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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors

Begoun Paula FORMER OWNER STAMPS Blank Endpapers Cover Design George Imray Alphabetical Index Matt Boardman FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Endpaper Clear Mylar Protective Cover TAPED to Endpapers Cover&Illustrations By Howard Wallin Display Artist Foreword Hildegard G Frey FORMER OWNER STAMP BACK Blank Endpaper Glossy b w Frontispiece of Boy&Girl in Boat
By William James Edited By Ernest Rhys Introduction By Professor C M Bakewell Former Owner Names Dates Blank Endpapers Back Blank Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Introduction Page Mended Tear William Wordworth-Introduction By John Morley Frontispiece of Author WITH NOTES Marie Morelle Former Owner Inscription b w Photographic Frontispiece of Ella Little Girls Saved By Fireman Jack with Tissue Guard
Retold By Thomas Carter Doctor of Theology Illustrated in Color By Gertrude Demain Hammond Former Owner Inscription&Small Bookplate Color Frontispiece of Shylock Handing Over His Keys to Woman to Guard the House Mayes Robert Illustrated Includes Article By Allen P Swayne No-Yong Park Ph D Widely Acclaimed Scholar&Philosopher as Oriental Mark Twain Foreword
Ambrose Bierce FOXING Blank Endpapers Edited&Preface By S O Howes Back Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Gordon Gow Clear Plastic Protector Taped to Endpapers FORMER Owner Stamp Blank Endpaper Illustrated b w Photos Carolyn Keene Orange&White Silhouette Endpapers Former Owner Name Frontispiece Drawing b w Fox Edges Illustrated By Russell H Tandy Front Inner Flap DJ Wrinkling INNER Hinges Starting Cracked
Mrs C F Wilder FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Flyleaf Blank Endpapers Former Owners Inscription Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Preface M Jules Janin Illustrated 18 Engravings By M Eugene Lami FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Flyleaf&Back Endpaper Yellow Endpapers Bookplate&Tape Residue Inner Hinges b w Frontispiece with Tissue Guard English Translators Preface Inner Hinges Starti Text&Introduction By M C Escher Edited J L Locher b w Frontispiece Blank Endpaper Foxed FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Illustrated b w&Color
By Langston Hughes Selected By Lee Bennett Hopkins Woodcuts By Ann Grifalconi Several SMALL FORMER OWNER STAMPS One on Outer Pgs Edge Introduction By Arna Bontemps Charles B Towns Preface By Richard C Cabot Introduction Author Was the Owner of a Private Hospital Which Specialized in the Treatment of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts from the Turn of the Century Into the 1940's or 50's Bill Onyx Madden Inscribed&SIGNED By Author with Best Wishes from OZ FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Flyleaf Illustrated with TIPPED IN PLATES By J Noel Introduction By Ray Bolger 150 Line Drawings&6 Color Plates
CREATED By Gertrude Chandler Warner Illustrated Charles Tang Cover Art David Cunningham Jim Haspiels Marilyn Memories Interview with MMs Stand-In Marilyns Movie Costumes Listing of Marilyn Monroe Books Her Fan Clubs etc Ferenc Molnar Novelized from Henry W SavageS gREAT pLAY BY FErenc Molnar Some LIGHT WATER DAMAGE&Tape Residue Spine Few Pgs with b w Frontispiece List of Illustrations from Original Play By Savage Foreword By Beatrice Fairfax INNER Hinges
Dr Randall P Hrabko Illustrated with Photos b w&Diagrams Including External Appliances Etc Introduction Photo of Author on Back Cover Anna Tuckova Illustrated Introduction FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Washington Irving FULL Page Illustrations b w BY FRANCES Brundage FORMER OWNER STAMPS Blank Endpapers&Former Owner Inscription Flyleaf Clear Protective Mylar TAPED to Endpapers B W Frontispiece
John A Wood Frontispiece b w Photograph Preface in Form of Poem Illustrated FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Lorna Hill Illustrated By Eve Guthrie FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpapers B W Frontispiece of Giselles Tragic Love Blue&White Illustrated Endpapers of Ballet FoXed Small Sticker FORMER Owner Name Flyleaf Annie M Hone b w Frontispiece Larkspur Court Back Blank Endpaper FORMER OWNER STAMP
Victor Eckland of Hawaiian Broadcasting System FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper George Bruce FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Blank Endpapers FoXed J Maclaren Cobban Clear Plastic Mylar Protector TAPED to Endpapers FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper b w Frontispiece with Tissue Guard By Gallagher
Washington Irving Illustrated Eric Pape in Color&b w Decorated Endpapers Scuffed Rubbed Poetry Prose&Essays By Kris Dawson Ron Doe Walter Eric Iriso Gary L Schramm Etc Helen Swift Cover Design By C B Fall FORMER OWNER STAMPS Blank Endpapers
Lucia Fairchild Fuller&Edward G Malbone Garyn G Roberts FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Endpapers Illustrated b w Authors Includes Lester Dent Frederick C Davis Richard Sale Harry Widmer Carl McK Saunders Norvell Page ETC Photographs By David Hamilton Foreword Bertrand Levergeois Text Luc Getreau Text in English&French Translated from Orig French By Brian Southcombe Back Blank Flyleaf Theres Note in Ink at Top&Name in Tiny Print
Edited&Introduction By Paul J Halpern FORMER OWNER STAMP Backblank Flyleaf Preface Essays By Seymour Martin Lipset&Earl Raab Josiah Lee Auspitz&Clifford W Brown Jr R of Encounter Magazine Henry Steele Commager George E Reedy ETC Illustrated in Color Illustrated in Color Tape Repair Inner Hinges&Frontispiece with Some FoXing
