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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Vurpas Cl
Ward William Tilleard
Mendelssohn M
Chase Elisha
Anthropological Society of London
Bailey Pearce
Ashley John M
Hettich H D Fr
Harris Elisha
Dr Russell and Mr Scott
Hoppe-Seyler Felix
Monsieur Desault
Wellcome Historical Medical Library
Kocher Th und E Tavel
Humboldt Alexander von
Paulmier François
Stoll Maximilian
Boulanger Guillaume
Vulpian M
Alpini Prosperi Dav Gaubius ed Hermann Boerhaave pref
Krebs John M
Verity Robert
Jaxtthal Eduard Jäger von
Powers Grover F
Strauss Maurice B and William B Castle
Spence J C
Spriggs Edmund
[Edicion Esteriotipica]
Cavanagh Terry and Susan Cavanagh et al
Williams H B and J A Riche and Graham Lusk
Fuller Sallie ed
Selznick David O and Mitchell Margaret
Parker Patricia and Geoffrey Hartman editors
Gamgee Arthur
International Congress of the History of Medicine
Naunyn B
Rao Raja
Key Jack D and Thomas E Keys eds
Museum of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Kuroda Tokubei Tadashige Habe and Katura Oyama
Lanning John Tate
Blackburn Joyce
Clench W J ed
Cotton States and International Exposition
Smith Jane Webb
Powers Stephen edited with an introduction by Harwood P Hinton
[Dodge Publishing Co}
Stem Jr Thad
Ahrendt Theodore G
Rearick Cappy Hall
Jones Jr C C
Greene Harlan
Stem Thad Jr and Alan Butler
Garrett George
[Thirtieth Congress]
Lord Campbell and Professor Morse
Danforth Thomas
Hinman Royal R comp
Shaw John
Allbutt Thomas Clifford and Rolleston Humphrey Davy eds
Slaughter Karin ed
Warlick Ashley
Karnik V B
Krober Theodora
Zuill William
Mishima Yukio Tamotsu Yato
Souza Ernest
Hodge Hugh L
An Experienced Farmer
Neve Richard
Editors of the Farmer's Magazine
Miller Joseph
Pontey William
Justice James