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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books

Skira, Albert, Editor: Dessins De Goya; Au Musee Du Prado, Texte D'Andre Malraux, Goya, Drawings From the Prado. One pair Van Pelt, John V: Architecture Toscane Ou Palais, Maisons Et Autres Edifices De La Toscane Mesures Et Dessines Par A. Grandjean De Montigny Et A. Famin Architectes.; The Library of Architectural Documents Volume I Mumford, John Kimberly: Oriental Rugs
Moore, N. Hudson: The Old China Book Including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, Lustre, and Other English Pottery and Porcelain Baneat, Paul: Le Mobilier Breton (Ensembles & Details); Collection De L'Art Regional En France Sargent, Walter: The Enjoyment and Use of Color
Chaffers, William: The Collector's Handbook to Keramics of the Renaissance and Modern Periods; Selected from his Larger Work, Entitled "The Keramic Gallery" Radford, William A., Editor: Cement and How to Use It; A Working Manual of Up-To-Date Practice in the Manufacture and Testing of Cement; The Proportioning, Mixing, and Depositing of Concrete, and its Application to all Forms of Concrete Construction, (continued) Xavier, M., Anne Toppan Wood (Wilbur): The Solitary of Juan Fernandez; or, The Real Robinson Crusoe. by the Author of Picciola. Translated From the French by Anne T. Wilbur
Prescott, William Hickling: History of the Conquest of Peru 1524-1550 McDowell, W. F., A. T. Pierson, Jennie M. Bingham, Mary Louise Ninde, et al: The Picket Line of Missions; Sketches of the Advanced Guard Blackburn, Henry: Artists and Arabs; or, Sketching in Sunshine
Smith, Richard S: Reminiscences of Seven Years of Early Life Lee, John S: Nature and Art in the Old World; Sketches of Travel in Europe and the Orient Anonymous: The Life and Astonishing Adventures of John Daniel
Hittell, Theodore H: El Triunfo De La Cruz; The First Ship Built in the Californias Borup, George: A Tenderfoot with Peary Ralegh, Walter, Sir: The Discoverie of the large and bewtiful Empire of Guiana by Sir Walter Ralegh; Edited from the Original Text, with Introduction, Notes and Appendixes of hitherto unpublished documents by V. T. Harlow
Charton, De M. Edouard: Le Tour Du Monde Nouveau Journal Des Voyages Colton, Walter: The Sea and the Sailor; Notes on France and Italy, and Other Literary Remains. With a Memoir by Rev. Henry T. Cheever Stoddard. Charles Augustus: Across Russia From the Baltic to the Danube
Williams, Ara: A Universal Vocabulary of Proper Names, Ancient and Modern; Together with Classes of People, Religious, National, and Philosophical; and Titles, Ecclesiastical and Civil, Among Christians, Jews, Mahometans, and Pagans Stiles, Henry Reed, Editor: Joutel's Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage 1684-7; New Edition with Historical and Biographical Introductions and Index by Henry Reed Stiles, to Which is Added a Bibliography of the Discovery of the Mississippi by Appleton P. C. Griffin Howitt, William: Visits to Remarkable Places; Old Halls, Battle Fields, and Scenes Illustrative of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry
Marvin, E. M: To The East by Way of the West; Giving an Account of What the Author saw in Heathen Lands During his Late Missionary Voyage Around the World; Also Graphic Descriptions of Travel, and Sight-Seeing in Turkey, Greece (continued) Fraser, Mrs. Hugh (Mary Crawford Fraser): A Diplomatist's Wife in Many Lands Willkie, Wendell: One World; The Photographic Album Edition, "The Faces & The Places That Willkie Saw"
Bassett, Wilbur: Wander-Ships; Folk-Stories of the Sea with Notes Upon Their Origin Esarey, Logan: The Indiana Home Anonymous: Re-Union of the Sons and Daughters of the Old Town of Pompey, held at Pompey Hill, June 29, 1871; Proceedings of the Meeting, Speeches, Toasts and Other Incidents of the Occasion; also, A History of the Town, (continued)
Graham, James R: The Planting of the Presbyterian Church in Northern Virginia Prior to the Organization of Winchester Presbytery, December 4, 1794 Grey, Viscount, of Fallodon: The Charm of Birds Massingham, H. J: Some Birds of the Countryside; The Art of Nature
Stevens, Lyla: Birds of Australia in Colour Ingersoll, Ernest, Editor: Alaskan Bird-Life as Depicted by Many Writers Cooke, Matthew: Insects, Injurious and Beneficial, Their Natural History and Classification; For the Use of Fruit Growers, Vine Growers, Farmers, Gardeners and Schools
