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William Glynn, Bookseller Books

Foster, Norman; Jenkins, David: Foster: 40 projects/Themes Zahir, Yasmin; Malbert, Roger: Paper Cuts Colas, Rene: Bibliographie Generale Du Costume et De La Mode Description Des Suites, Recueils, Series, Revues et Livres Francais St Etrangers Relatifs Au Costume Civil, Militaire et Rleigieux, Aux Modes, Aux Coiffures et Aux Divers Accessoires De L'Habillement
Milner, Rev. John: A Treatise on the Ecclesiastical Architecture of England, During the Middle Ages, with Ten Illustrative Plates Rickman, Thomas: An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation: With a Sketch of the Grecian and Roman Orders; Notices of Numerous British Edifices; and Some Remarks on the Architecture of a Part of France Gwilt, Joseph: Rudiments of Architecture, Practical and Theoretical with Plates
Britton, John: Chronological History and Graphic Illustrations of Christian Architecture in England: Embracing a Critical Inquiry Into the Rise, Progress, and Perfection of This Species of Architecture Sharpe, Edmund: The Seven Periods of English Architecture Defined and Illustrated Noble, James: The Professional Practice of Architects, and That of Measuring Surveyors, and Reference to Builders, &c. &c. From the Time of the Celebrated Earl of Burlington
Parker, John Henry: A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture 2 Volumes Keuerleber, Eugen: Otto Dix Zum 80 Robertson, Bryan (preface): The New Generation: 1968 Interim April-May
Michaux, Henri: Henri Michaux - February 26 - March 23 1963 Sulter, Maud: Echo: Works By Women Artists 1850-1940 Fischer, Erik: Svend Wiig Hansen - Biennale Venice 1964 Danish Pavilion
Sinfield, Brian: 20th Century/Contemporary British Painters Arthur Churchill: Glass Notes, Collected and Compiled By Arthur Churchill Ltd. No. 6 December 1946 Arthur Churchill: Glass Notes, Collected and Compiled By Arthur Churchill Ltd. No. 8 December 1948
Arthur Churchill: Glass Notes, Collected and Compiled By Arthur Churchill Ltd. No. 12 December 1952 Hajdamach, C R: David Cox and His Contemporaries Degand, Léon: Modern Sculptors - Gonzalez
Redfern Gallery: Spring Exhibition 1989 - 20th Century British Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings and Ceramics Morgan, Stuart: John Virtue 1 March - 7 April 1991 Freeman, Edward A: An Essay on the Origin and Development of Window Tracert in England; with Nearly Four Hundred Illustrations
Kendall, John: An Elucidation of the Principles of English Architecture, Usually Denominated Gothic Gwilt, Joseph: An Encyclopædia of Architecture, Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Bann , Stephen (intro.): Ian Hamilton Finlay
Rae, Tom (intro.): A List of Books Published By & Forthcoming from the Old Stile Press 1986-1987 McDowall, Nicolas & Frances: A List of Books Published By & Forthcoming from the Old Stile Press 1988-1989 McDowall, Nicolas & Frances: Books from the Old Stile Press 1995-6
Spiers, R Phené: The Orders of Architecture, Greek, Roman, and Italian. Selected from Normand's Parallel and Other Authorites Chambers, Sir William et al: A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Five Orders of Architecture; Containing the Most Plain and Simple Rules for Drawing and Executing Them in the Purest Style Whiteford, Kate; Phibbs, John; Pieroni, Augusto: Kate Whiteford. Airfield
Osborne, Peter: Lynn Chadwick Robertson, Bryan (intro.): The Sculpture Show: Fifty Sculptors at the Serpentine and the South Bank Nairne, Sandy and Serota, Nicholas (eds.): British Sculpture in the Twentieth Century
Sylvester, David: Henry Moore Chadwick, Lynn: Chadwick: Recent Sculpture Macaulay, James; Hitchmough, Wendy; Bosley, Edward R: Arts & Craft Houses II - Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Hill House; C F A Voysey: The Homestead; Greene and Greene; Gamble House
Murray, Peter (intro.): Scultura. Carving from Carrara, Massa and Pietrasanta Holman, Martin: Derek Morris Ingram, David (fwd.): Janet MacLeod
Sekules, Veronica (ed.): The University of East Anglia Collection Rosenberg, Eugene; Cork, Richard: Architect's Choice. Art in Architecture in Great Britain Since 1945 Lawrence, Sidney and Foy George: Music in Stone. Great Sculpture Gardens of the World
Sylvester, David: Trapping Appearance. Portraits By Francis Bacon and Alberto Giacometti from the Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Collection Tada, Minami (fwd.): THE 7TH HENRY MOORE GRAND PRIZE EXHIBITION. THE UTSUKUSHI-GA-HARA OPEN-AIR MUSEUM Robertson, Bryan & Alley, Ronald: David Carr. The Discovery of an Artist
Read, Benedict: Victorian Sculpture Hiscox, Robert; Braka, Ivor: The Hiscox Collection Herbert, Barry: German Expressionism Die Brücke and Der Blaue Reiter
Strachan, Walter J: Towards Sculpture. Drawings and Maquettes from Rodin to Oldenburg Molinari, Danielle: Robert et Sonia Delaunay - Le Centenaire Gow, Michael: Paul Maze 1887-1979. Centenary Exhibition
Vogt, Manfred: UNTERWEGS NOTIERT Reiseskizzen von Manfred Vogt Kuh, Katharine: Leger French, James Branwhite: Walks in Abney Park. With Life-Photographs of Ministers and Other Public Men Whose Names are Found There
Fraser, Donald Hamilton: Donald Hamilton Fraser Paintings Park, Jong Ha: Jong Ha Park Solo Exhibition Cooper, Eileen: Eileen Cooper - Shapechanger
Johnson, Robin: James McBey 1883-1959 Musson, Jeremy: The English Manor House from the Archives of Country Life Holme, Charles (ed.): Modern British Domestic Architecture and Decoration
Holme, Geoffrey (ed.): ''The Studio'' Year-Book of Decorative Art, 1919 with Special Articles on Cottage Design Decoration & Equipment Brangwyn, Frank (fwd.): ''The Studio'' Year-Book of Decorative Art, 1925 Mercer, Frank A & Gaunt, W (eds.): Modern Publicity 1935-6
Shapiro, Barbara Stern: Edgar Degas: The Reluctant Impressionist Thomas, Denis: Edward Seago November - Dezember 1973 Cooper, Douglas: Graham Sutherland - Neue Werke - Recent Work
Leiris, Michel: Francis Bacon Oeuvres Récentes Seitz, William C: The Responsive Eye Beaucamp, Edouard: Max Klinger 1857-1920 Printed Graphic
Moore, Henry: Henry Moore - Sculptures, Drawings and Graphics Jouffroy, Alain (preface): Henry Moore - Sculptures, Drawings Prints Leiris, Michel: Francis Bacon
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