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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books

Powell, Lawrence Clark: A Tribute to Bradford Booth Merriam, John C: New Protohippine Horses from Tertiary Beds on the Western Border of the Mohave Desert Various: Hamlin Garland : A Son of the Middle Border
Anonymous: Snappy Jokes: A New Collection of Rich and Rare Jokes, Compiled By a Jolly Bartender for Stag Parties, Smokers, Etc Everson, William: On Hand Printing : 2 Letters Strouse, Norman H: "English and Amercian Bookbinding : Modern Bibliopegy at Its Best". To Introduce Modern Fine Bookbinding in England and America, an Exhibition of 84 Bindings
Spender, Stephen: The Year of the Young Rebels, Revisited Anonymous: Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland, on Its Two Hundredth Anniversary Hedley, John: Tramps in Dark Mongolia. With Illustrations and a Map
Awes, Addison, Jr., Pseud. Of William M. Cubery: Why a Rich Yankee Did Not Settle in California Anonymous: The Scenery of Ithaca and the Head Waters of the Cayaga Lake, as Protrayed By Different Writers, and Edited By the Publisher Hanazono, Kanesada: The Development of Japanese Journalism. Illustrated
Cressy, Will M: Continuous Vaudeville Natsume, Soseki: Unhuman Tour (Kusamakura). Translated By Kazutomo Takahaski Towne, Charles Hanson: The Shop of Dreams: A Tale of Love, Youth and Books
Finger, Charles J: After the Great Companions. A Free Fantasia on a Lifetime of Reading Wilder, Marshall P: The People I've Smiled With: Recollections of a Merry Little Life Harris, Gideon: Audel's Answers on Automobiles for Owners - Operators - Repairmen. Relating to the Parts, Operation, Care, Management, Road Driving, Carburetors, Wiring, Timing, Ignition, Motor Troubles, Lubrication, Tires, Etc., Including Chapters on the Storage Battery, Electric Vehicles, Motor Cycles, Overhauling the Car, Etc
Fuller, Charles H: Chas. H. Fuller's Advertisers' Directory of Leading Newspapers and Magazines. 1905-06 Fosalba, Rafael J: El Problema De La Poblacion En Cuba. Conferencia Leida En Sesion Publica De La Academia De Diencias De La Habana, El 16 De Abril De 1909 White, Eric W. [editor]: 15 Poems for William Shakespeare. With an Introduction By Partrick Galand, John Lehmann & William Plomer
Greene, Charles S. [bound with] Edward A. Ross: Magazine Publishing in California. [and] the Relation of Libraries to Righteousness Anonymous: Le Libre Contemporain: M'Achete Pour Me Lire C'est Ainsi Qu'on S'instruit. No. 1, Vol. 1 (Summer 1918) Anonymous: A Budget of News for Lovers of Books
Anonymous: Dew-Drops. My Speech Shall Distil as the Dew. - Deut. 32:2 Delong, Dwight M: A Revision of the American Species of Empoasca Known to Occur North of Mexico Evans, Margaret B: Some Problems in Modern Book Illustration
Repplier, Agnes: Varia Pierson, William M., Garret W. McEnerney: James S. Angus et al., Executors, &c., Petitioners, Vs. William Irvine. Additional Brief for the Petitioners Maxton, John: Customers. Some of the People Printers Have to Do Printing for
Bruner, Helen Marcia: Books and Libraries in Colonial America Wilson, Carol Green: A History of the Heritage, 1853-1970 Mann, Arthur: British Social Thought and American Reformers of the Progressive Era
Mongredien, Augustus: The Western Farmer of America Canadian Pacific Railway: Chateau Lake Louise. Lake Louise, Alta. Rooms and Services - European Plan Anonymous: Harmonica Playing Made Easy
Cowan, Ian McTaggart: Fossil and Subfossil Mammals from the Quarternary of British Columbia Cox, John Harrington: Folk-Songs of the South Collected Under the Auspices of the West Virginia Folk-Lore Society Cain, Noble: Choral Music and Its Practice. With Particular Reference to A Cappella Music
