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Collas,Pericles (Kollas, Perikles): An A.B.C.of the Acropolis of Athens Collas,Pericles (Kollas, Perikles): A Concise Guide to the Acropolis of Athens Miliardis, Yiannis [Giannes Meliades] [Miliades, John ]: A Concise Guide to the Acropolis Museum
Hooker, G. T. W. (editor): Parthenos and Parthenon [Greece and Rome - Supplement to Vol. X] Sando, Tom: Wild Daisies in the Sand: Life in a Canadian Internment Camp Hadi,Mohamed Hussein: Muliyooy saa see : sooyaalka dalkeenna : taariikhda, dhaqanka & ciyaaraha soomaaliyeed
France, Peter: Greek as a Treat : An Introduction to the Classics Nilsson, Martin P. (Trans. Herbert Jennings Rose: Greek Piety Gourmet Magazine Editors: The Best of Gourmet 1997: Featuring the Flavors of Greece
Mead,G.R.S: Apollonius of Tyana the Philosopher-Reformer of the First Century A.D Time-Life Books: Wondrous Realms of the Aegean Cantarella, Eva; Fant, Maureen B. (translator): Pandora's Daughters : The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity (Ancient Society and History Ser.)
Legris, Sylvia: Nerve Squall Zouroudi, Anne: The Doctor of Thessaly: A Seven Deadly Sins Mystery Aaver, Eva; Laanekask, Heli & Olesk, Sirje: Lydia Koidula 1843-1886
The dogs of Oakville : then and now Grabbi, Hellar: Seisata, aeg! : Ma?lestuslikud esseed Christie, Agatha: Herkulese Vagiteod
Grant, Michael: Nero, Emperor in Revolt Ellingson, Stephen & Green, M. Christian: Religion and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective [Carmichael, Alexander]: Keldi Palved : Palveid ja onnistussoove Heiidi saartelt Sotlmaalt
Szado, Ania: Studio Saint-Ex Stone, I F: The Trial of Socrates Warner,Rex: Men of Athens: The Story of Fifth Century Athens
Aristophanes: The Frogs + The Birds Aristophanes: The Birds + The Frogs Harrison, Jane Ellen: Themis : A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion
Waddington, Miriam: The Glass Trumpet Knight, Lorna [ED]: Let us compare mythologies : Half a century of Canadian poetry in English = Comparons nos mythologies : un demi-siecle de poesie canadienne en anglais Gregorovich, Andrew: Canadian ethnic groups bibliography; selected bibliography of ethnocultural groups in Canada and the Province of Ontario
Davis, Lindsey: A Body in the Bath House Davis, Lindsey: One Virgin Too Many Davis, Lindsey: Ode to a Banker
Davis, Lindsey: The Accusers Davis, Lindsey: A Dying Light in Corduba Borchardt, Alice: The Silver Wolf
De Visser, John: University of Toronto: A time to remember Plantos, Ted: The Seasons are my Sacraments Michaelides, Alex: The Silent Patient
Archibald, Zofia: Discovering the World of the Ancient Greeks Hanfmann, George Maxim Anossov & Hanfmann, Ilse: Letters from Sardis Demargne, Pierre: Arte Egea
Miller, Helen Hill: Greek Horizons Sulzer-Reichel, Martin & Norling, Simone: Ancient World: From Homer to Constantine the Great (Flipguides) Browning, Robert: The Greek World : Classical, Byzantine and Modern
Werner, Paul: Life in Greece in Anciant Times Robertson, Martin: Greek Painting Vrbovsko: Municipal Assembly. Krunoslav, Antic [ed]: Opccina Vrbovsko : njena proslost, njena sadasnjost
Janacek, Josef: Praha Manchester, William: The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill - Alone 1932-1940 Three Continents : : a study of the situation and problems in Asia, Africa, and Central America, and the relationship of those areas to defence policies in the 1960s and to the British Commonweal: Montgomery, Bernard Law [Viscount Montgomery of Alamein]
Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro): The Aeneid Cateni, Gabriele / Regione Lazio: The Etruscans: Tourist Guide Conticello, Baldassare: Archaeology in Rome and Latium=
Bonnard, Andre: Greek Civilization : ( I) From the Iliad to the Parthenon Filey, Mike: Toronto .. Flashbacks 2 ... A Postcard Book of 30 Black and White Historical Photographs Botsford, George Willis & Botsfordn Lillie M Shaw: A source-book of ancient history
Kapetanopoulos, Pavlos: Greek Independence Day USA Goldthorpe, John: The Hidden Splendour Mark, Jan: Mr. Dickens Hits Town
LaFleur, Richard A: Scribblers, Sculptors, and Scribes: A Companion to Wheelock's Latin and Other Introductory Textbooks Di Stephano, Carmelo Angelo: The Archaeological Museum of Palermo Lloyd-Jones, Hugh (Ed): The Greeks
Toynbee,Arnold J: Greek Historical Thought : From Homer to the Age of Heraclius Laomedon Review Volume 2, Number I.March 1976 Laomedon Review Volume 3, Number I.March 1977
Macdonald, Robert: Lawrence Durrell Classical Puppeteer Mowat, Farley: Never Cry Wolf Jukes, Mary: New Life in Old Houses
Erindale Review Volume 1 1982 Papandreou, Andreas G: Man's Freedom Hooper, Finley: Roman Realities
Hammond, Mason & Amory, Anne R: Aeneas to Augustus: A Beginning Latin Reader for College Students Beard, Mary, North, John & Price, Simon: Religions of Rome: Volume 2 - A Sourcebook Blond, Anthony: Blond's Roman Emperors
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