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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Rousset, P: Original Map - "Europe Moderne [Modern Europe]; Pl. 21"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier et Lansraux: Original Map - "Carte Generale des Croisades, de 1095 a 1270 de J. C. [General Map of the Crusades, from 1095 to 1270 AD]; Pl. 17"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier et Lansraux: Original Map - "Empire des Mongols, a l'epoque de Koublai Khan ou Chi Tsou, de l'an 1215 a l'an 1267 de J. C. [Empire of the Mongols, at the time of Koublai Khan or Chi Tsou, from the Year 1215 to the Year 1267 AD]; Pl. 18"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Mme. Fontaine; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier et Lansraux: Original Map - "Europe, de l'an 519 a l'an 771 de J. C. [Europe, from the year 519 to the year 771 AD]; Pl. 14"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier et Lansraux: Original Map - "Palestine, sous, Les Machabees, de 167 a 139 avant J.C. [Palestine, under, The Machabees, from 167 to 139 BC]; Pl. 7"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier, Lacouchy et Cie: Original Map - "Europe, de l'an 410 a l'an 519 de J. C. [Europe, from the year 410 to the year 519 AD]; Pl. 12"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier, Lacouchy et Cie: Original Map - "Empire Romain d'Orient, a l'epoque de la prise de Jerusalem en 636 de J.C. [Eastern Roman Empire, at the time of the capture of Jerusalem in 636 AD]; Pl. 13"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier, Lacouchy et Cie: Original Map - "Voyages des Apotres, de l'an 100 de J.C. [Voyages of the Apostles, 100 AD]; Pl. 9"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier, Lacouchy & Cie: Original Map - "Empire Romain (Partie Orientale), de l'an 100 a 410 J.C. [Roman Empire (Eastern Part), from the year 100 to 410 AD]; Pl. 10"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier-Lacouchy: Original Map - "Empire de Cyrus, 538 avant J.C. [Empire of Cyrus, 538 BC]; Pl. 6"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier, Lacouchy et Cie: Original Map - "Palestine, de l'an 7 avant l'ere chretienne a l'an 29 de J.C. [Palestine, from the year 7 before the Christian era to the year 29 AD]; Pl. 8"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier et Lacouchy: Original Map - "Tribus d'Israel, de 1424 a 1055 avant J.C. [Tribes of Israel, from 1424 to 1055 BC]; Pl. 4"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Raynaud; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier-Lacouchy: Original Map - "Empires Assyrio-Babyloniens et Medo-Perses, de 721 a 500 avant J.C. [Assyro-Babylonian and Medo-Persian Empires, from 721 to 500 BC]; Pl. 5"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Blondeau, A.; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier-Lacouchy: Original Map - "Carte de la Route Suivie par les Hebreux, depuis leur depart de l'Egypte, jusqu'a leur entree dans le pays de Chanaan [Map of the Route followed by the Hebrews, from their departure from Egypt, until their entry into the land of Canaan]; Pl. 3"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier-Lacouchy: Original Map - "Tableau de la Dispersion des Enfants de Noe, ou Creation des Peuples dans le 2e. age du Monde [Table of the Dispersion of the Children of Noah, or Creation of Peoples in the 2nd age of the world]; Pl. 2"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Dufour, A. H. (Auguste Henri); Rohrbacher, Rene Francois; Blondeau, A.; Antoine, Louis (Printer); Lahanier-Lacouchy: Original Map - "Planisphere Physique, Hydrographique et Phytographique [Physical, Hydrographic and Phytographic Planisphere]; Pl. 1e. [First Plate]"; From "Atlas geographique dresse pour l'histoire universelle de l'eglise catholique de l'abbe Rohrbacher" ("Geographical Atlas, Compiled for, the Universal History of the Catholic Church of Abbot Rohrbacher")
Aretino, Pietro: The Ragionamenti; or, Dialogues of the Divine Pietro Aretino, Literally translated into English; With a reproduction of the Author's portrait engraved by Mark Antony Raimondi from the picture of Titian (Two Volumes)
Bowdler, Jane: Poems and Essays
Boeckh, Augustus; Cornewall, Lewis George (Translator): The Public Economy of Athens; To Which Is Added, a Dissertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion. Second Edition, Revised
Homer, Thelma Richie; Tsolman, Damba (Calligrapher): Ripples on a Stream..
