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A A Attanasio SIGNED by author introd James Gunn Illustrated Frank Mayo coloured frontispiece C J Cherryh SIGNED by author introd James Gunn Artwork Frank Mayo coloured frontispiece Joe Haldeman SIGNED by author introd James Gunn Illustrated Bryn Barnard coloured frontispiece
Carolyn Keene Pictorial endpapers of B W with turquoise Blue Color decorated Streamer Ribbon with Beautiful Color Frontispiece&some 2 page B W original Internals illustrated by Polly Bolian TEXT BY Andy Warhol edited Pat Hackett book&endpaper design by Giorgetta Bell McRee Anthony Quinn
Joseph Wambaugh blue endpapers show slight residue marks from tape photographs by David Hamilton Charles Lockwood illustrated with 38 photographs&11 Maps
Edgar Rice Burroughs Based on illustrations Hogarth designed&adapted Jeff Skelley story assistance Paul Stein Charles Harlow Raymond frontispiece of William Shakespeare from painting by Chappel with tissue guard with twenty portraits Ann Welch&Roy Hill written by President&Chairman of British Hang Gliding Assoc Cover photo by Ann Welch
James Brough Edited Louis Finkelstein Arianna Stassinopoulos illustrated
Carolyn Keene Pictorial endpapers of B W with Purple Color decorated Streamer Ribbon with Beautiful Color Frontispiece&some 2 page B W original Internals illustrated by Polly Bolian James Bryans Editor Cover Photo by Topix Art Director Jacques Maison&Comprising Group Working Artists
Maurice Maeterlinck translated Alexander Teixeira de Mattos Nettie Leitch Major illustrated coloured frontispiece with tissue guard of Coat of Arms&Family Crest dedicated Marjorie Merriweather Post Art Director Jacques Maison
Melvin Maddocks&Ed Time Life Bks Photographs of Robert Glenn Ketchum introduction Roderick Nash written by Robert Glenn Ketchum&Carey D Ketchum Concept&Photography Jerry Jacka Text Pam Hait Design W Randall Irvine pictorial endpapers
John Mortimer SIGNED by author 2 page coloured frontispiece by Ed Collins was specially commissioned the painting within frontispiece is Piero della Francesca1s fifteenth-century Italian Masterpiece Flagellation of Christ Larry Bond SIGNED by author 2 page frontispiece by Eileen Rudisill was specially commissioned for this deluxe 1st edition George C Mason illustrations in color Julia Dyar Hardy&Ella Dolbear Lee
J R R Tolkien beautiful&charming illustrations in color edited Henry Steele Commager pictorial endpapers with Marcus Cunliffe illustrated coloured frontispiece by Koerner managing editor Jacquelyn S Sibert text selection Jean White illustrated in color&B W stories by Bret Harte William M Stewart Stephen Vincent Benet Jack London etc
Noel Coward Orchestra Direction Piano Accompainimnet&Arrangements by Peter Matz introduction by Goddard Lieberson Cover photo by Arnold Newman Carton Hayes&His Orchestra Piano accompainiment&arrangement by Peter Matz in Las Vegas Margaret Friskey Pictorial Endpapers Have Rub&OWNER STAMP Pictures By Lucia Patton Roger Barlow
Horatio Alger Jr edited&arranged Gilbert K Westgard II Signed by Westgard pictorial endpapers frontispiece of Alger with his Facsimile signed photo dust jacket design George Likeness Arce Hector Laurent De Brunhoff pictorial endpapers
Philip K Dick Story by Tony Johnston pictures Leo Politi signed&dated by Politi Editor Edith J R Isaacs Associate editors Kenneth MacGowan Stark Young Ashley Dukes tipped in frontispiece Turn of Year by Thornton Wilder Flattering Word by Rosamond Gilder Eleonora Duse an unpublished poem by Richard Watson Gilder etc photog
Helen Wells Lafcadio Hearn arranged&edited Albert Mordell Helen Gardner with frontispiece
Signed by Charles Conrad&Richard Gordon who walked on the Moon Ernest Hemingway Forward&Illustrations Foreword By Barnaby Conrad SIGNED By Conrad Pictorial Endpapers Chosen&color&B W illustrated&accompanying text by Pelagie Doane color decorated endpapers inner flap dj small written poems by Robert Louis Stevenson Dorothy Aldis Rose Fyleman Henry W Longfellow James Stephens Elizabeth Honness ET
Joel Chandler Harris adapted Van Dyke Parks illustrated&SIGNED by Barry Moser on blank red endpapers coloured frontispiece Kay Thompson Drawings Hilary Knight pictorial endpapers compiled&introd John Montgomery is one best things written on Jack Kerouac
with Facsimile Signature President Dwight D Eisenhower Irving Stone portfolio 19 drawings by artist SIGNED&inscribed by author Robert A Heinlein Decorated Endpapers Light Wear FOX Introduction By John W Campbell Jr Editor Astounding Science Fiction Inner Flap DJ Original Price of $3 INTACT with Tiny Fox Corner DJ Design By Hubert Rogers
John Steinbeck small owner sticker blank endpapers Governor&Mrs Nelson A Rockefeller Mark Twain blank endpapers former owners initials in pencil beautiful coloured frontispiece with tissue guard
Helen M Fox 12 Full color illustrations 127 Halftones stain blank endpapers translated from French&edited by Helen M Fox Eric Sloane&Edward Anthony with foreword Sec Stewart Udall Ruth D Gardner
Larry McMurtry His 2nd Book&most Scarce Oil Painting by B Hanley James Blish pictorial endpapers coloured frontispiece introduction Walter E Meyers illustrated Ellen Sull Farley with Gilt pages edges
Robert Silverberg pictorial endpapers coloured frontispiece introduction richard D Erlich Artwork Frank Kelly Freas with Gilt pages edges SIGNED by Frank Kelly Freas&Laura Brodian Freas Antonina Vallentin Pearl S Buck
Lewis H Garrard Introduction Carl I Wheat Illustrations from Blocks designed&Cut by Mallette Dean Map Endpapers Fredric Brown Pictorial Endpapers Coloured Frontispiece Grey&White Introduction James Gunn Illustrations Frank Mayo with Gilt Pages Edges Janice Pennington Glamorous Hostess of TV show the Price is Right with 60 photos&25 documents
Werck Alfred Ed Gaut Articles David Henderson Russ Meyer Dale E Basye John Savage etc Cover Photo by Graphic House
R K Massengill M D illustrated throughout Florence Brown Editor Washington Irving Illustrated in color by Everett Shinn with drawings on every page beautiful pictorial endpapers
Allen Camelli editor articles by Charlotte Streat Force Kennett Joseph Jennel etc Articles William F Nolan Arch Ayres Dick Seid Ron Spillman etc Cover Photo by Ron Vogel Articles Melton Davis Arne Nesbee Charles Chuck E Smith etc Cover Photo by Herb Flatow of Claire Fitzpatrick