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SIMENON Georges: Maigret Sets a Trap THIGPEN Corbett H & HERVEY M Cleckley: The Three Faces of Eve BALLIETT Whitney: The Sound of Surprise 46 Pieces on Jazz
MITCHELL Abe: Essentials of Golf COLLIER Richard: The War That Stalin Won Nuffield Universal Tractors: Nuffield Universal Tractors Graphoref 25 Owners Service Parts List
BIRO Val: The Adventures of Gumdrop MAXEY Jane: Good Old Rosie WATERS B F: The Growth and Development of Social Security in New Zealand; a Survey of Social Security in New Zealand from 1898 to 1949
MILLER Russell: Bare-Faced Messiah , the True Story of L Ron Hubbard LACY Ed: The Men from the Boys BURY Herbert: Russia from Within, Personal Experiences of Many Years, and Especially Since 1923, with Opinions and Convictions Formed in Consequence
HOUGHTON Philip: Hidden Water LAWTON Tommy: Soccer the Lawton Way SIGNED COPY DOUGLAS George: Death on the Doorstep
CHANDLER Ed. C: Waiuta Ghosts MARX Robert f: Port Royal Rediscovered QUENTIN Patrick: The Wife of Ronald Sheldon
MEAD A D: Richard Taylor Missionary Tramper EMIL-BEHNKE Kate: Singers Difficulties; How to Overcome Them DOXIADIS Constantinos: Architecture in Transition
van BUREN MAGONIGLE: Architectural Rendering in Wash HARRISON Gregory & AMBRUS Victor G: The Night of the Wild Horses ANTHONY Piers: Harpy Thyme
DALLAS Ruth: Steps of the Sun RICHELIEU Peter: A Souls Journey BURT Kendal LEASOR James: The One That Got Away (Franz Von Werra)
MARSH Ngaio (association copy): GAMBIT An International Drama Quarterly Volume 2 Number 8 SMITH Wilbur: Men of Men COLQUHOUN Ithell: Sword of Wisdom, MacGregor Mathers and the Golden Dawn
DARWIN Francis: The Elements of Botany (Cambridge Biological Series) GOODCHILD George: McLean Knows the Answers MAUGHAM W Somerset: A Writers Notebook
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DOYLE Arthur Conan: The Professor Challenger Stories (The Lost World; The Poison Belt; The Land of Mist; The Disintegration Machine; When the World Screamed) FRANCIS Dick: Nerve NEWTON D B: Guns Along the Wickiup (Sombrero Western Series)
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McCUTCHAN Philip: Halfhyde Outward Bound BEIERLE Herbert l: Autobiography of God (author Presentation copy) KRASPEDON Dino: My Contact with Flying Saucers
REEMAN Douglas: The Volunteers BLYTON Enid: Enid Blyton's Sixth Bedside Book NIALL Ian: Portrait of a Country Artist; C F Tunnicliffe R.A. 1901-1979
ASHTON Leigh: Samplers, Selected and Described with an Introduction By Leigh Ashton, of the Victoria and Albert Museum DEAN Beryl: Ecclesiastical Embroidery VOLLMER William A Editor (a Raymond Ellis, Margaret Greenleaf, Sarah Leyburn Case, James Earle Miller): A Book of Distinctive Interiors
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GREGORY Kenneth: Stretching Out Continually; a History of the New Zealand Church Missionary Society 1892-1972 SABATINI Rafael: Chivalry CUMMING William P & Hugh RANKIN: The Fate of a Nation the American Revolution Through Contemporary Eyes
MARSH Ngaio: Singing in the Shrouds MARSH Ngaio: Scales of Justice MACDONALD-BAYNE Murdo: Spiritual and Mental Healing
BALLARD & SAINT GERMAIN: I am Decree Booklets One GURDJIEFF G: All and Everything FREDERICKS E J: Murder Matrix
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