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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books

Thurston, Ernest L: Tongues of Flame Stephens, James: The Dangers of the Country, By the Author of War in Disguise Phillpotts, Eden: Dance of the Months
Kilner, William H. B: Arthur Letts; 1862-1923, Man and Merchant, Steadfast Friend, Loyal Employer Silverberg, Robert: Reflections and Refractions : Thoughts on Science-Fiction, Science, and Other Matters Greenway, Kate: Kate Greenaway's Almanack for 1894
Tinkham, George H: California; Men and Events MacDonald, Augustin S: Little Literary Lights; Personal Preferences in Art: Literature: Music Grubb, David: Beneath the Visiting Moon: An English Childhood
Grubb, David H.W: From the White Room Stansbury, Howard: Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, Including A Reconnaissance of the New Route Through the Rocky Mountains Johnson, Kenneth M: The Sting of the Wasp: Political & Satirical Cartoons from the Truculent Early San Francisco Weekly, with an Introduction & Comments By Kenneth M. Johnson
Denis, Alberta Johnston: Spanish Alta California Praslow, Dr. J: The State of California: A Medico-Geographical Account. Translated from the German By Frederick C. Cordes Frank, Herman W: Scrapbook of a Western Pioneer
Thomas, H.H: Bulb Growing for Amateurs. Freely Illustrated By Photographs an Sketches Etches, Richard Cadman: Four Letters from Richard Cadman Etches to Sir Joseph Banks, 1788-92 Lloyd, Clinton: Two Autograph Manuscript Documents Signed. "Clinton Lloyd"
Anonymous: Steam, Its Generation and Use Anonymous: The Annual Statistician and Economist, 1891 Wyss, Johann R: The Swiss Family Robinson; or, Adventures on a Desert Island
Edwards, Philip Leget: The Diary of Philip Leget Edwards: The Great Cattle Drive from California to Oregon in 1837 Greenleaf, Benjamin: The California Almanac for 1849. Reprinted from the Copy in the Huntington Library Du Maurier, George: Social Pictorial Satire: Reminiscences and Appreciations of English Illustrators of the Past Generation. With Illustrations
Various: Birds, Illustrated By Color Photography. A Monthly Serial Designed to Promote Knowledge of Bird-life Temple, Thomas Workman II, Translator: Memoirs of Jose Francisco Palomares Derosne, Ch: Expose Sommaire De L'apiculture Mobiliste. La rouche-Album La Seule Qui Puissse E'tre Visitee Sans Risques De Piqures Sa Description, Son Emploi
Vilmorin, Philippe L. De: Les Fleurs, A Paris, Culture et Commerce Rendu, Victor: Moeurs Pittoresques Des Insectes Milne-Edwards, A. De Jussieu et F.S. Beudant: Cours Elementaire D'histoire Naturelle a L'usage Des Lycees, Colleges, Seminaires et Maisons D'education. [bound with] Mineralogie. Par M.F.-S. Beudant. Dix-Septieme Edition
Anonymous: The Good Things of Life, Third Series Gabrielson, Ira N: Western American Alpines Cortes, Hernan: Catas y Documentos. Introduccion De Mario Hernandez Sanchez-Barba
Taylor, Benj. F: Summer-Savory, Gleaned From Rural Books in Pleasant Weather Savelle, Max: This is My America; Pauline Dworzek and the Dworzek and Lorber Families McKinley, William: Life and Speeches of William McKinley. Containing a Sketch of His Eventful Life - A Collection of His Best and Most Thrilling Speeches - Proceedings of National Convention, St. Louis - Platform of the Republican Party - Sketch of the Candidate for Vice-President - And Other Valuable Information for Every Citizen
Twain, Mark Pseud. Of Samuel Langhorn Clemens: English as She is Taught By Mark Twain With a Biographical Sketch of Author By Matthew Irving Lans Van Wie, Carrie: The Wonderful City of Carrie Van Wie; Paintings of San Francisco at the Turn of the Century.with Text by Oscar Lewis Norris, Frank: Frank Norris : Collected Letters
Mathews, Godfrey W: William Roscoe, A Memoir Todd, Edwin: Pizza in the Piazza Roland, Jeremy: Gathering the Decade
Porter, Katherine Anne: Signed Typescript: The Source Tadlock, Clara Moyse: Bohemian Days Grubb, Kenneth G: Amazon and Andes
Winterrich, John T: Early American Books & Printing. With Illustrations Bower, Donald E: Fred Rosenstock : A Legend in Books & Art Smith, Thomas Page, Jr: My Father Was a Printer
Osborn, Norris G: The Moriartys of Yale Osborne, Duffield: The Authors Club: An Historical Sketch Miller, John: New York Considered and Improved, 1695. By John Miller. With Introduction and Notes By Victor Hugo Paltsits
Ballou, Maturin M: The New Eldorado: A Summer Journey to Alaska Hawthorne, Julian: Hawthorne and His Circle Goldsmith, Milton: Junior Cross-Word Puzzle Book
Judge Staff [editor]: Judge's Third Cross Word Puzzle Book. A Compendium of Fifty Cross Word Puzzles Selected from the Originals Which Have Appeared in Judge McLaren, John: Gardening in California Landscape and Flower. With Illustrations and Planting Plans Hingston, R.W.G: Nature at the Desert's Edge: Studies and Observations in the Bagdad Oasis. With Plates and Text Figures
Wheeler, Dandace: Content in a Garden Camp, Charles, Editor: Philo White's Narrative of a Cruise in the Pacific to South America and California on the U.S. Sloop-of-War "Dale" 1841-1843 Kahn, Edgar M: Bret Harte in California: A Character Study. With an Introduction By Carl I. Wheat
Ward, Nathaniel: The Simple Cobler of Aggavvamm in America Amicis, Edmondo De: Spain and the Spaniards. Translated from the Tenth Edition of the Italian By Stanley Rhoads Yarnall Haskell, Thomas Nelson: The Indian Question: Young Konkaput the King of Utes, a Legend of Twin Lakes and Occasional Poems
Overton, Grant, Sinclair Lewis, Dorothy Canfield, Harry Hansen: The Harper Prize Novel Competition. Judges of the Present Contest: Sinclair Lewis, Dorothy Canfield, Harry Hansen Clark, Sterling B. F: How Many Miles From St. Jo? The Log of Sterling B. F. Clark a Forty-Niner. With Comments by Ella Sterling Mighels Together with a Brief Autobiography of James Phelan, 1819-1892 Pioneer Merchant Shaffer, Ellen K. And Lucille S. J. Hall: A Check List of the Mark Twain Collection Assembled By the Late Willard S. Morse of Santa Monica, California Offered for Sale By Dawson's Book Ship, 627 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, California, Tucker 2286, June 1942
Henderson, James D., and Robert E. Massman: Biographical Notes on Ernest Hemingway Taylor, Harvey: Frank Norris: Two Poems and "Kim" Reviewed, with a Bibliography Aldrich, Thomas Bailey: Judith of Bethulia, A Tragedy
Bowen, Helen Gilman: Mount Shasta or Bust Cole, Cyrenus: Iowa Through the Years Berg, Baron Gustav von: From Kapuvar to California 1893 : Travel Letters of Baron Gustav von Berg
Howe, the Right Hon. The Earl. [editor]: Motor Racing. . With Over One Hundred & Thirty Illustrations Newell, Robert R: Robert Newell's Memoranda : Travels in the Territory of Missouri; Travel to the Kayuse War; Together with a Report on the Indians South of the Columbia River Buelteman, Robert: The Unseen Peninsula
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