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Kenneth Anger over 250 photographs selected by Lowell Thomas Radio Voice of The Literary Digest Compiled researched&written by John Harris in association with The Victoria&Albert Museum for the Garden Exhibition Designed by Helen Hamlyn Alphabet Drawn by David Coster illust in color&B W
Philippe Halsman Photographer This exhibition&its tour under the title Halsman 1979 are made possible by Champion International Corporation Ann Harakawa Designed this Original Poster Edited Richard J Anobile introduction Judith Crist over 700 illustrations Dust Jacket Art by Al Hirschfeld Hedda Hopper etc
Andrew Loomis coloured frontispiece former owner name Andrew Loomis 135 pgs of illustrations dealer sticker blank endpapers Printed with Soy Ink
von John Howlett general editor Ted Sennett illustrated with photographs Joanna Trollope Mrs Molesworth pictorial endpapers wtih slight stain few pgs illust in color by Marion Oldham
William J Palmer Discovered&Edited by Edited E S Martin Secretary Editorial Board Entire production directed&Choreographed by Michael Kidd Lyrics Carolyn Leigh
Ludovic Halevy of the French Academy Illust Madame Madeleine Lemaire Max Brod HIS Friend&Literary Executor Transl from German G Humphreys Roberts&Richard Winston Phillips Steven Mystery
Eric C Hiscock with 150 photographs by author&65 diagrams Mitchell Mairin Welles Patricia
Thompson William Irwin Blanding Don Harvey Sir Paul compiled&edited with illusts&Maps
illustrated pics Lucille Ball in color inside articles by Richard Gehman ETC Arnold Genthe foreword Max Eastman blank endpapers former owner name Date Pictorial Frontispiece Isadora Duncan back blank free endpaper Former Owner Stamp Reichs Kathy
James Norman Hall jacket drawing b by George F Kelley Dean R Koontz SIGNED&inscribed illust by Phil Parks R A Skelton watercolour frontispiece by John Cleveley of H M S Racehorse
Derek Howse&Michael Sanderson with an historical introduction by Rear Admiral G S Ritchie Benham W Gurney Bradford Ernle Jacket Design by Tony Fahy
Pictures Dorothy Hope Smith Chant Joy Illustrated George Sharp designed by David Larkin Arabella Boxer Jocasta Innes Charlotte Parry-Crooke Lewis Esson
Sharp Andrew Tree Leta Beatrice Words&Music by Jay Livingston&Ray Evans
Sal Mineo Etc Dalton Peggy Coleman torrance's enterprises by Cynthia Simone photography Mark Stephenson Weslight Frank Lloyd Wright with a biography by Iovanna Lloyd Wright wrinkle on Blank endpaper
Leonard John Designed by Bruce Montgomery Bruton Eric
Dolan Winthrop W Eric C Hiscock with 62 Photographs by the author Claude McKay
Ada R Polkinghorne illustrated in gorgeous colours Jacqueline Susann blank endpaper slight Fox former owner name&small mark out Back blank flyleaf Former owner Stamp Selected for Boys&Girls by Sara Teasdale illust by Dugald Walker gorgeous Coloured frontispiece
Alexander d'Agapeyeff Machlis Joseph Prof Music Queen College NY illust B W&colour David S Viscott M D
Concept Text Cindy Crawford&Sonia Kashuk photo of author on back illustrated color&B W beauty photography Michel Comte still life photography Christopher Baker illustration by Maurice Vellekoop Schorer Mark frontispiece Dan Rather CBS New White House Correspondent&Gary Paul Gates illust with fotos
Ernest K Gann Jean Paul Sartre photo on DJ by Giselle Freund translated from French by Bernard Frechtman Edgar Johnson
Jill M Phillips Rainer Maria Rilke Translated Illustrated By Harry Behn Red Date Written Blank Endpapers&Tape Residue Jacoby Oswalk
Evans Richard Paul Mayersberg Paul Chapman John L
Truman Capote illustrated by Barry Moser Ken Murray entire show Produced Staged&Directed by Story&Pictures by Maurice Sendak
Thorpe Sylvia Virginia Graham&Jean Libman Block Leonard Elmore SIGNED&Inscribed
Robert Farber Photography Zickafoose Opal Lively Harlan Ellison SIGNED