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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books

Romanoff, Professor: Card Tricks; For Parlor and Stage Entertainments--With Full Instructions for the Amateur Performer Trivas, N. S., Curator of Art: Three Centuries of Landscape Drawing; Exhibition Held in August Through October 1940 Haxworth, Lily, Compiler: Household Hand-Book Containing Reliable Hints and Suggestions for the Household
Tessin, Louise D: Jesso; Modeling for Modern Handicrafts Lipsey, John J: Comic Supplement; Four Short Light Pieces About Colorado's History Henshaw, F. W: The Cause and Meaning of This War
Dressler, Albert, Editor: Letters to a Pioneer Senator; Original Extracts from the Mail Bag of a California Statesman of the '50's Elliot, Stanton: In the Good Old Golden West Davis, John: Speech of John Davis, of Massachusetts, Upon the Bill "To Reduce Duties and for Other Purposes", in Which the Modern Doctrines of Free Trade in Their Application to the United States are Examined; Delivered in the (continued)
Bigler, William: Speech of Hon. William Bigler, of Pennsylvania, on The Tariff Question; Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 8, 1859 Smith, Albert: Speech of Albert Smith, of New York, on The Tariff, and in Reply to the Speech of Mr. Collins, of N. Y.; Delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. S., July 1, 1846 Anonymous: Violation of the Seal of Confidence of the State Department, House of Representatives, Report No. 686, June 12, 1846
Anonymous: The Merrymount Press 1893 - 1993; A Centenary Keepsake Baughman, Roland: The Work of the Grabhorn Press; Notes on an Exhibition Prepared for the Friends of the Huntington Library on the Occasion of Friends' Day, June 4, 1945 (Cover Title) Bent, Arthur Cleveland: Life Histories of North American Wild Fowl; Order Anseres (Part)
Webster, Daniel: Mr. Webster's Vindication of the Treaty of Washington of 1842; in a Speech Delivered in the Senate of the United States, on the 6th and 7th of April, 1846 Stuntz, Homer C: South American Neighbors Garrett, Edmund D., Editor: Victorian Songs; Lyrics-of-the-Affections and Nature; Collected and Illustrated by Edmund D. Garrett with an Introduction by Edmund Gosse
Leroy, Maxime: Les Premiers Amis Francais de Wagner Archer, Frederic: The Organist's Journal; A Series of Arrangements with Pedal Obbligato Whitcombe, Joshua: Book of Love Letters Containing a Great Variety of Model Letters, Covering a Broad Range of Subjects Relating to Love, Family Affairs, Friendship, Social Intercourse, etc
Archer, H. Richard and Ward Ritchie: Modern Fine Printing Cowan, Robert Ernest: Arthur MacDonald Ellis 1873-1932 (Cover Title) Robinson, Edgar Eugene: Material for the Diary of a Great People; An Address by Edgar Eugene Robinson before the Friends of the Bancroft Library, May 1956. Foreword by Carl I. Wheat
Ottley, Allan R: In the Beginning : The Early Years of the Sacramento Book Collectors Club Anonymous: Three Centuries of American Poetry; An Exhibition of Original Printings Washington, George: G. Washington: Two of His Letters; With an Essay by Page Smith
Paltsits, Victor Hugo: Inventory of the Rensselaerswyck Manuscripts; Edited from the Original Manuscript in the New York Public Library Thackeray, William Makepeace: On the Genius of George Cruikshank by William Makepeace Thackeray, Reprinted Verbatim from "The Westminster Review"; Edited with a Prefatory Note on Thackeray as an Artist and Art-Critic by W. E. Church Morrison, James L. D: Speech of Hon. James L. D. Morrison, of Illinois, on The President's Message; Delivered in the House of Representatives, December 10, 1856 (Cover Title)
Adams, John Quincy: Speech [Suppressed by the Previous Question] of Mr. John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts, on the Removal of the Public Deposites, and Its Reasons Porter, Eliphalet: A Sermon Preached in Boston at The Annual Convention of The Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, May 31, 1810; The Simplicity That is in Christ, and the Danger of its Being Corrupted Tyler, W. S: A Discourse Commemorative of Hon. Samuel Williston, Delivered in the Payson Church at Easthampton, September 13, 1874, and also in The College Church at Amherst, September 20
