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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
SIGNED B W Photograph Cast of Televisions Bewitched by Elizabeth Montgomery Erin Murphy Dick Sargent Signed Blue Sharpie Good Luck Dick Sargent Reddish Ink Best Witches Erin Murphy&Black Sharpie Best Wishes Elizabeth Montgomery
Stan Laurel&Oliver Hardy SIGNED&Inscribed in Blue Ink Thank You Mrs Johnson! Stan Laurel&Oliver Hardy
SIGNED Marlene Dietrich
SIGNED Ginger Rogers&Fred Astaire Fred Signed in Black Ink&Ginger Signed in Green Ink&Dated 1991
By SWA Group Illustrated Drawings&b w Photographs Graphic Design By Donald Ryan
Features By Barbara Barnes Roger Powell Julie Bartolotto Illustrated with Photos
By Bancroft Laura AKA Who Wrote Wizard of OZ Books Inner HINGES Slightly Starting Title Page Lettered in Black Color Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister Title Page in Color of Prairie Dog Tipping Bla
BY AKA Baum L Frank Who Wrote Wizard of OZ Books Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Date B W Frontispiece of 3 Nieces at Table Outside with Flowers in Center&Lady Standing By E A Nelson
By ErickSon Charles Gotthard Student at VALparaiso College iNdiana with B W Photographic Illustrations Blank endpAPErs Light FoX Frontispiece of Old College Building Preface
Joseph P Hou Foreword Preface FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper
E A Rickards&a Personal Sketch By Arnold Bennett an Appreciation By H V Lanchester&Technical Notes By Amor Fenn BLANK Endpaper Light FoX Color Frontispiece Design for Canadian War Memorial List of Illustrtions Illustrated By B&W Illustration
Eisenhower Julie Nixon SIGNED Inscribed&Dated By Author Daughter of President Richard Nixon Illustrated with Photographs
Franklin W Dixon Orange&White Endpapers By Gretta with FORMER OWNER STAMP Glossy Frontispiece By Walter S Rogers Shows Five Men Surrounding the Hardy Boys in a Cave Caption Reads 'Do You Know Who We've Got Here ' Illustrated By Rogers
By LAURA BANCROFT AKA L FRANK BAUM WHO Wrote Wizard of OZ Boooks 3 Color Including Frontispiece&Numerous B W Illustrations By MagINEl Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister INNER HINGES Cracked Shaky Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscripti
By Van Dyne Edith Blank Endpapers Light FOX&Pencil Name B W Glossy Frontispiece By H W Armstrong of Josie Gets a Job as a Maid at Front Door with Man Standing in Doorway in Suit
By Van Dyne Edith AKA L Frank Baum AUTHOR of Wizard of OZ Books Blank Endpapers Light FOX&Pencil Name B W Glossy Frontispiece By H W Armstrong of Black Lady with Headscraf&Woman Seated in Hat Front Endpaper Removed and Frontispiece
BY AKA Baum L Frank Who Wrote Wizard of Oz Books Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscription Dated 1914 Inner Flap DJ Price Clipped B W Frontispiece of 3 Nieces in Garden Surrounded By Many Flowers
BY AKA Baum L Frank Who Wrote Wizard of OZ Books Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscription Inner Flap DJ Price Clipped B W Frontispiece with Man Seated&2 Ladies One Holding Hat
By Laura Bancroft AKA L FRANK BAUM Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright in COLOR ILlustrated By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister Price Clipped Inner FLAP DJ Blank Endpapers Light FoX WITH Color Title Page
By Bancroft Laura AKA Who Wrote Wizard of OZ Books Inner HINGES Starting Cracked Color Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister Title Page in Color of Woodchuck in HuntiNG Attire Red Pants Boots&Green
By Suzanne Metcalf AKA Pseudonym of L Frank Baum Who Wrote Wizard of OZ Books Xmas 1912 Gift Inscription in Pencil on Title Page Illustrated By Joseph Pierre Nuyttens B W Frontispiece of Annabel&Will at Table with Waiters Around One
By Bancroft Laura Blank Endpapers Soil&Dogeared Color Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister HalfTitle Page Name&Date with 14 Color Illustrations Throughout Lists All of Titles in Se
By Van Dyne Edith Blank Endpapers Former Owner Inscription Date FOXING Frontispiece By IsabeL Bush Mack is MISSING
By Laura Bancroft AKA L FRANK BAUM Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright in COLOR Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister Price Clipped Inner FLAP DJ Blank Endpapers Light FoX Soil WITH Color Title Page with List Titles Thru TwinkleS Enchantment Opposit
