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Iwaniuk, Waclaw and Smieja, Florian [ eds]: Seven Polish Canadian Poets, an Anthology Hoess, Rudolf [Hess] Broad, Pery & Kremer, Johann Paul: KL Auschwitz Seen by the SS Green, Peter: The Expanding Eye: A First Journey to the Mediterranean
Geromichas, Ph: Grammatike Anglikes Glosses : Pleres & Systematike : di archarious kai prochoremenous spoudastas tes Anglikes, me plethos paradeigmaton = English grammar for Greek students Pernot, Hubert [Octave]: Grammaire Grecque Moderne (Langue Parlee) Avec Une Introduction et Des Index Modern Greek Studies Association: Journal of Modern Greek Studies : Volume 42 # 1 - May 2024
Tomic, Stevan: Manasija Resava Vrbovsko: Municipal Assembly & Krunoslav, Antic [ed]: Opccina Vrbovsko : njena proslost, njena sadasnjost Valtinos, Thanassis: New Moon: Day One
Tsirpanlis, Constantine N: Modern Greek Idiom and Phrase Book Kiourtsidou, Alexia & Gkoutzikidou, Natasha: Giati to Leme Etsi : He Proelefsi Paroimiakon Ekphraseon Ston Kathimerini Mas Logo Greek : a guide to the spoken language [TM 30-350]
Rayall, G.S. [ed]: Punjabi University English-Punjabi dictionary = Pan~ja?bi? Yu?ni?warasit?i? An?grezi? Sterling, Claire: The Masaryk Case Benyukh, Olesj [Oleg Petrovich] & Galushko, Raisa Ivanovna: Ukrainian-English Hippocrene Standard Dictionary
Mihailovic?, Milica: Judaica in Yugoslavia Stefanllari, Ilo: Fjalor Anglisht-shqip Kovala, Liisa: The Day Soon Dawns: A Finnish Sailor's True Story of Surviving Stutthof
Samaras, Lucas [Rose, Barbara]: Samaras : Reconstructions at the Pace Gallery 1978 Norris, Daniela & Anabtawi, Shireen: Crossing Qalandiya Szymborska, Wislawa: Wiersze, Zielniki = Poems, Herbariums
Gielzynski, Wojciech; Kostrowicka, Irena & Kostrowicki, Jerzy: Polska : Karpaty i Podkarpacie, Wyzyny Polskie, Sudety i Nizina S´laska, Nizina Wielkopolska, Nizina Mazowiecko-Podlaska, Pobrzez?a i Pojezierza Janacek, Josef: Praha Manes, Josef & Friemanova Milena: Manesovy Narodopisne Studie
Herain, K [Karel Vladimir] Mares, Josef: Pamatce Josefa Manesa 1820-1920 = The Memory of Josef Manes Kazantzakis,Nikos: ? ??????? ??????????????? = O Christos Xanastavronetai = Christ Recrucified Kazantzakis,Nikos: ???? ??? ????? = Ophis Kai Krino = Serpent and Lily
Kazantzakis,Nikos: ????????? ????? = Spasmenos Psyches Kazantzakis,Nikos: ???? ??? ???????? ??? ????? ?????? = Vios Kai Politeia Tou Alexi Zorba Kazantzakis, Nikos: ?? ??????????? = Oi Aderphophades (Theloi, Leei, Na 'nai Leuteros, Skotoste Ton! )
Kazantzakis, Nikos: ??????? ??? ??????? ??????????? = Historia Tis Rosikes Logotechnias Kazantzakis, Nikos: ??? ?????? ??? ?????? : istoriko mythistorema gia paidia = Sta Palatia Tis Knossou Kazantzakis,Nikos: T???? ????? = Toda Raba
Kazantzakis,Nikos: At the Palaces of Knossos Kazantzakis, Nikos: Two Plays-Sodom and Gomorrah (and) Comedy : A Tragedy in One Act Kazantzakis,Nikos: The Fratricides
