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Henderson, Alice Corbin; Mera, Edna Robinson; Robinson, Marie Tourtelot; Lewis, Janet: Original Group Portrait Photograph - Alice Corbin Henderson, Edna Robinson Mera, and Marie Tourtelot Robinson, c. 1920s, Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Jewett Repertory Theatre Fund, Inc: Original Program - "Programme: The Repertory Theatre of Boston [...], 104 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts," October 1929
W. H. Brennan; G. E. Judd: Original Program - "Recital by Fritz Kreisler, Violin; Accompanist, Carl Lamson; Symphony Hall, Boston, Sunday Afternoon Concerts, Sunday Afternoon, October Sixth, 1929, at 3.30"
Shorey, Paul; Hill, David Jayne; Perry, Bliss; Sherman, Stuart; American Academy of Arts and Letters: Four Addresses in Commemoration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Founding of the American Academy of Arts and Letters
American Baptist Publication Society: Original Promotional Brochure - "Saxenhurst: A Story of the Old World and New by Daniel C. Eddy, D. D."
University Press in Dallas, Southern Methodist University: Original Promotional Leaflet - "J. Frank Dobie's Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest"
The Lutheran Hour: Original Promotional Leaflet - "Eighteen faith-strengthening radio messages by Dr. Walter A. Maier delivered on the first part of the Thirteenth Lutheran Hour [...]"
The Rosicrucians (AMORC): Original Promotional Leaflet - "You May Borrow This New Book: 'The Secret Heritage'"
McClure Phillips & Co: Original Promotional Leaflet - "The Four Million by O. Henry"
Marschner, Harry: From Death to Life
The Century Co: Original Promotional Leaflet - "'The Wonderful Christmas Number.' St. Nicholas for December"
Wiggin, Kate Douglas: Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Le Gallienne, Richard; Le Gallienne, Irma (Frontispiece Portrait): The Lonely Dancer and Other Poems
Gibbon, Edward: Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, in Six Volumes, Quarto, Abridged in Two Volumes, Octavo
Hornbeck, Robert: Roubidoux's Ranch: In the 70's
Bryant, Edwin: What I Saw in California: Being the Journal of a Tour, by the Emigrant Route and South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, Across the Continent of North America, the Great Desert Basin , and Through California, in the Years 1846, 1847
Bewick, Thomas: A General History of Quadrupeds. The Figures Engraved on Wood; The Eighth Edition
Bewick, Thomas: A History of British Birds. (Two Volumes: History and Description of Land Birds (Vol. I); History and Description of Water Birds (Vol. II))
Wright, S. Fowler: Vengeance of Gwa
Lamplough, A. O: Cairo and Its Environs
Sykes, M'Cready: Poe's Run and Other Poems; Being the true and authentic Narration of certain notable Games, wherein are set forth many marvelous Good Deeds wrought by the Princeton team; all done into Verse in the Vulgar Tongue: To Which Is Appended The Book of the Chronicles of the Elis
The Author of "Manners and Rules of Good Society": The Art of Conversing; or, Dialogues of the Day
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel; Rossetti, William M: The Poetical Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti; A New Edition in One Volume
District Court of Appeal, State of California; Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Mateo; et al: Collection of Three Original Documents Relating to a Court Case Involving Defendant William Haney, Convicted of First-degree Murder, 1919, San Mateo County, California
De Quincey, Thomas; Masson, David (Editor and Annotations): Select Essays of Thomas De Quincey: Narrative & Imaginative (Two Volumes)
Hobbes, James R: The Picture Collector's Manual, Adapted to the Professional Man, and the Amateur; Being a Dictionary of Painters, Containing Fifteen Hundred More Names Than in Any Other Work, Together with an Alphabetical Arrangement of the Scholars, Imitators, and Copyists of the Various Masters. And a Classification of Subjects, Shewing the Names of Those Who Painted in the Several Departments of Art, Thus Affording, in All Uncertain Cases, a Clue by Which the Judgment May Be Guided, the Opinion Strengthened, and the Doubt Removed. In Two Volumes
Munn & Company et al: American Homes and Gardens: Volume One (Six Issues in One Volume: Volume I, Nos. 1-6, July-December 1905)
Gray, Thomas; Anderson, David (Commentary); Kennedy, Lawton (Printer): Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Farnham, Thomas Jefferson; Sullivan, Joseph A. (Foreword): Travels in California; with Map
Wilson, Gahan: Harry and the Sea Serpent
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: Evangeline