Weed, Clarence M: Butterflies Worth Knowing Maciel, Maximino: Elementos De Zoologia Geral E Descriptiva De Accordo Com A Fauna Brasileira Thompson, Wallace: Rainbow Countries of Central America
Johnson, Hannah More: About Mexico, Past and Present Ternaux-Compans, M: Essai Sur La Theogonie Mexicaine Harris, Dean: By Path and Trail
Russell, Thomas H: Mexico In Peace and War; A Narrative of Mexican History and Conditions from the Earliest Times to the Present Hour, Including an Account of the Military Operations by the United States at Vera Cruz in 1914 and the Causes (continued) Graubard, Mark, Translator: Tidings Out of Brazil Parkes, Henry Bamford: The Pragmatic Test; Essays on the History of Ideas
Brymner, Douglas, Archiviste: Rapport sur les Archives Canadiennes, 1885 Bridle, Augustus: Sons of Canada; Short Studies of Characteristic Canadians Milner, Viscount: Speeches Delivered in Canada in the Autumn of 1908
Roberts, Charles G. D: The Watchers of the Trails; A Book of Animal Life Mallet, Thierry, Captain: Plain Tales of the North Logan, Harold A: The History of Trade-Union Organization in Canada
Medicus, Friedrich Casimir: Traite des Maladies Periodiques sans Fievre; ou Historie de ces Maladies, Avec la vraie methode curative qu'il faut suivre pour les Guerir; Traduit de l'Allemand; Par M. Lefebure de Villebrune Scholl, William M: Practipedics; The Science of Giving Foot Comfort and Correcting the Cause of Foot and Shoe Troubles; Based on the Experience, Inventions and Methods of Dr. William M. Scholl Clapp, George Wood: The Life and Work of James Leon Williams, Doctor of Dental Surgery; Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland. Author, Artist, Philosopher
Chambon de Montaux, Nicolas: Maladies des Femmes; Cinquieme Partie; Maladies Chroniques a la Cessation des Regles Brodie, Benjamin C: Clinical Lectures on Surgery, Delivered at St. George's Hospital Hyde, James Nevins: A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin; For the use of Students and Practitioners
Cowan, John: The Science of a New Life Gilson, Jewett C: Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania Anonymous: Annual Report of Great Northern Railway Company to the Interstate Commerce Commission for the Year Ended December 31, 1925
Various: Reproduction of Fariss and Smith's History of Plumas County, California, 1882 Anonymous: Black Eyed Susan Sousa, John Philip: The Fifth String
Doran, Dr., Editor: The Bentley Ballads; A Selection of the Choice Ballads, Songs, &c., Contributed to "Bentley's Miscellany"; With Four Ballads Contributed by the Editor Holland, J. G., Editor: Illustrated Library of Favorite Song; Based Upon Folk Songs, and Comprising Songs of the Heart, Songs of Home, Songs of Life, and Songs of Nature Baker, George M., Editor: The Reading Club and Handy Speaker; Being Serious, Humorous, Pathetic, Patriotic, and Dramatic Selections in Prose and Poetry, for Readings and Recitations
Frost, S. A: Frost's School and Exhibition Dialogues; Comprising Frost's Humorous Exhibition Dialogues, and Frost's Dialogues for Young Folks, Combined in One Volume Smith, Adele Millicent: Proof-Reading and Punctuation Parker, Willis C: The Modern Business Letter Writer Containing Speciman Business Letters on a Great Variety of Subjects, Together with All the Standard Business Forms Used in Modern Commercial Intercourse, Also Concise and Simplified Rules (continued)
Rankin, Herbert A: From Script to Cursive Drake, Samuel Adams: The Benefactors of the World; Short Biographies of the Men and Women Most Prominent in Philanthropy, Patriotism, Art, Literature, Discovery, Science and Invention Rice, Charles: Posological Table; Including all the Officinal and the most Frequently Employed Unofficinal Preparations
Sordet, Louis: D'Arithmetique; Ouvrage dont le but n'est pas seulement de donner sur l'arithmetique des notions claires et exactes, mais encore de les rendre familieres par des applications variees et continuelles Various: The World's Progress as Wrought by Men and Women in Art, Literature, Education, Philanthropy, Reform, Inventions, Business and Professional Life; Prepared by Carefully Selected Authors Under the Supervision of William C. King Fosbroke, Gerald Elton: Character Qualities Outlined & Related; Summing up the Evidence of Individual Qualities and Tendencies as Shown by the Reactions of the Mind and Body on the Face
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