Kazantzakis,Nikos: ???????????? - ??????, ????? = Taxidevontas : Rousia Kazantzakis,Nikos: ???????????? - ??????-????????, ????-??????????, ?????? ?????? = Taxidevontas : Italia, Aigyptos, Sina, Ierusalem, Kypros, Morias Kazantzakis,Nikos: ???????????? ?????? = Taxidevontas : Anglia
Kazantzakis, Nikos: ????????????- ???????, ???? = Taxidevontas : Iapania, Kina Kazantzakis,Nikos: Anaphora Ston Greko Tomos A + Tomos B Kazantzakis,Nikos: ? ?????????? = O Vrachokipos = The Rock Garden
Kazantzakis,Nikos: Symposium Dante Alighieri & Kazantzakis, Nikos: ? ???? ??????? = He Theia Komodia = Divine Comedy [Tomos B] Kazantzakis, Helen: Nikos Kazantzakis : A Biography Based on His Letters
Kazantzakis, Nikos: Oi Aderphophades (Theloi, Leei, Na 'nai Leuteros, Skotoste Ton! ) PARATIRITIS: Paratiritis : A Greek-Canadian Monthly Review.1974 NEOS KOSMOS: Neos Kosmos - New World : Evodmadiaia Ephemerida to Ellenon Kanada :19881988-12-13
NEOS KOSMOS: Neos Kosmos - New World : Evodmadiaia Ephemerida to Ellenon Kanada :19891988-12-13 Redfield, James: Dwunaste wtajemniczenie : godzina Decyzji = The Twelfth Insight Paley, Maggie: Od tego sa Przyjaciolki = Bad Manners
Miller, Katarzyna & Pawluczuk, Monika: Byc kobieta i nie zwariowac Opowiesci Psychoterapeutyczne Szymborska, Wislawa: Chwila / Moment Szymborska, Wislawa: Tutaj / Here : New Poems
Machiavelli, Niccolò [Kazantzakis, Nikos]: O Hegemonas Papadatos, George: Anthologio Antistasiakes Technes : Anthologese, Epimeleia, Epilogi Papaloizou, Kleon: To Kypriako Kai Oi Ellenikes Kyverneseis, to Vivlio Touto Graphtike Ta Tele tou 1971
U.S.Senate [Edward M.Kennedy]: Crisis on Cyprus : A Report Prepared for the Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees for the Committee on the Judiciary Of the United States Senate Tenekides, Giorgios [Giorgios Kyriakou ]: ?????? ?????????????? ??? ??????? ??????? = Themata Koinoniologias ton Diethnon Scheseon Mayes ,Stanley: Cyprus and Makarios
Keridis, Dimitri; & Pfaltzgraff, Robert L: Nato And Southeastern Europe: Security Issues for the Early 21st Century Livieratou, Georgia [ED]: Mia skene gia ton Dionyso : theatrikos choros & archaio drama = A stage for Dionysos := A stage for Dionysos: theatrical space & ancient drama Dante: Dante
Valavani, Eleni G: Alphavetario B Coelho, Jose Mario & Januario, Ilda [eds]: Portuguese Cultural Centre of Mississauga/ Centro Cultural Portgues de Mississauga 1974-2014 Rakowski, Grzegorz: Ilustrowany przewodnik po zabytkach kultury na Bialorusi
Szybinski, Zbigniew & Walega, Maria: Salt Works Museum at Wieliczka [Museum of Krakow} Smith, Colby Cedar: Call Me Athena: Girl from Detroit Rapti, Vassiliki: Bathed in Moonlight
Anthony, Gretchen: The Book Haters' Book Club: A Novel Hanff, Helene: 84 Charing Cross Road Alcott, Louisa May: Mujercitas = Little Women
Bethud, Michael & Hatch, Penelope: Petra : Discovering a Treasure Irving, Clive: Crossroads of civilization: 3000 years of Persian history Espan~a = Spain = Espagne = Espanien
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