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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
Lodge John C and Quaife M M
Stansberry Domenic
Collison Gary
Anati Emmanuel
Baker Howard
Link William A
Wills Garry ed
Hall Jacquelyn Down et als
Skelnar Larry
Shalf Rosanne Groat
Durrell Gerald and Durrell Lee
Preston Diana
Morrison Joseph L
Reid John P
Gould Robert F ed
Crow Jeffrey J Escott Paul D and Flynn Charles L eds
Blom Eric ed
McCullough David W
Lewis H John
Flint Valerie I J
Dryden Charles W
Brooks Paul
Powaski Ronald E
Koskoff David E
Slesin Suzanne Cliff Stafford and Rozenztroch Daniel
Windschuttle Keith
Jackson Christopher
Baigent Michael Leigh Richard and Lincoln Henry
Sacco Jack
Suitts Steve
Quinn David Beers
Fiori Gabriella
Dalley Jan
Mullen Harris
Hendricks G C
Rostow W W
Handy William J and Westbrook Max eds
Reston James
Manninen Talvikki
Tolstoy Sophia
Miller Arthur I
Ierley Merritt
Sykes Sydney A
Salisbury Albert and Salisbury Jane
Costley-White Hope
Oates Stephen B
Arnot Art Museum
De Camp L Sprague De Camp Catherine Crook and Griffin Jane Whittington
Andrews Sarah
Manson Cynthia ed
Campen Alan D and Dearth Douglas H Eds
Dippie Brian W ed
Astin Sean and Layden Joe
Swinson Cyril
Fisher Hugh ed
Cobley Simon and Gallant David
Golay Michael
Bush George S
Wise Nancy Baker and Wise Christy
Shinn Thelma J
Hammond Peter B
Glass Charles
Nathan Leonard
Gardiner Anthony
Fahey David and Rich Linda
Powers James T
Lawlor Robert
Ager John Curtis
Stainton Lindsay
Neff Nancy A and Coheleach Guy
Schneider Steven J
Kuster Konrad
Burnham John C
Lonnrot Elias comp
Oliner Marion Michel