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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Lynd Ward illustrated written by Ann Nolan Clark coloured endpapers
Edmond Rostand Some Forewords by Charles F Rideal Fellow of Royal Society of Literature double frontispiece
William Faulkner
Translated from French of Victor Hugo with Critical introduction Andrew Lang frontispiece of Hugo with tissue guard
Howard R Garis illustrated frontispiece illustrated decorated endpapers
Catherine Carswell
Heinrich Heine translated&edited here for the first time into English by Basil Ashmore introduction J C Trewin with engravings by Hellmuth Weissenborn
von Jofeph Viktor von Scheffel
Cover illustration of Heroes by Buckler&Abel Steve Englehart authorative author Dick Dillin Penciller Joe Orlando Managing editor Vince Colletta art director
Joe Orlando Editor
Joe Orlando Editor Cover drawing of Byron Bigbrain III whose brain outgrew his skull by Basil Wolverton contributing artists Sergio Aragones Robert Johnson
Joe Orlando Editor contributing artists Sergio Aragones Robert Johnson Lee Maars etc
Joe Orlando Editor contributing artists Sergio Aragones Robert Johnson John Albano etc
Martha Finley pictorial frontispiece
Weed Clarence
Martha Finley pictorial frontispiece by E L Durand
Charles Franklin Carter
Edward Selden Spaulding illustrated D Ric Johnson
compiled Anna Marie Hager&Everett Gordon Hager frontispiece
Russell Doubleday Selections by W Somerset Maugham Margery Allingham Ilka Chase Thomas B Costain
Jane Apostol design by Ward Ritchie Charles Lummis Home Drawing by John Feeley illustrated
Lewis Carroll frontispiece with tissue guard with six illustrations by Arthur B Frost
Martha Grimes
Joyce Kilmer
Larry McMurtry DJ design George Corsillo inner flap dJ crease
Peter B Kyne frontispiece&illustrations by Dean Cornwell small white out blank endpapers
by Andrew Lang&Paul Sylvester
article by Jackie Gleason Colonel James Wilson
Lew Wallace with Copyrighted Photograph by Rockwood of Lew Wallace on Title Page Dramatized William Young Staged Ben Teal Vocal&Instrumental Music Composed by Edgar Stillman Kelley illustrated from Flashlight Photographs by Joseph Byron protecte
C R Ashbee wood engravings P A Mairet
article by Johnnie Ray Singer Ben Hogan Helen Hayes Senator Brien McMahon Lou Walters owner Latin Quarter Nightclub Steve Allen etc
W W Robinson
Julian M&Max L Livingston red endpapers with small inkmrks in corner SIGNED&inscribed by Max Livingston illustrated with photographs
Leo Politi David A Morley House drawn on DJ by Politi
Signed Personalized Check by Mark Spitz
Signed Personalized Check by Marlo Thomas
Charles S Brooks SIGNED&inscribed illustrated Theodore Diedricksen Jr
William Faulkner DJ design M McKnight Kauffer small stain blank endpapers
Poems by Edna St Vincent Millay
by Lawrence Clark Powell Dorothy Mitchell Conway Majl Ewing Frieda Lawrence Ravagli Aldous Huxley Woodblock Print on Cover&Frontispiece by artist Hon Dorothy Brett edited Haruhide Mori foreword Lawrence Clark Powell Designed Marian Engelke
Written&Illustrated By Johnny Gruelle in Color&B W Coloured Frontispiece Decorated Endpapers
Robert Frost frontispiece
Pierre Mabille Preface Andre Breton
Gena Gilbert Hollywood Actress Collection of 4 B W Studio Photographs
Irene Dunne Studio Photograph
Viscount Hastings Illustrated By Blamire Young Australian Artist With Coloured Frontispiece and 11 Full Pg Coloured Plates Each Plate Has the Original Tissue-Guard with Caption
Jonathan Krisch SIGNED BY Author Maps by Mapping Specialists Ltd
Wyndham Martyn
Alfred Henry Lewis frontispiece with tissue guard by Rodney Thomson illustrated
Robert Crookall Yellowing of blank endpapers
Editors Prevention Magazine Excerpted Carol H Munson Cover&Page Design Diane Ness Shaw
William Lightfoot Visscher Copiously illustrated small pencil writing blank endpaper frontispiece Alexander Majors
as Chronicled by His Son Aram Saroyan SIGNED BY AUTHOR ARAM
Teish Luisah
Maurice Herzog leader French Himalayan Expedition introd by Eric Shipton coloured frontispiece translated from French Nea Morin&Janet Adam Smith Cartographic&Photographic documentation by Marcel Ichac illustrated in color&monochrome-gravure
Odie B Faulk endpapers of Map
Helen Hoke pictures Diana Thorne IN B W&Color pictorial endpapers have former owner name&tape residue&Inner Hinge Clear Tape Reinforcement
Text Ellen Wales Walpole pictures Miss Gertrude Elliott prepared under supervision Mary Reed
Owen Dodson SIGNED
J M Barrie Robert Louis Stevenson introduction Bradford A Booth
John Chancellor orange endpapers Frontispiece Lithographic portrait of Wagner circa 1900 by Pierre Auguste Renoir
D H Lawrence
Jana St James
Charles Dickens Illustrated with Tissue guards by I M Gaugengigl&T V Chominski Frontispiece author with light fox&small tear Tissue Guard Inner Hinge slight Starting
Written Sheena Morey illustrated Dorothea Mathieu pictorial endpapers
Ann Landers Signed&inscribed Eppie Ann Landers Nickname to Personal Friends
Henry H Snelling minor tape residue blank endpapers introduction Beaumont Newhall
Felix Balten pictorial coloured endpapers illustrated Robert Kuhn
Ivor Matanle illustrated
text Giorgio T Faggin Ugo Ruggeri Raffaele Monti introduction Gerard Van Der Hoek in 132 magnificent photographs all newly taken all in full color
Correll&Gosden Ilust Samuel Jay Smith
Robert James Waller
Carl Kjersmeier illust with photographs
Jo Besse McElveen Waldeck pictorial endpapers pictures by Kurt Wiese