Holland, J.G: Illustrated Library of Favorite Song. Based Upon Folk Songs of the Heart. Songs of Home, Songs of Life, and Songs of Nature. With an Introduction and Edited. Illustrated with One Hundred and Twenty-five Engravings . And with Twenty Autographs Perkins, Charles C: History of the Handel and Haydn Society. (Founded A.D. 1815.) Prefaced with a Brief Account of Puritan Psalmody in Old and New England Tufts, John W: The Euterpean. A Choice Collection of Popular Choruses, Quartets and Part-Songs, Designed for the Use of High Schools, Academies, Seminaries, Grammar Schools, Choral Societies, Singing Clubs, Etc., Etc. Comprising I. Choruses and Part-Songs. II. Selected Hymns and Tunes
Novello, Vincent: Haydn's Celebrated Third Mass, in D, in Vocal Score; with a Accompaniment for the Organ or Piano-Forte. With Latin and English Text Ehlert, Louis: From the Tone World : a Series of Essays Elson, Louis C: European Reminiscences, Musical and Otherwise : Being the Recollections of the Vacation Tours of a Musician in Various Countries
Urbino, L.B: Biographical Sketches of Eminent Musical Composers : Arranged in Choronological Order Rowlands, Walter: Among the Great Masters of Music. Scenes in the Lives of Famous Musicians. Thirty-two Reproductions of Famous Paintings with Text Brahms, Johannes: Johannes Brahms Symphonien Mit Einfuhrungen Von Arth. Smolian. Band I: Symphoie No. 1 C-Moll, Symphonie No. 2 D-Dur [Band II: Symphonie No. 3 F-Dur, Symphonie, Symphonie No. 4 E-Moll]. Preis Eines Jeden Bandes
Hess, Walter N: The Ribbed Pine-Borer Pound, Louise [editor]: American Ballads and Songs Smith, Hannah: Music : How it Came to Be, What It Is
Ferra, Bartomeu: Chopin and George Sand in Majorca. Translated from the Spanish By R.D.F. Pring-Mill. Proceded By an Extract from "The Memoirs of Aurore Sand" Mark, E.L., And Manton Copeland: Some Stages in the Spermatogenesis of the Honey Bee Anonymous: Dr. Miles' Cook Book
Anonymous: The Recipe Book for Club Aluminum Ware with Personal Service Anonymous: Acme Quartette Book. Containing a Choice Collection of Quartettes For Male Voices Anonymous: Sweets
Anonymous: Recipes for Making Better Jams, Jellies & Marmalades with Certo : From Fresh, Canned and Dried Fruits, Bottled Fruit Juices and Fruit Syrups Anonymous: John Masefield Sharp, Dallas Lore: Reading with a Purpose. Some Great American Books
Anonymous: A Century of Progress Anonymous: Alphabetical Contents of Recitation and Dialogue Books Published By the Penn Publishing Company Archbold, Richard, and A.L. Rand: New Guinea Expedition: Fly River Area, 1936-1937. With Photographs By The Authors and L.J. Brass, G.H.H. Tate, M.J. Healy and L.A. Willis
Gahan, A.B: The Serphoid and Chalcidoid Parasites of the Hessian Fly Anonymous: Type Book. A Showing of Type Faces and Decorative Materials Used in Modern Composition Zwierlein, Frederick J: Religion in New Netherland : A History of the Development of the Religious Conditions in the Province of New Netherland, 1623-1664
Anonymous: The First Four Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. Reproduced in Facsimile with Translation, Introduction, A Map, and Facsimile of a Drawing Hartman, George: Wooed By a Sphinx of Aztlan. The Romance of a Hero of Our Late Spanish-American War and Incidents of Interest from the Life of a Western Pioneer Noble, Frederick A: The Pilgrims
Wortley, Emmeline Stuart: Travels in the United States, Etc. During 1849 and 1850 Anonymous: Joint West-Bound Freight Tariff Via Rail and Lake, Season of 1901, Between the Boston & Albany Railroad, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Western Transit Co., Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Wabash Lake Line (Lake Erie Trans. Co.) Anonymous: A Century of Progress Exposition, Chicago 1922. Travel By Train
Earle, Alice Morse: The Sabbath in Puritan New England Anonymous: Seventy-five Years or the Joys and Sorrows of Publishing and Selling Books at Duttons from 1852 to 1927. Compiled from a Variety of Original Sources and Lavishly Illustrated with Prints and Engravings Depicting the Growth of Duttons During Three Quarters of a Century and Showing Views of the Establishments of Their Many Correspondents in Foreign Lands Sutton, Richard L: Tiger Trails in Southern Asia
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