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Clearwater Books Books

H.E.BATES: The Fallow Land. A novel ROBERT GRAVES: Good-Bye to All That. An Autobiography KENNETH HARE: Nymphs and Rivers. A Selection of Poems Composed Between 1910 and 1957. (INSCRIBED)
MARGARET ATWOOD: Stone Mattresses. Nine Tales. (SIGNED) ROBERT HARRIS: Lustrum. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) DOUGLAS ADAMS: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4. (INSCRIBED)
J.M.COETZEE: Slow Man. A novel ESTHER FREUD: The Sea House. A novel. (SIGNED) ELIZABETH WEBSTER: A Boy Called Bracken. A novel
J.W.MASON: The Tiger's Back. A novel DANNIE ABSE: Ash on a Young Man's Sleeve. A novel GUSTAVO ZALAMEA: Un Diccionario de Sabiduria
H.E.BATES: Give Them Their Life. The Poetry of H.E.Bates. Edited, with an introduction by Peter Eads, a foreword by Richard Bates and calligraphy and illustrations by Lynne Evans. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ROBERT M.PIRSIG: Lila. An Inquiry into Morals PETER HUCHEL: Selected Poems. Translated from the German, with an introduction by Michael Hamburger
HENRY TREECE: Viking's Sunset. A novel. With illustrations by Christine Price PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR. Miles Reid: Into Colditz. With a seven-page introduction by Patrick Leigh Fermor and a foreword by Baroness Airey of Abingdon C.H.SISSON: Christopher Homm. A novel
P.M.PASINETTI: Venetian Red. A novel. Translation from the Italian of 'Rosso Venezian' by the author RICHARD MATHESON: I Am Legend. A novel CHEONG LIEW with Elizabeth Ho: My Food. With illustrations by Timothy John and a foreword by Barbara Santich. (INSCRIBED)
FREDERIK POHL: A Plague of Pythons. A novel DUGALD SUTHERLAND MACCOLL: Poems JESSICA DOUGLAS-HOME: Violet. The Life and Loves of Violet Gordon Woodhouse. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
JOHN WAIN: Living in the Present. A novel ALEXANDER MCCALL SMITH, IAN RANKIN AND IRVINE WELSH: One City. Stories. With an introduction by J.K.Rowling. (SIGNED BY ALL THREE CONTRIBUTORS) ARMISTEAD MAUPIN: Maybe the Moon. A novel. (SIGNED)
JULIAN GRENFELL. Viola Meynell: Julian Grenfell. An essay OCTAVIO PAZ. (Charles Tomlinson, Elaine Feinstein, Omar S.Pound, Miles Burrows, Daniel Weissbort, John James, Anthony Rudolf & Richard Burns): An Octave for Octavio Paz. Edited by Anthony Rudolf and Richard Burns. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE. [J.W.Haines]: Speculative Dialogues
LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE: The Sale of Saint Thomas. In Six Acts. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) WILFRID WILSON GIBSON [i.e. W.W.Gibson]: The Stonefolds. (INSCRIBED) WILFRID GIBSON [i.e. W.W.Gibson]: Krindlesyke. A play. (INSCRIBED)
WILFRID GIBSON [i.e. W.W.Gibson]: The Golden Room and Other Poems. (SIGNED) ANTHOLOGY: A Selection of Poems from Recent Volumes Published by Sidgwick & Jackson BEAT GENERATION. Harvey Pekar and Ed Piskor: The Beats. A Graphic History. Edited by Paul Buhle
ANTHOLOGY. James Dickey, Paris Leary and Jon Swan: Poets of Today VII. With a twenty-page introductory essay, 'Some Thoughts on Poetry', by John Hall Wheelock CHICAGO EIGHT. Judy Clavir and John Spitzer: The Conspiracy Trial. Edited by Judy Clavir and John Spitzer, and with an introduction by William M.Kunstler HELEN HEDRICK: The Blood Remembers. A novel