D'Annvnzio, Gabriele: The Rally Anonymous: Original Map - Switzerland : Small Map in Relief De Wimpffen, Le General: Sedan
Skinner, Alanson: The Cultural Position of the Plains Ojibway (Cover Title) Anonymous: As to Refunding the Central Pacific Debt (cover title) Anonymous: Speeches of Messrs. Hayne and Webster in the United States Senate, on the Resolution of Mr. Foot, January, 1830
Sparks, Jared: Letter to Lord Mahon, Being an Answer to His Letter Addressed to the Editor of Washington's Writings MacAdam, James, Jr: Two Letters on the Flax and Linen Duties; 1854 (cover title) Appleton, Nathan: What is a Revenue Standard? And a Review of Secretary Walker's Report on the Tariff (cover title)
Cushing, Mr: Speech of Mr. Cushing, on the Message of the President of the United States, at The Opening of the Twenty-Fifth Congress; Delivered in the House of Representatives, Sept. 25, 1837 (cover title) Glass, Henry, Commander: Naval Administration in Alaska (cover title) Green, Samuel Swett: Reminiscences of John Fiske
Anonymous: Seven Falls, Cheyenne Canon, No. 183, Photograph Simpson, Dr. Edmund E: Another Common Place Book Compiled and Edited By J. Ogelthorpe MacNooder Anonymous: Constitution and By-Laws of the State Farmers and Laborers' Union of Kentucky.adopted at Lexington, November 11-15, 1890
Child, John and Joseph Child: Specification of John Child and Joseph Cild: Rifled Tubular Rib for double-Barrelled Guns Guiness, Alec: Publicity Photograph Signed - Alec Guiness Anonymous: Message from the President Of the United States, Communicating. Information Relative to the Recent Affray at the Court-House in Going Snake, Indian Territory, and Recommending the Erection of a Judicial District in the Indian Territory
Winter, Margaret: Road Through the Desert Sumner, Charles: The Rebellion : Its Origin and Main-Spring : An Oration Delivered By.Under the Auspices of the Young Men's Republican Union of New York, November 27, 1861 Anonymous: An Album of Motor Cars (cover title)
Anonymous: An Album of National Flags and Arms Wylie, Elinor: Birthday Sonnet Anonymous: First Annual Report of the Children's friends' Society of Providence, October 5, 1836
Rawlinson, Herbert: Original Publicty Photograph Seibert, Percy: Tiffany New York: Tiffany & Gaylor Express & Exhibition Belt Plates Munn, H. Warner: There Was a Man
Munn, H. Warner: The Affair of the Cuckolded Warlock Munn, H. Warner: What Dreams May Come Munn, H. Warner: The Pioneers (Part One)
Munn, John: Star Warts II Henry, William (Bill): Original Photograph Inscribed Lelong, B.M. , Editor: Third Biennial Report of the State Board of Horticulture of the State of California for the thirty-Eighth and Thirty-Ninth Fiscal Years
Anonymous: New Designs in Knitting and Lace Making.the People's Handbook Series No. 53 (cover title) Anonymous: Proceedings of the forty-Fifth Session of the Grand Parlor of the Native Sons of the golden West Held in the Aahmes Temple Oakland, California April 17, 18, 20, 21, 1922 Anonymous: Proceedings of the Forty-seventh Session of the Grand Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West Held in the N.S.G.W. Hall Sacramento, California May 12 to 16 1924
Anonymous: Proceedings of the Sixty-Second Session of the Grand Parlor at San Francisco the City at the Golden Gate Native Sons Auditorium May 15-19, 1939: Native Sons of the Golden West Anonymous: Proceedings of the Fifty-Eighth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of California Held in Barton Opera House, Fresno, Cal. May 10-14, 1910 Anonymous: Proceedings of the Fifty-Seventh Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the State of California Held in Auditorium of Building Trades Council Fourteenth and Guerrero Streets San Francisco, May 11, 1909
Various: Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Descriptive List of the Lewis M. Isaacs Collection of Robinsoniana.with an Introduction By Edith J.R. Isaacs (cover title) Taylor, Archer and Gustave O. Arlt: Printing and Progress: Two Lectures By Powell, Lawrence Clark: This Dry and Wrinkled Land
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