BY AKA Baum L Frank Who Wrote Wizard of OZ Books Blank Endpapers Former Owner TINY STAMP Inner Flap DJ Price Clipped B W Frontispiece with Man Wearing Hat&Suit Seated&2 Ladies One Holding Hat
BY AKA Baum L Frank Who Wrote Wizard of Oz Books Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Inner Flap DJ Price Clipped B W Frontispiece of 3 Nieces in Garden Surrounded By Many Flowers with Oriental Flare
By Van Dyne Edith B W Glossy Frontispiece of Josie&Mary Louise FoXing Extremities By Harry W Armstrong FOrMER OWNER stAMP Back Endpaper Pencil Marks Back Blank Flyleaf
By Holton M Adelaide Includes Short POEM BY L FRANK BAUM Green Illustrated Endpapers By Ralph Fletcher Seymour Have Small Tears at Hinges Who Provided Some of the Lettering for Father Goose Illustrated in B W&Lovely COLOR HINGES Weak Wobbl
By LAURA BANCROFT AKA L FRANK BAUM WHO Wrote Wizard of OZ Boooks B W Illustrations By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister with an Introduction By David L Greene Introduction
By Bancroft Laura Blank Endpapers Soil&Light FoX&Former Owner Inscription Color Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister with 14 Color Illustrations Throughout Lists All of Titles In
By VAN DYNE Edith 4 Sepia Plates Illustrated By NUYTTENS Joseph Pierre Includes Glossy Frontispice in B W of Orissa Flying Girl&Another Girl Reclining in Airplane HINGES Little Weak Slight Cracking Light FoX Wear O W NI
By Holton M Adelaide Includes Short POEM BY L FRANK BAUM Nice Green Illustrated Endpapers By Ralph Fletcher Seymour Have Tiny Small Tears at Hinges Who Provided Some of the Lettering for Father Goose Illustrated in B W&Lovely COLOR HINGES
By Bancroft Laura Blank Endpapers LIGHT Soil&Light FoX FORMER Owner Name Title Page Some Lite Fox&Lite Fox Opposite Page Color Illustrated By Maginel Wright Enright Frank Lloyd Wright's Sister with 14 Colo
Leo Edwards Illustrated By Bert Salg Glossy B W Frontispiece of 2 Boys Wearing Hats in Doorway Chatting Blank Endpapers Foxed WITH INTERNALS
By Leo Edwards Illustrated By Bert Salg Glossy B W Frontispiece the Wild Man Let Out a Yell with INTERNALS IN B W
Edith Van Dyne Blank Endpapers Inner Hinges Starting VERY Lightly Cracked Glosssy Frontispiece 3 Girls Surrounding Aunt Jane in Wheechair By E A Nelson Blank Endpapers FoXing Several FORMER Owner Inscriptions Dates Pretext
By Williams Edward Huntington M D
John Steinbeck b W Photo of Author on Back DJ
Franklin W Dixon Orange&White Endpapers By Gretta with FORMER OWNER STAMP Light FoX Glossy Frontispiece By Walter S Rogers Shows Five Men Surrounding the Hardy Boys in a Cave Caption Reads 'Do You Know Who We've Got Here ' Foxed Blank Margins
CaTherine R Coulter Blank Endpapers BOoKPLATE Attached Inner Flap DJ SMALL Former OWNER STAMP Cover&Book Design By Paula Morrison
By Park June SIGNED Best Wishes By Author
Vincent G Perry Illustrated B W FORMER OWNER STAMPS Endpapers&Title Page
C M CrawfoRd Gen Manager DomInguez EstaTe Co March 22 1955 FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper
H A Van Norman
Constance Atwater LIME Green Endpapers DJ Design By H Doki Illustrated B W
David Masters Illustrated b w Large Price Clip on Inner Flap DJ blAnk Endpapers Light Former OWNER STAmP B W frontispiecE phOTO
Author Unknown Dealer STICKER on Title Page 250 Black and White Photographs of London
Aldous Huxley Illustrated Grey&White Endpapers
Reviewed Edited By Arnold Furst SIGNED By Furst Copy 1545 FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Illustrated B W&Photos FOXING&Wrinkling&Stains to Back Cover
Alfred Mark Salyer B W Illustrations By G Leroy Johnson&G A Salyer Fox Stain at Hinge Endpapers Inner Hinge Slightly Cracked FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Foreword Tipped in Color Plate with Titled Tissue Guard
By Leo Edwards Glossy B W Frontispiece Old Geezer Was Feeding Raw Liver to Biggest Turtle Illustrated By Bert Salg
By Leo Edwards Red&White Pictorial Endpapers Half Title Page Pencil Notes Illustrated Bert Salg B W Glossy Frontispiece Jum Got a Crack in Rear
By Leo Edwards Illustrated By Bert Salg Glossy B W Frontispiece Old Dynamite Suddenly Decided to Take SidEs with 3 Glossy INTERNALS IN B W Blank Endpapers White Residue FoXed Light Wear Slight Off Setting to the End Papers
