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CHRISTIE Agatha: The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side
CHRISTIE Agatha: At Bertram's Hotel
CHRISTIE Agatha: Death Comes as the End
CREASEY John: Inspector West Makes Haste
HUGHES Ted: How the Whale Became and Other Stories
JAQUIN Noel: Hand-Reading Made Easy ( 1928 )
STEVENSON D E: The Musgraves
SMITH Wilbur: Wild Justice
COUSINS Geoffrey E: A Family of Spirit, William Teacher and His Descendants in the Scotch Whisky Trade 1830-1975
MICHENER James A: Return to Paradise
CATHER Willa: Death Comes for the Archbishop
HEDIN Sven: Rasel der Gobi. Die Fortsetzung der Grossen Fahrt durch Innerasien in den Jahren 1928-1930
CHEIRO Louis Hamon: Cheiro's World Predictions "The Fate of Europe, The Future of the USA, The Coming war of Nations, The Restoration of the Jews"
REEMAN Douglas: Winged Escort
LAWRENCE John T: The Perfect Ashlar and Other Masonic Symbols
MCCONNELL Brian: Found Naked and Dead, the Facts Behind the Thames-side Murders
RUTTER Owen: The Scales of Karma
TAIMNI I. K: Self-Culture, the Problem of Self-discovery and Self-Realization in the Light of Occultism
BULLEN Frank T: Advance Australasia, A day-to-day record of a recent visit to Australasia
ELLIS Anne M: Curtain Call, a History of the South Canterbury Drama League Volume 2 1978-2003
FRANKLIN Miles: All That Swagger
STEWART Will ( Aka Jack Williamson ): Seetee Shock
BENTLEY E. C: Trent's Last Case
THOMAS Annie [Mrs. Pender Cudlip]: Dick Rivers, a Novel
MILLER Henry with Preface By Anais Nin: Tropic of Cancer
MILLER Henry: Tropic of Capricorn
WELLS Robert: Ornamental Confectionery, a Guide for Bakers, Confectioners, and Pastrycooks
COLLYER David: The Sacred Interpreter; or a Practical Introduction Towards a Beneficial Reading and a Thorough Understanding of the Holy Bible Volume 1 One
SALTUS Edgar: The Lords of the Ghostland, a History of the Ideal
SALTUS Edgar: The Pomps of Satan
MAGOWAN Ronald: Fox in the Sea
WALKER-SMITH Derek: Lord Reading and His Cases: the Study of a Great Career
TONE Theobald Wolfe: The Autobiography of Theobald Wolfe Tone 1763-1798 ( 2 Vols in 1 )
MANN Thomas: Der Zauberberg - Roman, Band 1 (von 2)
FAIRFIELD & FULLBROOK: The Trial of John Thomas Straffen (Notable British Trials series)
CAINE William: Mendoza and a Little Lady
WHEATLEY Dennis: Sixty days to live
MUDDIMAN J. G: The Bloody Assizes ( Notable British Trials Series )
MUDDIMAN J. G: Trial of King Charles the First ( Notable British Trials Series )
REITZ Deneys: Commando: A Boer Journal of the Anglo-Boer War
DOWNING David: Future Rock
BIRMINGHAM George A. (aka James O. Hannay ): Fidgets ( US Title Gold, Gore and Gehenna )
GRAEME Roderic: Blackshirt Saves The Day
HEYER Georgette: An Infamous Army
SPILLANE Mickey: The Long Wait
BIRMINGHAM George A. (aka James O. Hannay ): Goodly Pearls (dustwrapper only No Book included)
CLARKE Covington: For Valour
ALDISS Brian: Helliconia Spring
STEVENSON D E: Bel Lamington
LA PLANTE Lynda: Widows (first hardcover)
WHITTAKER Molly: Jews and Christians: Graeco-Roman Views
DUFFY Robert ( Diane DiPrima & A. Molloy ): Of Sheep and Girls (The Traveller's Companion series)
SCOTT Sir Walter: The Talisman
CHASE James Hadley: Have This One on Me
LIEPMAN Heinz: Rasputin, A New Judgement
WELLS Sidney H: A Text-book of Engineering Drawing and Design: Including Practical Geometry, Plane and Solid, and Machine and Engine Drawing and Design Parts 1- Practical Geometry and 2- Machine and Engine Drawing and Design
SCHNABEL, L.F.R., M.I.M.E., England, Licentiate Mines Department, Victoria. Inspector of Boilers by Appointment Governor in Council: The Engineman's Master Key: A Handbook for all in charge of or connected with Steam Engines, Pumps, Boilers, Mining Machinery and Suction Gas Plants
LEE Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird
CHRISTIE Agatha: Murder On the Orient Express
HEYER Georgette: The Conqueror
HOGAN James: Could Ireland Become Communist? The Facts of the Case
CLARKE Covington: Aces Up
MILLS A R: Huntaway
STEVENSON D E: Charlotte Fairlie
KESSLER Leo: The Hess Assault , Wotan 5
A.L.O.E. A Lady of Empire: The Silver Casket or, the World and Its Wiles
SMITH William Wye: Morley; Ancient and Modern, with One Hundred and Thirty Illustrations and Index
SOMERVILLE E. OE. & Martin Ross: The Irish R. M. Complete, All the Stories in One Volume
BARTH Karl: The Church and The Political Problem of Our Day
MARSDEN Samuel: 150th Anniversary of the First Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on These Shores Christmas Day 1814 (New Zealand)
KENNEDY A. E: The Tale That Kitty Told
SHAH Eddy: The Lucy Ghosts (signed)
HARRISON Shirley: The Diary of Jack the Ripper
JEFFERY Ron: Red Runs the Vistula
SCOTT Karl: Turf Tufts and Toe Weights
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