Light Fox&Attached Former Owner Bookplate B W Photo Frontispiece Our Party Now Consisted o
Roland L Hill SIGNED&Inscribed By Author on Blank Endpaper DJ Cover Illustration By Catherine Richter Rolling Hills CA Former OWNER BOOKPLATE on Blank Endpaper Back Blank Endpaper&Back Inner Flap DJ Small FORMER OWNER STAMPS
Story By Monte Sohn Drawings Walter Early in B W&Color Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name&STAMP on Back Endpaper Blank Flyleaf Blue Crayon Coloring
Frank R Stockton Illustrated By A B Frost Clear Mylar Protector TAPED TO Blank ENDPAPERS B W Frontispiece of the Squirrel Inn Has Clear Tape Residue at Inner Hinges FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper
Russell A Byrd SIGNED&Inscribed By Author on Blank Foxed Endaper with FORMER OWNER STAMP Illustrated in B W Photos
Henry Harrison Lewis Illustrated with Three Plates Two of Which are Colored LACKS THE Frontis-piece FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpape
Richard Armour Signed&Inscribed By Author Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped DJ Design&Illustrations By Catherine Barnes Illustrated b w Drawings
Gerald Strober&Ruth Tomczak SIGNED&Inscribed BY Jerry Falwell BUT Probably PRINTED SIGNATURE Illustrated with Photographs Foreword By Dr John W Rawlings Landmark Baptist Temple
Victor Appleton ILLUSTRATED Glossy B W Frontispiece the Men Rushed Pep Across the Sidewalk of Boy&2 Men in Front Movie Theatre Written By the Same Author as Tom Swift Blank Endpapers Light Stains FoX Former Owner Name INNERhingesStartingCrac
No Author Listed Parts By By Rupert Brooke Beige Endpaper Light Cracks Creasing Illustrated B W AERIAL Photographs By Hamilton&Maxwell Photo Inside of John Lyell Harper 1873-1924 Inc ETC&Some in COLOR Page Opposite Color Frontispiece of Gr
John Williams Andrews SIGNED By Author on Limitation Pg FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Blank Endpapers Fox Former Owner Bookplate Attached
Jack Bailey Signed By Author Illustrated By 15 Photo Pictures of the Inimitable Bailey Himself B W Photo Frontispiece of Author Most of Photos Made By Floyd Hopkins
Dr Carl Eduard Aue PH D German Master in High School of Edinburgh Blank Flyleaf&Endpapers Pencil Writing FOX
MARY D BRINE 1816-1913) ~ Illustrated By Jessie Curtis Shepherd Miss C A Northam Jessie McDermott Addie Ledyard and D Clinton Peters INNER Hinges Weak with Slight Cracked Starting B W Frontispiece Master Willie Introduced to Dainty Lill
Dea Birkett Blank Endpaper FORMER OWNER BOOKPLATE Attached Tiny Stain on Endpapers&Former OWNER STAMPS Illustrated in B W Many Black and White Photos Also Maps and Drawings
By Eugene Field Illustrated in B W By Lloyd Adams Noble Quite a Few of Illustrations Have Been Completed By Water Colors In a Childish Fashion Yet Charming with Varying Degrees of Competency on The Childs Art Work Herewithin Some Extraneous Ma
By Eugene Field Illustrated in B W By Lloyd Adams Noble Few of Illustrations Have Been Completed By Water Colors In a Childish Fashion Yet Charming with Varying Degrees of Competency on The Childs Art Work Herewithin Former Owner Inscription
Cover Photo of Anne Rice By Alexander of Southern Lights Articles By John Hogan Shari Weiss Rosalind Alexander Janice Wells Todd W Carter ETC Illustrated Color&B W
Mark Twain Illustrated By Honore Guilbeau Silk Moire Satin Endpapers and Attached Satin Ribbon Bookmarker Designed By Charles E Skaggs Introduction By Carl Van Doren
Virgil Publius Vergilius Maro Illustrated By Carlotta Petrina WaterColor Frontispiece Portrait of Author Former OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Translated&Introduction By John Dryden RustOrange Silk Moire Satin Endpapers and Attach
Stephen Youngkin&James Bigwood&Raymond Cabana Jr SIGNED&Inscribed By Cabana Where he Mentions the Bat&The Terror Movies front Blank Flyleaf Crease&Back Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Introduction By Vincent Price Foreword By Andrew Lorre Prof
James P Felton Foreword Mayor Evelyn Hart Art dieection&Illustrations By Mary Sofio 150 Illustrations Includes FoldOut B W Plate Cover Illustration By Mary Sofio
Art Ronnie SIGNED&Inscribed Dated in Green By Author Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Illustrated in B W fORMER OWNER STAMP Backblank Endpaper
By Hosea Stout 1810-1889 Edited By Juanita Brooks Back Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP DJ Design Alvin Gittins B W Map Endpapers B W Frontispice Hosea Stout from Photograph About 1885 Illustrated in B W
Lester Chadwick 4 Glossy B W Plates in RARE Color DustJacket By Howard L Hastings Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Blank Endpapers FOX Former OWNER STAMP&Date of 1928 B W Frontispiece the Finish Line Was But a Hundred Feet Away of People on Water Ban
By Willard F Baker B W Illustrated Endpapers FOX Former Owner Name Address Date Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped with Rub Wear Along Fold B W Glossy Frontispiece Light FOX In an Instant They Had Caught Hold of the Banker Thrust a Sack Over His Head as Boy