David Smith&Neal Peters FORMER OWNER STAMPS Endpapers Illustrated b w&Color Allen Upward FORMER OWNER STAMP&Name Blank FoXed Endpapers Oscar Wilde Interpretations Illustrated Plates By John Vassos in B W with Captions on the Facing Pages FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Green Endpapers Bookplate b w Frontispiece
Anthony Trollope FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper MacKinlay Kantor Inner Flap DJ Small Inkmark Out&Back Flap Creases Text By Elizabeth Claridge DJ Design Roy Walker Orange Endpaper Tiny Scuff Mark&Crease Mark Back One Richly Illustrated in Color&B W
Stories Had Been Originally By Johnny Gruelle Eugene Field Illustrated By Florence Storer in b w Color Color Frontispiece with Tissue Guard That is Torn with Pencil Name FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Former Owner Inscription Front Flyleaf Harry Bartron SIGNED Inscribed Dated By Author FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Introduction By Stephen Lee Schwartz Author Was Actor Pantomimist Monk
Robert Herrick Blank Endpapers FORMER OWNER STICKER STAMPS Fox&Light Residue Inner Flap DJ Light Residue&STAMP Color Frontispiece Matches DJ Clifton Johnson Illustrated COLOR By Harry L Smith Color Frontispiece Rudyard Kipling b w Frontispiece Photo from Movie FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Endpapers In 1907 Kipling Became the First English Writer to be Awarded the Nobel Prize His Worldwide Popularity Was Phenomenal
A C Gilbert-Yale University 1909 Plastic Mylar Protector Taped to Endpapers Which are Slightly Foxed FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Endpapers Foreword Introduction Illustrated Line Drawings No Author Listed Frontispiece with Tissue Guard Illustrated b w FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Former Owner Name Blank Endpapers&Title Pg in Pencil Illustrated By Wood Engravings Two Copies of the Title Page One in Colour and the Other Cornell Woolrich Who Died 65 in 1968 FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Introduction Harlan Ellison Who is Most Honored Science Fiction Writer in History DJ Illustration By Frank D McSherry Jr
Thomas T Noguchi M D Coroner To the Stars&Arthur Lyons SIGNED&Inscribed By BOTH AUTHORS Back Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Authors Signatures Great Condition&Undamaged Appleton II Victor Black&White Decorated Endpapers Illustrated Edward Moritz with Internals b w Frontispiece Habberton John WITH 50 B W Illustrations By Dwiggins Tod B W Frontispiece FORMER OWNER STAMP Blank Endpaper Introduction Tiny Sticker Back Endpaper
By Gilbert Lathrop Edward O'Connor Norton Hughes Jonathan Inner Flap DJ Tape Residue Small Stain Bottom&Creases Yellow Endpapers Red Stain Bottom&Light Soil&Bookplate Dolores McKenna Clear Mylar Protector TAPED to Endpapers Illustrated in Fabulous Color&b w Which Nice Condition FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Clear Tape Reinforcement Inner Hinge Pencil Name Back Endpaper Oscar Wilde Decorated Green Endpapers By Bernhard Half Title Page Pencil Name Date Frontispiece Illustration of Wilde in B W
Feder Happy Jack and Kathryn West Merrick Illustrated By Christopher Merrick George S Dougherty Former Deputy Police commisioner of New York City Facsimile SIGNED by Author Faithfully Yours George S Dougherty with Calling Card Glued in saying Compliments of George Dougherty Kindly Acknowledge Preface on Passports Finan Oscar Wilde Decorated Grey Endpapers By Bernhard Title Page&Next Few Pgs Have Edge Tiny Crease Back Blank Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP Frontispiece Illustrated Small Bio on Wilde
Edwin P Norwood B W Illustrations of Circus By A Conway Peyton Clear Mylar Protector TAPED to Endpaper Which Have FORMER OWNER STAMP Beautiful Color Frontispiece of Little Boy&Monkey&Bubbles Marge Illustrated in Color FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Endpaper Jack Webb Back Blank Flyleaf FORMER OWNER STAMP
Heluiz CHANDLER Washburne Illustrated b w By Electra Papadopoulos FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Orange&White Decorated Endpapers Foreword Margaret Sidney Fully Illustrated Inner Hinges Starting Slightly Cracked FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper Flyleaf Pencil Inscription B W Frontispiece of 2 Boys in Tree Has Small Tape Verso Title Page Tear at Hinge Ha L Frank Baum B W Pictorial Endpapers of Dorothy&Characters Running Illustrated By John R Neill B W Frontispiece
L Frank Baum Enlarged&Edited Ruth Plumly Thompson Illustrated By John R Neill FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf COLOUR PLATES with Some B W Illustrations Intro By Maud G Baum Wife of Author Former Owner Name Pencil B W Decorated En L Frank Baum Pictorial Endpapers in B W&B W Frontispiece Illustrated By John R Neill Illustrated Internally in b w L Frank Baum Illustrated W W Denslow in b w FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Endpaper
Richmond Brooks Barrett Mylar Clear Protector TAPED to Endpapers Have FORMER OWNER STAMPS Small Sticker Back Endpaper Written By Pamela Prince SIGNED By Author Photographs Elaine Faris Keenan Written&Color&b w Illustrated By Johnny Gruelle Color Illustrated Endpapers Former Owner Name Date&Small Crease FORMER OWNER STAMP Back Blank Flyleaf Color Frontispiece