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CHRISTIE Agatha: The Man in the Brown Suit WODEHOUSE P G: Spring Fever WIGMORE Lionel: Struggle for the Snowy, the background of the Snowy Mountain Scheme
MCCABE John: The Comedy world of Stan Laurel WELLS H G: The Food of the Gods and how it came to Earth BEIN Alex: Arthur Ruppin Memoirs Diaries Letters
UNWIN Rayner: The Defeat of John Hawkins a biography of his third slaving Voyage CAMPBELL Gordon: Abandon Ship! COWPER William R A Willmott: The Poetical Works of William Cowper
MARSH Ngaio: Last Ditch FAULKNER William: The Mansion LONDON Jack: War of the Classes
WHEATLEY Dennis: Desperate Measures DIEFFENBACH Ernst: Travels in New Zealand volume two MITCHELL Alan: Harley Street Hypnotist
LAYMON Richard: The Cellar JOYCE Donovan: The Jesus Scroll, a time bomb for Christianity? ROHMER Richard: Pattons Gap, an account of the battle of Normandy
MCKILLIP Patricia A: The Throme of the Erril of Sherill BENNETT Joan: Sir Thomas Browne, a man of achievement in Literature LEVI-STRAUSS Claude: A World on the Wane
SIM Katharine: Desert Traveller, The life of Jean Louis Burckhardt GROBE Hans: Altdeutschland spezial katalog und handbuch 5 Auflage KIPLING Rudyard: Life's Handicap being stories of mine own People
De VERE Aubrey: The Waldenses, or the Fall of Rora, a lyrical sketch with other poems ALLEN Richard: Punk Rock HERBERT Frank & Bill Ransom: The Ascension Factor
CHILD Lee: Killing Floor BRADLEY Marion Zimmer: The Bloody Sun VAN VOGT A E: The Weapon Shops of Isher
FARMER Philip Jose: Strange Relations PARDOE M: Bunkle Baffles Them SMYTHE F S: The Valley of Flowers
WHITING Charles (Leo Kessler): Lest I Fall LEWIS C Day: Noah and the Waters DOBIE J Frank: The voice of the Coyote
BRETONNE Restif de la: Sara PELLING Rowan editor with Alain de Botton, Adam Buxton, Anna Chancellor, Damien Hirst, Barry Humphries, India Knight, Bel Mooney, Lizzie Speller, Auberon Waugh: The Erotic Review Bedside Companion OSSENDOWSKI F: Beasts, Men and Gods
MILMAN H H: History of Latin Christianity vol four IV 4 BARNES Albert: Notes...on the book of psalms vol 3 III Three KEYES Elizabeth: Geoffrey Keyes VC of the Rommel Raid
RUSSELL Bertrand: Nightmares of eminent persons and other stories BALLINGER W A & REID D: The Second Sexton Blake Omnibus BURNS Robert & GUNNYON William: The complete poetical works of Robert Burns
De ACOSTA Mercedes: Here Lies the Heart, a tale of my Life MOOREHEAD Alan: The Blue Nile DANIELSON Bengt: From raft to raft
FARRAR Henry: Irish Marriages, Being an index to the marriages in the Hibernian Magazine 1771-1812 BESANT Annie: In The Outer Court PRIESTLEY J B: Faraway
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STOUT Rex edited John McAleer: Justice ends at home and other stories FAVENC Ernest: The Explorers of Australia and their Life-work NORRIS A G S: Transcendental Astrology
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CASTANEDA Carlos: The Second Ring of Power STRINDBERG August edited Torsten Eklund: From An Occult Diary AVISON Francis J (Jayson the Hypnotist): How you can use hypnosis in everyday life
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