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Kalamos Books Books

Stephens, Robert: Cyprus, a place of arms; power politics and ethnic conflict in the eastern Mediterranean Spyridakis, C: A Brief History of Cyprus Ya'accobi, Yoram [Shictor, Michael. Ed.]: Cyprus (Michael's Guide)
Newman,Philip: A Short History of Cyprus : With Special Reference to Those Events in the History of the Surrounding Civilizations Which Have Left Their Mark Upon the Island Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou, Euphrosyne: The House of the Dragoman of Cyprus Hadjigeorgakis Kornessios Cyprus. Press & Information Office: Cyprus [2000]
Henderson, Celia: Cyprus. The Country and Its People Garner, Alan: Elidor Garner, Alan: The Owl Service
Garner, Alan: The Weirdstone Of Brisingamen : A Tale of Alderley Garner, Alan: The Moon of Gomrath Bouyoucas, Pan: A Father's Revenge
Gallant, Thomas: Modern Greece Thaniel, George: Seawave and Snowfall : Selected Poems 1960-1982 Koulle, Antre [ed.;: Kypros [1997]
O'Malley, Brendan & Craig, Ian: The Cyprus Conspiracy: America, Espionage and the Turkish Invasion Ioannides, Christos P. & Coufoudakis, Van: Cyprus: Domestic Dynamics, External Constraints Lyssiotis, Polly & Kokoti, Vasiliki (Eds.): About Cyprus[2004]
Clarke, Lindsay: The Return from Troy Bradley,Marion Zimmer: The Firebrand Doody, Margaret: Aristotle and the Secrets of Life : An Aristotle and Stephanos Novel
Davis, Lindsey: Three Hands in the Fountain Davis, Lindsey: Time to Depart Davis, Lindsey: Two for the Lions
Davis, Lindsey: Saturnalia Davis, Lindsey: The Silver Pigs Durham, David Anthony: Pride of Carthage : A Novel of Hannibal
Ford, Michael Curtis: The Fall of Rome: A Novel of a World Lost Edey,Maitland: Lost World of the Aegean Miller, William H: The Chandris Liners
Wood, Michael: In Search of Myths and Heroes Pinsent, John: Greek Mythology Daniel, Robert L: American philanthropy in the Near East : 1820-1960
Homer & Kocourek, Vitezslav: Homer's Iliad Frazer, James George [Mary Douglas & Sabine MacCormack eds]: Illustrated Golden Bough Lovatt-Smith, Lisa: Mediterranean Living
Stanford, W.B.[William Bedell] & Luce, J.V.[John Victor ]: The Quest for Ulysses Duruy,Victor: The World of Legendary Greece Bowra,C. M. [Cecil Maurice]: Ancient Greek Literature
House, Humphry & Hardie, Colin: Aristotle's Poetics. A Course of Eight Lectures Atroshenko, V.I.& Grundy, Milton, Parkyn, Neil: Mediterranean Vernacular: A Vanishing Architectural Tradition Algie, Jim: Spotlight on Athens
Engelhardt, Viktor: Die geistige Kultur der Antike Agard, Walter R: What Democracy Meant to the Greeks Jones, Peter: An Intelligent Person's Guide to Classics
Wimsatt, William Jr. & Brooks, Cleanth: Literary criticism. A short history. 1. Classical & Neo-classical Criticism Jannopoulo, Helen P [Phiambolis]: And Across Big Seas Provost, Gary: Perfect Husband : The True Story of the Trusting Bride Who Discovered That Her Husband Was a Coldblooded Killer
Gaines Richard & Segal,Michael: Dukakis and the Reform Impulse Dukakis,Kitty & Scovell,Jane: Now You Know Papanikolas, Helen Z: A Greek Odyssey in the American West (Previous Title : Emily-George)
Kenney,Charles & Turner,Robert: Dukakis : An American Odyssey Stephanopoulos, George: All Too Human : a Political Education Modern Greek Studies Association: Journal of Modern Greek Studies : Volume 23 # 2 - October 2005
Modern Greek Studies Association: Journal of Modern Greek Studies : Volume 23 # 1 - May 2005 Modern Greek Studies Association: Journal of Modern Greek Studies : Volume 22 # 2 - October 2004 Modern Greek Studies Association: Journal of Modern Greek Studies : Volume 22 # 1 - May 2004
Peradotto, John: Classical Mythology, an Annotated Bibliographical Survey Saloutos,Theodore: They Remember America : The Story of the Repatriated Greek Americans Clogg, Richard: A Short History of Modern Greece
Dimas, Christos [Demos, Chrestos Photiou]: Justice in Canada Fitts, Dudley (Ed.) [Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Sophocles, Euripides, Euripides]: Four Greek Plays : The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, The Oedipus Rex of Sophocles, The Alcestis of Euripides. The Birds of Aristophanes Norwood, Gilbert: Greek Comedy
Aristophanes [Varnalis, Kostas Ed] [Kostas Barnales]: O Ploutos Aristophanes [Varnalis, Kostas Ed] [Kostas Barnales]: Hippeis Koutsoudaki,Maria [ED]: Canadian Identity through Literature
Anselmi, William; Gouliamos, Kosta: Mediating Culture: The Politics of Representation Anselmi, William; Gouliamos, Kosta: Elusive Margins : Consuming Media, Ethnicity and Culture Georgakopoulou, Nikitas Alexandrou: Anamneseis Mias Zoes
Gigantes, Philippe: Power and Greed: A Short History of the World Papaharalambos,Demetrios: Letters to the Motherland Dimitriades, Euripides S: Enjoy Ancient Greece
Sandbach, F.H: The Comic Theatre of Greece and Rome Etienne, Roland & Etienne, Francoise: The Search For Ancient Greece Trifonas, Peter & Balomenos, Effie: Good Taste: How What You Choose Defines Who You are
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