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HARRISON R T "Boomerang": Bowls the text book of the game, how to become a champion HEMINGWAY Ernest: For Whom the bell tolls GAISSEAU P-D: The Sacred Forest, the fetishist and magic rites of the Toma
MICHENER James A & DAY A Grove: Rascals in Paradise true tales of high adventure in the South Pacific HOCKING Joseph: Calebs Conquest GOLDSMITH Joel: The Nineteen Hundred Fifty-eight Infinite Way Letters
DEWEY Thomas B: Only on Tuesdays BRITISH PETROLEUM BP: Diesel Engines Medium and High speed BAXTER Fred: Snake for supper
MCCARTHY Sister Mary Augustine: Star in the south, centennial history of the New Zealand Dominican Sisters ABLEMAN Paul: The Mouth and Oral Sex BROWN F G: The Essentials of Air Navigation
FARRAR F W: The Life and Work of St. Paul BOOTHBY Guy: The Beautiful White Devil BOOTHBY Guy: In strange Company a story of Chili and the Southern seas
COOPER J Fenimore: The Pathfinder or The Inland Sea SUTCLIFF Rosemary: Dawn Wind FARJEON Eleanor: Martin Pippin in the Daisy Field
BLACKWOOD Algernon: Short Stories of Today and Yesterday WATNEY John: Boat Electrics new revised edition ARNOLD Edwin Lester: The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phoenician
UDRY Janice May: The Moon Jumpers YOUNG Nat: The History of Surfing WILTON Andrew: Turner in the British Museum, drawings and watercolours
RUSSELL Bertrand: Fact and fiction MACKENZIE Compton: April Fools FOX W J: Marine Auxillary Machinery (Marine Engineering Series)
KUNZ George Frederick: Rings for the finger KOLLWITZ Kathe & BONUS Arthur: Das Kathe Kollwitz-werk mit einfuhrendem text von Arthur Bonus so wie 153 bildtafeln FEITH Jan: Holland over Zee, ons oost- en west-indie gedurende de laatste veertig jaren beschreven voor landgenooten, jong en oud
HORSLEY Reginald: In the Grip of the Hawk, A story of the Maori Wars O'CONNOR Flannery: The Violent Bear it Away DIBBS John & Holmes Tony: Spitfire, flying legend
BARKS Carl: Walt Disney best comic series Donald Duck STEVENSON D E: Miss Buncle Married De SERVIEZ Jacques Boergas translated by Bysse Molesworth: The Roman Empresses the history of the lives and secret intrigues of the wives of the Twelve Caesars with historical and critical Notes
SHANKLAND Peter: Byron of the Wager BECKE Louis: Settlers of Karossa Creek and other stories of Australian Bush Life ALCOTT Louisa M: Shawl-Straps, a second series of Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag
CHRISTOPHER John: The Guardians ANDERSEN Hans Christian & W H ROBINSON: Danish Fairy Tales and Legends (Andersen's Fairy Tales) HAWTHORNE Nathaniel & Granville Fenn: A Wonder Book for Boys and Girls and Tanglewood Tales
DAVIES David: Echoes From the Welsh Hills; or Reminiscences of the Preachers and Peoples of Wales BEACONSFIELD Earl of (Benjamin Disraeli): Endymion FLETCHER Banister & FLETCHER H Phillips: Carpentry and Joinery a Text-book for Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Craftsmen and Students
EVANS Claude: So Laughs the Wind a Play COOKSON Catherine: The Nice Bloke CARROLL Ludovici (Lewis) Trsl Clive Harcourt Carruthers: Alicia in Terra Mirabili
EADDY P A: 'neath Swaying Spars, the Story of the Trading Scows of New Zealand RENDEL David: Civil Aviation in New Zealand, an Illustrated History PARKS Gordon: The Learning Tree
PARKMAN Sydney M: Night-Action! ROBERTSON Helen: The Chinese Goose CRUMP Barry: Scrapwaggon
CRUMP Barry: There and Back CRUMP Barry: One of Us CRUMP Barry: Hang on a Minute Mate
CRUMP Barry: A Good Keen Girl CRUMP Barry: Fred HEINLEIN Robert A: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
SULLIVAN Tim: Orange and District Illustrated 1928 Historical Statistical and Descriptive DOYLE Arthur Conan: The Green Flag and Other Stories of War and Sport SWANBOROUGH F G: Combat Aircraft of the World
DICKENS Charles: Master Humphrey's clock / Old Curiosity Shop TOLKIEN J R R: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other Verses from the Red Book TOLKIEN J R R: Farmer Giles Of Ham
HEIRONYMUSSEN Paul: Orders, Medals and Decorations of Britain and Europe in Colour EBERHART M G: Postmark Murder MILLER Hugh: The Old Red Sandstone or New Walks in an Old Field
SIZEMORE Chris Costner & PITTILLO Elen Sain: I'm Eve (Three Faces of Eve) BLOCHAIRN Robin: The Fireside Clime SINGER Isaac Bashevis: The Spinoza of Market Street
BOILEAU Ethel: Clansmen SMITH William Wye: The New Testament in Braid Scots YOUNGHUSBAND Francis: The Heart of a Continent
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