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Saul, John Ralston: The Doubter's Companion : A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense Kempson, Rachel [Lady Redgrave]: Life Among the Redgraves Roebuck, Anne: Aroma-spa therapy
Pond, Elizabeth: The Rebirth of Europe Rose,H.J: Religion in Greece and Rome Spretnak,Charlene: Lost Goddesses of Early Greece : A Collection of Pre-Hellenic Myths
Koitides Ellenismou: Alexandreia Koitides Ellenismou: Miletos Hall, John M.(ed.): Greek Life:An Account of Past and Contemporary Conditions and Progress by Many Writers
Horton,George: He Mastiga tis Asias : 1922 Mikroasiatiki Katastrophe (IN GREEK) Myrivilis,Stratis & Andreadou, Demosthenes: Stathes Stathas : Anagnostiko D Demotikou Smucker, Donovan E: The Sociology of Mennonites, Hutterites & Amish. A Bibliography with Annotations. Volume II - 1977-1990
Smith College: Revealing Women's Life Stories. Papers From the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Sophia Smith Collection Smith College Saget, Bob & Hendra,Tony: Bob Saget's Tales From The Crib Kaklamanis, Nikitas: Athena : Aionia Politistiki Protevousa : He Strategiki Yia Tou Politismo
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Dixon, John Michael & Leonard, Robert K.P: Patheseis Tou Mastou / Diseases of the Breast Kafka, Franz: He Metamorphose Meitanis-Elisseou, Erasmia: Odyne Se Pezo Kai Stichous
Thermos, Elias: He Germaniki Hegemonia : Pseudaistheseis kai Pragmatikoteta Vromikos Kosmos = Hot Water Music Seneca, Lucius Annaeus: Gia to Syntomon Tou Viou / De Brevitate Vitae [IN GREEK]
Ayres, John: Asthma Radway, Janice A: Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature Peters, Margot: May Sarton: A Biography
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Lampedusa, Giuseppe Tomasi Di: O Gatopardos (The Leopard) Chekov, Anton [Tsekov, Anton]: He Kyria me to Skylaki kai alles Istories Remarque, Erich Maria: Ouden Neoteron Apo to Dytiko Metapo / All Quiet on the Western Front [IN GREEK]
Graham, Nori & Warner James: Mathete Gia Tin Noso Alzheimer Kai Alles Morphes Anoias Elder, Linda & Paul, Richard: Zese Ti Zoe Pou Sou Axizei ; Allaxe Ton Tropo Skepseis Sou Se 25 Imeres Plato: Symposio [Peri Erotas]
Confucius: Analekta [IN GREEK] Bernardini, Albino: Ena Scholeio Stin Eparchia Kremos D [ Dimitris P Kremos]: Pyrniki
Seferis,George (Giorgios Seferiades]: A Poet's Journal : Days Of 1945-1951 Ibbitson, John: The Night Hazel Came to Town K-IQ : Askeseis gia Veltiose tis Noemosynes- Pempto asiko epipedo
Mpakatselos, Maria K: He Osiologiotati Igoumeni Evgenia Kaeilara Mougoyiannis, Athina: Athina's Oracle Aitken, Maria: A Girdle Round the Earth
Barr, John: Britain Portrayed: A Regency Album, 1780-1830 Di Cicco, Pier Giorgio: Living in Paradise: New and Selected Poems Chorafas, Vangelis & Rizas, Lefteris [eds]: Irak : Ena Deftero Vietnam = Iraq: A Secnd Vietnam
Micheli, Lisa [Michele, Liza]: He Athena ton Anonymon : Periegisi sta Platomata tous Machalades kai Geitonies tis Palias Athenas (IN GREEK) Anapliotis, Giannes [Yannis Anapliotis]: Agia Lavra Kalavryta : Historia kai Mythos Cavadas, Athenagoras [Kavadas] Bishop Athenagoras of Boston: Historia tes en te Dyse Threskeutikes Metarrythmiseos : Tomos A
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Kazantzakis,Nikos: Tonta- Rampa [Toda Raba] Kazantzakis,Nikos: Taxidevontas : Rousia Kazantzakis,Nikos: Sta Palatia Tis Knossou
Kazantzakis,Nikos: Taxidevontas : Italia, Aigyptos, Sina, Ierusalem, Kypros, Morias Kazantzakis,Nikos: Taxidevontas : Anglia Kazantzakis,Nikos: O Vrachokipos = The Rock Garden
Kazantzakis,Nikos: Ophis Kai Krino Kazantzakis,Nikos: Asketiki : Salvatores Dei Kazantzakis,Nikos: Spasmenos Psyches
Panagiotakis,Georgios I: The Life and Works of Nikos Kazantakis Kazantzakis,Nikos: O Phtochoulis Tou Theou Kazantzakis,Nikos: O Teleutaios Peirasmos Tomos A
Kazantzakis,Nikos: O Teleutaios Peirasmos Tomos B Fotiadis, Christos [Photiades]: O Mmpachtses me Tous Margarites Katsara, Marina: Ispano-Ellenikoi Kai Elleno-Ispanikoi Dialogoi
Bien, Peter ; Rassia, John. Bien, Chryssanthi: Demotic Greek I Arpajolu, Ann: Modern Spoken Greek for English Speaking Students Pappageotes, George C & Emmanuel, Philip D: Cortina's Modern Greek in 20 Lessons
Shipman, Pat: To the Heart of the Nile: Lady Florence Baker and the Exploration of Central Africa Carter, Lin: Tolkien : A Look Behind the Lord of the Rings Grotta-Kurska, Daniel: J. R. R. Tolkien : Architect of Middle Earth : A Biography
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