GEORGE WYLIE HENDERSON: Ollie Miss. A novel ROBIN MAUGHAM: Nomad. (INSCRIBED) ROBERT NICHOLS: Under the Yew; or The Gambler Transformed
WILLIAM ORPEN. Robert Upstone and Angela Weight: William Orpen. An Onlooker in France. A Critical Edition of the Artist's War Memoirs NELSON MANDELA: The Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela. Edited by Sahm Zenter, and with a foreword by Zamaswazi Dlamini-Mandela HENRY WILLIAMSON: Salar the Salmon. A novel
P.S.ALLFREE: Hawks of the Hadhramaut EDWARD RUTHERFORD: London. A novel MAURICE MAETERLINCK: The Treasure of the Humble. Translated from the French of 'Le Trésor des Humbles' by Alfred Sutro, and with an introduction by A.B.Walkley
HENRY WILLIAMSON: The Incoming of Summer S.P.B.MAIS. (Henry Williamson interest): Orange Street. A novel. (INSCRIBED) H.BEARDWOOD: The History of Colfe's Grammar School 1862-1972. Edited by H.Beardwood (then headmaster)
HENRY WILLIAMSON. (T.E.Lawrence interest): Genius of Friendship. T.E.Lawrence HENRY WILLIAMSON (interest). Clive Holloway: An original typed signed letter from Clive Holloway, publisher of the forthcoming 'newly illustrated edition' of Williamson's 'The Story of a Norfolk Farm', offering the book at a generous discount of Henry Williamson Society members, and enclosing a sample of the dust wrapper HENRY WILLIAMSON: A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight. Complete in fifteen volumes. (PLUS AN ORIGINAL HEAVILY CORRECTED TYPESCRIPT PAGE)
HOWARD HERSCHAL COTTERELL: Pewter Down the Ages. From Mediaeval Times to the Present Day. With Notes on Evolution. With a foreword by Antonio F de Navarro REV. ROBERT BAYNE: Historical Sketch of Rickmansworth and the Surrounding Parishes EDWARD THOMAS: The Tenth Muse
W.H.ROMAINE WALKER: Mr Hipp; or Three Friends in Search of Pleasure. With drawings by the author KERMIT ROOSEVELT: Armoured Cars in Eden. An American President's Son in Rolls Royce Armoured Cars with the British in Mesopotamia & with the American Artillery in France in the First World War MARGARET DYNE JEUNE: Pages from the Diary of an Oxford Lady 1843-1862. Edited by Margaret Jeune Gifford (the author's granddaughter)
DAVID JONES: In Parenthesis. Seinnyessit e gladyf ym penn mameu TIM O'BRIEN: Northern Lights. A novel WILLIAM EMPSON: Poems
JOHN GEDDIE: The Lake Regions of Central Africa. A Record of Modern Discovery KINGSLEY AMIS: The Old Devils. A novel. (SIGNED) RODDY DOYLE: The Commitments
PERCY F.WESTERMAN: Under Fire in Spain. A novel. With illustrations by Ernest Prater GRAHAM SWIFT: The Sweet Shop Owner. A novel GEOFFREY HILL: Somewhere is Such a Kingdom. Poems 1952-1971. With an introduction by Harold Bloom
ADRIAN HENRI: Tonight at Noon. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) ARTHUR RANSOME: The Picts and the Martyrs: or, Not Welcome at All RUDYARD KIPLING: The Jungle Book [and] The Second Jungle Book
OMAR S.POUND: Gorby and the Rats. Translated from the Persian of 'Mush-o-Gurbeh' by Omar S.Pound. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION) H.D. [i.e. Hilda Doolittle]. Deborah Kelly Kloepfer: The Unspeakable Mother. Forbidden Discourse in Jean Rhys and H.D H.D. [i.e. Hilda Doolittle]. Susan Edmunds: Out of Line. History, Psychoanalysis, and Montage in H.D.'s Long Poems
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