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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Mrs Bertha Sturdy Foreword By E P Michael President Blackpool Free Church Women's Council and A M Docking Hon Secretary
Arthur Voobus Doctor Dr of Theology University of Tartu Professor at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Scholarly series Papers of the Estonian Theological Society in Exile Eesti Usuteadlaste Selts Paguluses Toimetused No 14
Riley Richard L MD Professor of Environmental Medicine John Hopkins School of Hygiene Public Health Associate Professor of Medicine John Hopkins School of Medicine Baltimore Maryland Francis O'Grady MD MSc Associate Pathologist Bland Sutton Inst
Globe Gas Engine Company San Francisco California
Barry Asmus Author of Crossroads the Treat American Experiment Introduction By Apollo Astronaut Captain James A Lovell
Leo Tolstoy Edited and Introduced By David Stephens Phoenix Press London Kaw-djer Le Vieux Foudre Penny Rimbaud
Harvey Rochlein
Mr T Batty of Drighlinton Near Bedford UK
Hall Manly P MPH Philosophical Research Society Los Angeles California
Alice and Lee Welpley
William A Massey
Marmol Jose Edited with Exercises Notes and Vocabulary By Ames Haven Corley Assistant Professor of Spanish in Yale university for the MacMillan Company Spanish Language Series
Finke Mary Berkeley and Helen Knox
Prepared By the Education and Cultivation Division Board of Global Ministries the United Methodist Church
Rhoda Levine Illustrated By Rosalie Richards
Arthur Hobson Quinn
Leonard J Seidel
Susan E Barrett Drawings By Kath Barrett
Dunn Judy Dunn Phoebe Dunn Tris
Frances W Earhart Ruth Jane Tune
John F Kennedy Emil Weiss Illustrator
John F Kennedy Foreword By Allan Nevins
Gary Allen Edited By Robert Welch Reprint from January 1968 American Opinion an Informal Monthly Reivew
George Stuart Lee Green Peter D aprix Gunnar Swanson Ventura County Museum of History and Art
Joseph Fleischer Company New York NY
Richard F Batterson
Sullivan Press
Green Cecile and Pictures By Gene Lysaker for Oddo Publishing
Don Dwiggins A Golden Gate Junior Book
Ann Ladbury Illustrations By Jil Shipley
Mary Lewis Coakley
Frank Ching
Edwards George 1694 to 1773 Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries London Volume I 1 One
Edwards George 1694 to 1773 Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries London PART III 3
George Edwards Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries London Volumes 1 2 3 4 I II III IV One Two Three Four
Betty Engebretson Ester Friend for Rand mcnally and Company
Hollis Christensen Editor Los Angeles California 1949
Western Design and Manufacturing Corp Santa Barbara Goleta California
The Aladdin Company-Designers Manufacturers Sellers-Bay City Michigan
Irma S Rombauer Marion Rombaurer Becker Ginnie Hofmann and Beverly Warner Bob's
R S Groves&Steil Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Bathurst Elizabeth
Chilton Book Company Automotive Editorial Dept Kerry A Freeman Richard J Rivele Robert J Brown William A Barbour James A Miades John P Kushnerick Chilton Book Company
MacKinnen Daniel MacKinnen
Joseph Fleischer Quality Wigs and Hairpiece Manufacturer New York City NY 425 Fifth Avenue Murray Hill
Roche Lynne and Michael Distributied By European Artist Dolls and Bears of Richmond Virginia
Donald K McKim
Ruth Angell Purkey Signed on Title Page By This Author SIGNED
Fred S Elder Mathmatics Department University of Oklahoma
Dr James E Cantrell introduction By Harry Hobbs MD
Renner Davis By Contempo the Walt Disney Company
General Electric Aircraft Engine Group D W Roberts
Better Homes and Gardens Meredith Publishing Company
DeMoulin Brothers and Company Greenville Illinois
Leonard Hutton Galleries 41 East 57th Street New York City NY ADAA Member Alberto Magnelli 1888 to 1971 Artist Cubist Sarah Bodine Robert Lorenzson Russell Hassell Thorner Press Introduction By Ingrid Hutton
Bacon Roger Dr Dees T M
Sunset Emily Chase Antonio Sotomayor
Johann Bayer Joannis Bayeri
Louise Bodger Whitman Bodger Seed Co El Monte California
Newcomb Pottery-New Orleans Louisiana USA
John L Bray Evangelist John L Bray Ministries
King Elizabeth Delvine Aum Temple of Universal Truth Newberry Springs California
E W Kemble Edward Winsor
T Ernesto Bethancourt Holliday House Book
Joel Kirschenstein Ed D Joan Blum Edited By Sandra Barbier
Authority of the Board of Trustees Skinner Samuel Brown Chairman Tempe High Shchool
Edith Simon
Bungalow Book Publishing Company Portland Oregon
A Coulter and Company Chicago Illinois
Blum Peggy Bellingham This Little Book is a Coopertive Effort Janice Stayed with Leaf So I Could Work John Calligraphed the Cover Connie Did the 2 Big Drawings Gita and Michael Did Other Graphics Brian Helped with the Layout Doug and Mike
Apollonius of Tyana Tyanensis TEXT IS ONLY IN LATIN
Stout Motor Car Corporation Dearborn Michigan William Bill Stout Designer
Rodolphe Topffer Timothy Crayon-
Mark Lew Lewman and Craig Gork Barrette Windy Osborn Photography COVER SIGNED BY REDLINE RIDER TODD ANDERSON