William H. Crawford, James Monroe, et al: [65] Report of the Secretary of War, in Obedience to the Resolution of the House of the 21st Ult. Relating to the Settlement of Claims of Several of the States, to Reimbursement of Money Expended by Them, in Calling Out and Supporting Militia, Without the Sanction of the General Government. March 12th, 1816
Emmons, Nathanael: A Sermon, Preached on the Annual Thanksgiving in Massachusetts. November 27, 1800
Laurents, Arthur: Invitation to a March: A New Comedy
Anna Barbauld, Joseph Fawcett, William Payley, Jacques Necker, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, Thomas Belsham, et al: Extracts Concerning the Importance of Religion and Public Worship to Civil Society. With Remarks
The State of Kentucky et al: [17] Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Kentucky Relative to Compensation to Be Made for Horses Lost in the Service of the United States. January 9, 1816
Ingersoll, C. J: A Discourse Delivered Before the Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of William Penn. On the 24th of October, 1825
G. W. Troup, James Monroe, et al: [53] Letter from the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs to the Secretary of War, Respecting the Present Mode of Subsisting the Army, and the Answer of the Secretary Thereto; Accompanied by Letters of Several General Officers of the Army Upon the Subject Thereof. January 25, 1815
Montgomery, Henry: 1st Series. No. 40. The Importance and Method of Early Religious Education
W. Eustis, Jona. Williams, et al: Letter from the Secretary of War, to the Committee Appointed on That Part of the Message of the President of the United States, of the Fifth Ultimo, Relating to Land Forces and Fortifications, Transmitting an Estimate of Monies Required on Account of Fortifications for the Year 1811. January 18, 1811
J. B. Cavanaugh et al: Report to the Federal Power Commission on the Uses of the Upper Columbia River (Revised Edition)
Lowell, John: Are you a Christian or a Calvinist? or Do You Prefer the Authority of Christ to That of the Genevan Reformer? Both the Form and Spirit of These Questions Being Suggested by the Late Review of American Unitarianism in the Panoplist, and by the Rev. Mr. Worcester's Letter to Mr. Channing. To Which Are Added, Some Strictures on Both Those Works
Ingersoll, Robert G: About the Holy Bible. A Lecture; In the nature of things there can be no evidence to establish the claim of inspiration
Blunt, Joseph: An Anniversary Discourse, Delivered Before the New-York Historical Society, on Thursday, Dec. 13, 1827
J. C. Calhoun, Peter Hagner, et al: [127] Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting, a Statement of the Names of Persons Who Have Received Public Money for Paying the Troops in Service During the Late War, and Who Have Failed to Render Their Accounts. In pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Representatives, of 18th February, 1818
The Committee of Foreign Relations: Report, or Manifesto of the Causes and Reasons of War with Great Britain, Presented to the House of Representatives by the Committee of Foreign Relations. June 3, 1812
J. C. Calhoun (John C. Calhoun), Constant Freeman, et al: [42] Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, Transmitting Sundry Statements, in Relation to the Expenditure of Appropriations, to Reward the Officers and Crews of Certain Vessels for Captures Made During the Late War with Great Britain. December 17, 1818
Williams, George H: Reconstruction. Speech of Hon. George H. Williams, of Oregon, Delivered in the Senate of the United States. February 4, 1868
Geo. Graham (George Graham) et al: [81] Letter from the Acting Secretary of War, Transmitting Information Relative to the Claims of the State of Massachusetts for Payment of the Expenses of the Militia, Ordered Out by the Executive Authority of the State During the Late War. February 20, 1817
Parker, Theodore: A Sermon of the Mexican War: Preached at the Melodeon, on Sunday, June 25th, 1848
Morris, Gouverneur: An Oration, Delivered on Wednesday, June 29, 1814, at the Request of a Number of Citizens of New-York, in Celebration of the Recent Deliverance of Europe from the Military Despotism
Everett, Edward: A Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Quincy Adams, Delivered at the Request of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in Faneuil Hall
Channing, William Ellery: A Sermon, Delivered in Boston, September 18, 1814. Published at the Request of the Hearers
Purviance, Samuel A: Speech of Hon. Samuel A. Purviance, of Pennsylvania, on the Slavery and Presidential Questions. Delivered in the House of Representatives, August 4, 1856
Foot, Solomon: Speech of Mr. Solomon Foot, of Vermont, on the Character and Objects of the Mexican War. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the U. S., Feb. 10, 1847