FRANCES JENKINS OLCOTT~Illustrated By Frederick Richardson in Color&B W Color Frontispiece with Tissue Guard When the Yellow Horned Serpent Heard the Strange Music In Addition to Writing Many Children's Books Herself Frances Jenkins
Harry COLLINGWOOD Blank Endpapers Glossy Color Frontispiece the Rout of Mounted Warriors Duplicates DJ Illustration FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper
Henry Harrison Lewis Glossy B W Frontispiece Thekia Cast One Hopeless Look Around Then he Sprang to His Chums Side Just as the Frail Boat Plunged Under the Surface of the River of 2 Boys in Suits in Boat with Crocadiles Around Dulling to Front
Frank H Converse Blank Endpaper
Story Edith Eckblad Illustrated in Color&b w Bonnie&Bill Rutherford
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Illustrated w 45 Engravings on Wood Designed By Jane Benham Birket Foster and John Gilbert blue Endpapers Former Owner Stamps Ink Name Light Scuff Mrk List of b w Illustrations
Budd Westreich Illustrated By Richard Lewis Frontispiece b w Picture The Hound Came Forward Growling Low Blank Endpaper Small Former Owner Stamps Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped
Lieutenant Lionel Lounsberry Glossy B W Frontispiece By K Emmett Owen Who is He Blank Endpapers Ink Marks&Blank Flyleaf Endpaper Torn Out Glossy B W Internals
Carolyn Keene Red Endpapers Scuff&Former Owner Names Addresses&Few Stray Marks&Inscriptions Former Owner Illustrated B W
Charles Ira Coombs SIGNED&Inscribed By Author Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Illustrated with Photographs&Diagrams B W Foto Frontispiece of Girl Windsurfing
Joe Morella&Edward Z Epstein SIGNED By Morella on Blank Endpapers Illustrated B W Fotos
Larry Swindell DJ Design Honi Werner Back Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP Illustrated B W Fotos Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped John Garfield Was an American Actor Garfield Was Especially Adept at Playing Brooding Rebellious
Mickey Spillane DJ Design Bob Ritter DJ Photo of Author on Back By Galati Blank Endpapers Small FORMER OWNER STAMPS Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $2 95
John Prescott EARL Illustrated B W Glossy Drawings By Ralph L Boyer Inner Hinges Cracked Slightly Decorated Endpapers Scuff Label Attached Partially Torn Off&Pencil Named Blank Flyleaf Scuff Mark B W Glossy Frontispice The New Grand-Stand with
Tested Tasted&Approved By Dorothy B Marsh Blank Back Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Katherine Norris&Adeline Mansfield of Institute Staff&Katharine Fisher Director B W Foto Frontispiece of Men&Women in Suits Seating Table Having Thanksgiving
Lyman C Smith Inner Hinges Clear Tape Reinforcement with Endpaper Torn Out Blank Fox Flyleaf Former Owner Inscription Back Blank Flyleaf Tiny Edge Chips FORMER OWNER STAMP
Amy Lowell Blank Endpapers Foxed Former Owner Names Spine and Front Board with Paper Title Labels By Jake Zeitlin
Marieve Hugo SIGNED Inscribed Dated By Author Black Endpapers
William Walter Shaw b w Sepia Oval Photo Frontispiece of Author Drawings By Addison Johnson Includes a Plate Illustrated with a Portrait of Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Olive T Dargan FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Endpaper FOX with Glued in Card
Frank H Converse Flowered ENDPAPERS Previous Owner's Names&Date in Ink on Blank Flyleaf Etc Glossy B W Frontispiece the Tin Trunk Was Dropped Over the Side of 2 Boys on Sailboat in Water Protected By Tissue Guard Full Page Illustratio
By Percy Keese Fitzhugh Blank Endpapers Small Ink Mark Former Owner Inscirption B W Glossy Frontispiece it Was Like Looking from Roof of 10 Story Building B W Glossy Internals
August Derleth Blank Endpapers Soil Fox Pencil Name
Julie M Lippmann Charles R Chickering
Harry COLLINGWOOD Full Colour Glossy Frontispiece By T C Dugdale I Paddled the Boat to Pile of Wreckage Duplicates DJ Illustration FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpapers Foxing to Eps and Fore Edge Endpapers Light Fox of Men on CamelsinDesert
Harry COLLINGWOOD Glossy B W Frontispiece By W H Overend Mr Gaunt Boards the Wreck of the Mermaid in RARE Color DustJacket By Warwick Reynolds B W Glossy Internals By Overend Foxing to Eps and Fore Edge Endpapers FoX Inner Hinges Starting Slig
John Hill Burton with Advertisement After Title Page Blank Flyleaf BOOKPLATE&Card Attached Some Pencil Notes Hinges Reinforced with Clear Tape&Several Articles Glued Onto Endpaper re Book Collecting Etc Clear Mylar Protector TAPED to Endpapers
James Otis Glossy HALFTONE Frontispiece Hi Limpy a Shrill Voice Cried By Charles Copeland with Tissue Guard with a Prior Owner's Book Plate on the Front End Paper and a Gift Inscription and Date of April 15th 1902 on the First Free End Paper B W Illu