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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books

Squire, J.C: The Grub Street Nights Entertainments Spyri, Johanna: Dora. Translated By Elisabeth P. Stork Anonymous: Things Worth Knowing
Anonymous: The Care and Feeding of Infants Ade, George: Breaking Into Society Ramsdell, J., And Ben Perley Poore: Life and Public Services of Ho. James G. Blaine. The Brilliant Orator and Sagacious Statesman. The Bosom Friend of the Lamented Garfield, and Now the Choice of the Nation for President of the United States : Also the Life of the Courageous Soldier, Distinguished Senator and Nominee for the Vice-Presidency Gen. John A. Logan
Miller, Joaquin: True Bear Stories, By Joaquin Miller, with Introductiory Notes By Dr. David Starr Jordan. Together with a Thrilling Account of the Capture of the Celebrated Grizzly "Monarch" Heller, Otto: The Seriousness of Mark Twain. Address at the Annual Dinner of the State Historical Society at Hannibal, Missouri Thursday, May 9, 1935 Johnson, Merle: Collected Set of Mark Twain First Editions Exhibiting Bibliographic Corrections to Date
Duschnes, Philip C: Catalogue Number Forty-Nine: First & Other Editions of Samuel L. Clemens-Mark Twain. Together with Some Association Items & a Large Section of Biography, Bibliography, Analysis Collected By Theodore A. Jones, Teaneck, N.J Goodrich, Mary: On the Old Calaveras Road Grening, Paul C: Glen Mountain House. Watkins Glen, N.Y
Mailer, Norman: The Naked and the Dead Hood, Thomas: Hood's Own : Or, Laughter from Year to Year : Being Former Runnings of His Comic Vein, with an Effusion of New Blood from General Circulation Fitzgerald, Percy: Beaux and Belles of England: Laurence Sterne
Lanier, Sidney: The Science of English Verse Miller, Joaquin: Shadows of Shasta Miller, Joaquin: The Building of the City Beautiful
Various: In the Woods with Bryant, Longfellow, and Halleck Sanger, George P. [editor]: Public Laws of the United States of America, Passed at the Second Session of the Thirty-Fifth Congress; 1858-1859. Carefully Collated with the Originals at Washington Harben, Will N: Northern Georgia Sketches
Dole, Edmund P: Hiwa: A Tale of Ancient Hawaii Packer, George Nichols: Our Calendar. The Julian Calendar and Its Errors. How Corrected By the Gregorian. Rules for Finding the Dominical Letter and the Day of the Week of Any Event from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Year of Our Lord Four Thousand - A New and Easy Method of Fixing the Date of Easter Philip, Alexander: The Reform of the Calendar
Morgan, John Minton: The Reproof of Brutus. Hominem Pagina Nostra Sapit Harris, Joel Chandler: Sister Jane: Her Friends and Acquaintances. A Narrative of Certain Events and Episodes Transcribed from the Papers of the Late William Wornum Hale, Mrs: Flora's Interpreter, and Fortuna Flora. Third Revision. Enlarged By a Hundred and Sixty New Interpretations with New Illustrations Etc
Grattan, C. Hartley: Bitter Bierce: A Mystery of American Letters Ogden, Rollo: William Hickling Prescott Magruder, Julia: A Heaven-Kissing Hill
Bryant, William Cullen: Orations and Addresses Irwin, Wallace: The Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum. With an Introduction By Gelett Burgess Lewis, Sinclair: To Toby By Sinclair Lewis
Moore, John Trotwood: Tom's Last Forage Howell, George Rogers: Some Pre-Columbian Discoveries of America Anonymous: A Memorial of Charles Sumner
Miller, Henry: Journey to an Antique Land Hueston, Samuel [editor]: The Knickerbocker Gallery: A Testimonial to the Editior of the Knickerbocker Magazine from Its Contributors. With Forty-Eight Portraits on Steel, from Original Pictures Engraved Expressly for This Work Whitman, Sarah Helen: Edgar Poe and His Critics
Phoenix, John [George Horatio Derby]: The Squibob Papers. With Comic Illustrations By the Author Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Wonder Book Dickens, Mamie: My Father as I Recall Him
Foster, Caroline H.W. [Amy Elizabeth Leigh]: Little Stories of Yesterday Phillips, John C., And Lewis Webb Hill [editors]: Classics of the American Shooting Field: A Mixed Bag for the Kindly Sportsman, 1783-1926 Shaw, Frances A: The Eastern Question: A Brief History of Russia, from the Small Beginnings of the Nation to the Present Vast Proportions of the Empire; with Accounts of the Successive Dynasties
Taylor, Bayard: Bayard Taylor Visits Petaluma Wiggin, Kate Douglas: Homespun Tales: Rose O' the River; The Old Peabody Pew; and Susanna and Sue Phillips, Walter P. [John Oakum]: Sketches Old and New. Supplemented By an Address Entitled "From Franklin to Edison" A Catalogue, Etc., Etc
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth: Cheerful Yesterdays Westcott, Edward Noyes: The Christmas Story from David Harum. Illustrated from Mr. Charles Frohman's Production of David Harum. a Comedy Dramatized from the Novel Halsey, Mina Deane: Whiskeretta
Mabie, Hamilton Wright: My Study Fire: First Series Smith, Nora Archibald: Kate Douglas Wiggin, as Her Sister Knew Her. With Illustrations Read, Opie: Tales of the South
Anonymous: Kellogg's Rhyme and Color Book Woods, James: Recollections of Pioneer Work in California Edward Eberstadt & Sons: A Catalogue of Books Relating to America. Catalogue No. 114
Masaoka, Naoichi [editor]: Japan to America: A Symposium of Papers By Political Leaders and Representative Citizens of Japan on Conditions in Japan and on the Relations Between Japan and the United States. With Introduction By Lindsay Russell Miller, Captain E.D: Modern Polo. Edited By M.H. Hayes. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged Ritchie, Ward: The Ward Ritchie Press and Anderson, Ritchie & Simon
Slater, J.H: The Romance of Book-Collecting Kaplan, A.O: Baby's Biography Curtis, George William: From the Easy Chair; Other Essays from the Easy Chair; From the Easy Chair, Third Series
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Passages from the American Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne Dison, J. M: The Valley and the Shadow: Comprising the Experiences of a Blind Ex-Editor, A Literary Biography, Humorous Autobiographical Sketches, A Chapter on Iowa Journalism, and Sketches of the West and Western Men
Cone, Helen G., And Jeannette L. Gilder. [editors]: Pen-Portraits of Literary Women By Themselves and Others Hill, Frederick Trevor: Lincoln: Emancipator of the Nation. A Narrative History of Lincoln's Boyhood and Manhood Based on His Own Writings, Original Research, Official Documents and Other Authoritative Information Winterich, John T: Collector's Choice
Johnson, Virginia W: The Lily of the Arno; or, Florence, Past and Present. Illustrated Soyer, Nicolas: Soyer's Paper-bag Cookery Cranch, Christopher Pearse: Poem Delivered in the First Congregational Church in the Town of Quincy, May 25, 1840, the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town
Quayle, William A: The Prairie and the Sea Mitchell, A.G: First Series: Forty New Cross Word Puzzles Guldenstein, Ricahrd M: The Glidogram Book No. 1
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