Lunt, Paul; Green, Samuel A. (Editor): Paul Lunt's Diary. May-December, 1775
James Madison, The Committee of Claims, et al: [10] Message of the President of the United States Relative to the Act to Authorize the Payment for Property Lost, Captured, or destroyed by the enemy while in the military service of the United States. December 6, 1816. Referred to the committee of Claims. December 17, 1816. Report made, accompanied with a Bill to amend the said Act
W. Raymond; I. A. Whitcomb: Season of 1887-88, Winter in California; Twelve Trips Across the Continent, with Many New and Attractive Features
Edward Eberstadt & Sons; Morgan, Dale (Introduction): Catalogue 159: California Manuscripts, Being a collection of Important, Unpublished & Unknown Original Historical Sources, with an introduction
Mercer, A. S. (Asa Shinn Mercer): Washington Territory. The Great North-West, Her Material Resources, and Claims to Emigration. A Plain Statement of Things as They Exist
McClernand, John A: Speech of Mr. McClernand, of Illinois, on the Oregon Bill: Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 30, 1845
Gallatin, Albert; The Committee of Ways and Means, United States House of Representatives: Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, on the Petitioners of Simon Forrester, David D. Pulsifer, and Boardman and Pope, and Others, Importers of Goods from British Settlements Beyond the Cape of Good Hope; Also, on a Bill from the Senate, Embracing the Cases of the Petitioners. December 29th, 1812
Quincy, Josiah: The Memory of the Late James Grahame, the Historian of the United States, Vindicated from the Charges of "Detraction" and "Calumny" Preferred Against Him by Mr. George Bancroft, and the Conduct of Mr. Bancroft Towards That Historian Stated and Exposed
B. W. Crowninshield et al: [20] Letter from the Commissioners of the Navy Pension Fund, Transmitting Their Annual Statement Respecting the Operation of Their Trust; Showing the Amount of the Fund, the Number of the Pensioners, and the Amount of Disbursements. January 9th, 1816
Fages, Pedro; Bolton, Herbert Eugene (Editor): Expedition to San Francisco Bay in 1770: Diary of Pedro Fages; Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History, Vol. 2, No. 3
Plehn, Carl Copping: The San Francisco Clearing House Certificates of 1907-1908 (Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History, Vol. I, No. 1)
John C. Calhoun, Robert Brent, et al: [35] Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting a List of the Persons Who Have Been Added to the Pension List, Since May 28th, 1813, &c. & c. January 5, 1818
John C. Calhoun, George Bomford, et al: [107] Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting a Return of the Arms and Military Stores Furnished to the Respective States, Under the Provisions of the Law of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twelve. February 20, 1818
Thompson, Joseph P.; Pomroy, Swan L.; Paris, John D: The Moral Unity of the Human Race. A Sermon Preached at the Ordination of Luther Halsey Gulick, M.D., as a Missionary to the Micronesian Islands. With an Appendix on the Coral Islands. Also, the Charge Delivered on the Same Occasion, and The Right Hand of Fellowship
Jessie M. E. Saxby et al: Coaching Tours: or, Romance of the Road
Samuel Fortier, O. W. Bryant, U.S. Department of Agriculture, A. C. True, et al: Irrigation in the Sacramento Valley, California (Office of Experiment Stations--Bulletin 207)
Elwood Mead, A. C. True, U.S. Department of Agriculture, et al: 56th Congress, 2d Session. Senate. Document No. 108. Irrigation Investigations in California. January 24, 1901
J. N. Le Conte, C. F. Tait, A. C. True, U.S. Department of Agriculture, et al: Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants in California (Office of Experiment Stations--Bulletin 181)
Society of California Pioneers; Farwell, Willard B.; Pittsinger, Eliza A.; Washburn, E. H: Society of California Pioneers. Ceremonies at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the New Pioneer Hall, July 7, 1862. Oration; Poem; Address Delivered Before the Society of Their Celebration of the Twelfth Anniversary of the Admission of the State of California into the Union, September 9th, 1862, with the Sutter Resolutions
Brown, William C: Early Okanogan History; Gives an Account of the First Coming of the White Men to This Section and Briefly Narrates the Events Leading up to and Attending the Establishment of the First Settlement in the State of Washington Under the American Flag, an Event Which Occurred at the Mouth of the Okanogan River, September 1st, 1811
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