Bibliophile Bookbase

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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors

Ann Finlayson Kyuzo Tsugami Golden Press Janet Campbell Jean Chandler Helen Gurley Brown Editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine
Marian Jane Parker Calumet Baking Powder Co Northwestern Yeast Co Magic Yeast and Yeast Foam R J De Cristoford
Robert Epstein Sherry Phillips Roland Roy J Krishnamurti Mark Edwards
Brian R Clement Marilyn Willison Nancy Jolly King Seeley Thermos Co KST Structo Eugene Bradley Coco Colette Van Mierlo
John Balaban War Department G C Marshall J A Ulio Pierre Biquard Geoffrey Strachan
Gordon Stowell Lillian B Garfield Tony Brice William Mackellar
The Juiceman Mary Barclay Erb William Mangin
Marcel Boulestin Robin Adair Pietro Corsi Smith Motor Boat Service
Mary C Jane Raymond Abel Ethel Gold Diane Harrington Each Recipe Notes Its Contributor Mel Cebulash Arthur Julian Marty Roth
Shel and Jan Haber Kennon Graham Darrell Baker Jason Studios Mario A Di Cesare
HS Helmut Schmid Verlag Regensbur Salzburg Fred Konig Adrian Towersey Josette Boyer Miguel Eslava Harold Myra Richard A Boning
Founder's Region International Toastmistress Clubs Each Recipe Notes Its Contributor Jean McLean Jean Stallings Mary Goodsell Jeri Koehler Esther k Meeks Ted Schroeder Kingsbury W H
Robert Nash Kate Cooney South African Tourist Corporation Keartland Press
John Pescosolido the Harper Row Basic Spelling Program Marie E Taylor Yvonne Young Tarr
Mindel Sitomer Harry Sitomer George Giusti Dorothy Westlake Andrews Jacqueline C Stone McKinley Robert C Harry T Kaufmann Dairy Council of California
Joutel Henri Joutel TEXT IS ONLY IN THE FRENCH LANGUAGE Francais Van Alstyne Egbert Williams and Van Alstyne the Six Musical Guttys Terry Kellogg MA Kellogg Harrison Family and Relationship Series
Frederick H Dewey Goleta Valley Public Library Friends of Goleta Library No 687 Forest E Olson Inc Realtors a Coldwell Banker Company Each Recipe Notes Its Contributor Rosalynn Carter Walter Mondale John Glenn Edmund Muskie Robert Dole Alan Cranston Etc
Lillian De Waters DeWaters ORIGINAL 1940 EDITION Ellis Gladwin The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Henry B Rollins MD Lillian De Waters Lillian Dewaters
Knight Hilary Harper and Row Publishers Clement Moore Hebborn Eric artist and Master Forger British Art Historian Expert Friedrich Argelander D Fr Argelandro Text is Only in German and Latin
Hodgkinson Clement Hodgkinson Walter Farley 2 Book Matching Set Classics By Farley illustrated By Mal Singer and Milton Menasco Helen Gurley Brown 2 Books By Helen Gurley Brown Editor of Cosmo Cosmopolitan
Walter Farley 2 Books By Farley Adventure Classics Illustrated By Milton Menasco and Harold Eldridge Susan Lee Don Smarto Dominick Labino Research Johns Manville Fiber Glass Incorporated Willard F Wankelman Bowling Green State University
Charles Francis Potter Andor Braun Lond Thomas Mun of Lond Merchant and now published for the Common good by his son John Mun of Bearsted in the County of Kent Esquire Betty Crocker Crocker's Bantam 4 Book Set Bantam Cookbook Series
George Casey Documentary Recordings San Diego Zoo Book + Audio Recording Combo Knight Hilary Harper and Row Publishers Clement Moore 4 books AND Nutshell Library By Maurice Sendak 4 books in Box TOTAL OF 8 BOOKS SET IN 2 BOXES AS ISSUED Robert T Filep Associate Investigator Research Division Department of cinema University of Southern California Formerl Secretary of the Center for Programed Instruction Inc
Sue Gregg Emilie Barnes of More Hours in My Day Jay Home and Garden Club Jay Oklahoma Ruby Clark Loyetta Landrum Kathleen Koehne Maezelle Williams Blance Bishop Deanna Smith Mamie Corey Barbara Filkle Ann Kelly Eleanor mowles Louise Pearce Mary evans Fran Hudson Betty stelzer et al Alan Sica Editor Contributors Wilhelm Hennis Niklas Luhmann Charles Lemert Joseph H Whitmeyer steve Seidman Arlene Stein Ken Plummer Steven Epstein Chrys Ingraham Ki Namaste Janice M Irvine
Raphael Tuck and Sons Roger Bastide Jeam McNeil Cunningham Julia Photographs By Katy Peake