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Bibliophile Bookbase Authors
O'Daly Gerard
Jordan Terry G
Shortal John Francis
Weathers Wesley W
Adelson Alan and Lapides Robert editors
Franco Joseph and Hammer Richard
Brook Elaine
Moritz Carl Philip
Ambler Marjane
Baumont Maurice
Covin David
Gerstenberger Donna and Hendrick George
Gross Theodore L
Pappas George S
Gadd Laurence
Gohm Douglas
Baker Robin Ed
Grilhe Gillette
Kesey Ken
Shannon William V
Higonnet Anne
Corbin Alain
Stutz Bruce
Summers Gerald
Flegg Jim and Hosking David
Wall Steve
Frank Elizabeth
Drew Bettina
Rogo D Scott
Sabrin B F Ed
Goodridge Celeste
Bascom Willard
Schricker Gale C
Howell Michael and Ford Peter
Lanier-Graham Susan D
Long David F
Goslee David
Whitlock Brand and Miller Paul W
Ingram Kevin
Kaufman Wallace
Clark Bill
Kennedy Adrienne
Adams Judith
Kreh Lefty
Jones Lloyd S
Raymond M
Masselman George
Hickam William M
Sandburg Margaret Ed
Farrell R T
Hinckle Warren and Hobbs Frederic
Clark Malcolm
Hodges C Walter
Rickert Jon E
Potter Eloise F Parnell James F and Teulings Robert P
Newman Albert H
Bartlett Irving H
Waugh Harry
Evans Faith Trans and Meier Olga
Parkins Maurice Frank
Johnson-Marshall Percy
Lawrence H Lea
Walker Don D
Spence Basil
Mattheisen Paul F and Millgate Michael Eds
Miller Luree
Barlow S L M
Miller Robert Moats
Chipperfield Mary
Bannon John Francis Ed
Stanford Donald Ed
Asbury Eslie
Finucane Ronald C
Sheed Wilfrid
Doan Van Toai and Chanoff David