By EDWARDS LEO with INTERNAL b w Glossies has Gift Inscription on Front FoXed Endpaper Illustrated By Bert Salg B W Glossy Frontispiece of Sharp Clatter of Hoofs Starts with Our Chatter-Box
PERCY KEESE FITZHUGH Plain Endpapers Slight FoX Wear&Small White Spots Illustrated By H S Barbour Glossy Frontispiece of Pee-Wee in Room on Knees Looking Thru Books and 3 Glossy INTERNALS Former Owners Name Inscription and Address on the Fron
Book By RASK MARIE COOLIDGE B W Illustrated with Photographs Showing Lon Chaney in His Striking Makeup and Vampire Costume Directed By Todd Browning and Starring Chaney in a Dual Role as Scotland Yard Inspector and His Only Appearan
Miguel Angel Asturias Yellow endpapers smudge marks tape residue DJ light FoX Wear photo of author back DJ by Jess A Fernandez Translated from Spanish by Frances Partridge DJ design Everett Aison
By Steinbeck John Die Genehmigung Des Diana-Verlages Zurich
Mildred Wirt AKA CAROLYN KEENE of Nancy Drew Fame B W Decorated Endpapers FOXING B W Glossy Frontispiece of 2 Girls in Dresses&Guy Wearing Hat on Mountaintop Looking at Thunderbird with FoXing Inner Hinge Illustrated Mildred Wirt
John Hill AKA Dean Koontz Small Stamp to Descriptive Page By Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMPS Back Blank Endpaper
Hope Anthony Illustrated By b w Frontispiece Illus with Tissue Guard BlaNk Endpapers Former Owner Name
By FiTzhUgH Percy Keese B W ILLLUSTRATED By R emMett Owen photographIc E p s OF Men in Combat Positions iN Uniforms By Motor Cycles Former Owner Name in Ink on Half Title Page Inner Flaps DJ Stains Preface
By L Frank Baum Blank Endpapers B W Frontispiece of Original Cover Design By Charles J Costello Introduction By Peter E Hanff with List of Pictures By Mr N Guy Chilberg C J Costello W W Denslow Frank Hasenplug Thomas M Peirce More Pictu
Douglas Sladen ILLUSTRATED 60 Half-tone Plates&a Map Blank Endpapers FoX Stains FORMER OWNER STAMP CLEAR Mylar Protector TAPED to Endpapers B W Frontispiece Grotte Nuove of St Peters with Tissue Guard FoXed Preface
Grace Kendrick Inner Flap DJ PriceClipped Blank Endpapers BOOKPLATE Attached Introduction Illustrated B W
By English Men and Women Illustrated List With B&W Illustrated Frontispiece with Tissue Guard PREFACE Includes William Shakespeare John Milton Sir John Denham Walter Scott Samuel Taylor Coleridge Henry Kirke White ETC B W Plates By Edmund H Gar
By Howard R Garis Illustrated 8 Color Illustrations By Louis Wisa Blank Endpapers Former Owner Name Date Color Frontispiece
By His Wife Natacha Rambova with Monochrome Plates with Photographs B W Frontispiece Photograph of Rudolph Valentino Side Face Smoking PIPE Is Loose&TAPED Back In Interior MISSING ONE Illustration Opposite Pg 54 Foreword List Of
By The Gordons Mildred Gordon&Gordon Gordon 12 B W Fotos from Film SIGNED&Inscribed From One Cool Cat&WITH PAWPRINT SIGNATURE AS WELL Back Blank Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Illustrated with Photographs from the Movie DJ Illustration By Jane Wa
Charles Forbes Taylor SIGNED By Author Inner Flap DJ Price Clipped But Original Price Intact FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper FoXing Blank Endpapers B W Photographic Frontispiece of Author&His Father on Small Gospel Wagon
May E Southworth Tipped in Frontispiece of Jiminy Christmas a Cat Back Endpapers Color Comics TAPED ONTO IT OF Mark Trail Cartoon FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Illustrated with Photographs Some Tipped in&Decorated By Pedro J Lemos Introducti
By Percy Keese Fitzhugh Blank Endpapers Foxed Pencil Name Adress B W Glossy Frontispiece of Terry&2 Other Guys Behind Some Bars FoXing to Margins Illustrated By Howard L Hastings
By Percy Keese Fitzhugh Blank Endpapers Foxed Pencil Name Adress B W Glossy Frontispiece of Pee-Wee Rowing His Customers to Alligator Island FoXing to Margins&Taped Back Into Bk with Clear Tape Illustrated By H S Barbour WITH B W Half Tone Plate
By Van Dyne Edith Blank Endpapers Light FOX B W Glossy Frontispiece By H W Armstrong of Josie Gets a Job as a Maid at Front Door with Man Standing in Doorway in Suit
BY AKA Baum L Frank Who Wrote Wizard of Oz Books Blank Endpapers LIGHT FoX Stains Wear Former Owner Name Inner Flap DJ Price Clipped B W Frontispiece of 1 Man in Suit with 3 Nieces Light Water Stains Numerous Pages