France, Anatole; Jackson, Wilfrid (Translator); Boyd, Ernest (Introduction): At the Sign of the Queen Pedauque
Doran, John: "Mann" and Manners at the Court of Florence; In Two Volumes
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Thirty-third Season, Sacramento, California; Five Hundred and Fortieth Recital, March twentieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, Masonic Auditorium"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Thirty-fourth Season, Sacramento, California; Five Hundred and Forty-eighth Recital, February twelfth, nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, Masonic Auditorium"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Thirty-sixth Season, Sacramento, California; Five Hundred and Eightieth Recital, March the eighteenth, nineteen hudnred and twenty-nine, Memorial Auditorium; The Kedroff Quartet"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Thirty-seventh Season, Sacramento, California; Five Hundred and Ninetieth Recital, February the eighteenth, nineteen hundred and thirty, Memorial Auditorium; Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone; Stewart Wille, at the piano"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Thirty-eighth Season, Sacramento, California; Five Hundred and Ninety-fifth Recital, October twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and thirty, Memorial Auditorium; Dino Borgioli, Tenor; Benjamin S. Moore, at the piano"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Thirty-ninth Season, Sacramento, California; Six Hundred and Seventh Recital, November the Second, nineteen hundred and thirty-one, Memorial Auditorium; Grace Moore, Soprano; Emanuel Bay, at the piano"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Fortieth Season, Sacramento, California; Six Hundred and Twentieth Recital, November fifth, nineteen hundred and thirty-two, Tuesday Club House; Washington Bicentennial Program"
Sacramento Saturday Club: Original Program - "Founded Dec. 9, 1893. Forty-third Season, Sacramento, California; Six Hundred and Forty-sixth Recital, March the tenth, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, 8:15 o'clock, Florentine Room, Hotel Senator; Gertrude Warren Barry, Contralto; Ethel Sleeper Brett, at the piano"
Tuesday Club of Sacramento: Original Program - "The Tuesday Club of Sacramento, Tuesday Club House, Nineteen-Nineteen .. Nineteen-Twenty"
Tuesday Club of Sacramento: Original Program - "Tuesday Club, Sacramento, 1926-1927"
Tuesday Club of Sacramento: Original Program - "[Tuesday Club], Sacramento, California, 1927-1928"
The Sacramento Community Players: Original Program - "The Sacramento Community Players, Present, The First Mrs. Fraser, A Comedy in Three Acts, By St. John Ervine, Friday Evening, May 20, 1932, 8:15 o'Clock, Tuesday Clubhouse"
The Sacramento Community Players: Original Program - "Sacramento Community Players, Present, Caesar and Cleopatra, By George Bernard Shaw; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, June 12, 13, 14, 1933, Gardens of the Robert Swanston Home, Hagginwood"
The Sacramento Community Players: Original Program - "Seventh Season; Sacramento Community Players, Present, See Naples and Die, A Comic Opera Without Music, by Elmer Rice; Monday and Tuesday Evenings, September 25th and 26th, 1933, Plaza Theatre"
The Sacramento Community Players: Original Program - "1934-1935 Season; Sacramento Community Players, Presents its Eighth Season; Director Frederick Blanchard ... Playing at California Junior High Vallejo and Land Drive"
The Sacramento Community Players: Original Program - "Eighth Season, Sixth Production; Sacramento Community Players, Present, 'Mr. Pim Passes By,' by A. A. Milne; Directed by Frederick Blanchard, Monday and Tuesday Evenings, May 20th and 21st, 1935, Plaza Theatre, Sacramento"
The Sacramento Community Players: Original Program - "KFBeeK Players, Seventh Season; You Can't Take It with You, by Moss Hart & Geo. S. Kaufman; Directed by Helen Markell; First Producted by KFBeeK Players May, 1944; Repeated by popular request; Governor's Hall, State Fair Grounds, May 12-13, 1950"
The McNeill Club: Original Program - "The McNeill Club, Tuesday Club House, Sacramento, Calif., Thirty-Seventh Season, Third Concert, Tuesday Evening, June Ninth, Nineteen Hundred Twenty-Five"
Original Program - "Metropolitan Temple, Friday, May 8th, 1891, at 8 P. M.; Testimonial Concert to Mr. Alfred Wilkie, Kindly assisted by ..."
Western Majestic Theatres, Inc: Original Program - "Majestic Theatre, Broadway Near Ninth, Western Majestic Theatres, Inc., Michael Corper, President"
Leland Hayward: Original Program - "Leland Hayward, presents, Tod Andrews and New York Company in 'Mister Roberts,' by Thomas Heggen and Joshua Logan; Setting and Lighting by Jo Mielziner; Friday and Saturday, January 18 and 19, Saturday Matinee, January 19, Sacramento High School Auditorium"
Original Program - "Sacramento's Fifth Annual Music Week, May Third to Tenth (Inclusive), Nineteen Hundred Twenty-Five in Sacramento City, California"
Original Program - "Sacramento's Sixth Annual Music Week, May 2nd to 9th (Inclusive) 1926"
Original Program - "Sacramento's Seventh Annual Music Week, May 1st to 8th (Inclusive) 1927"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater, Presents, The Second Shepherd's Play: A Mystery Play of the Middle Ages and Christmas Concert by The Bach Choir Of Sacramento, December 16 and 17, 1949 - 8:30 PM, Eaglet Theater, Sacramento, California"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater, Noah, 1950-51 Season, Dec. 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10, Eaglet Theater"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1955-56 Season; Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater; The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker; April 5, 6, 7 and 12, 13, 14"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1956-57 Season; Ladies in Retirement; April 4, 5, 6 and 11, 12, 13"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1956-57 Season; A Roomful of Roses; February 21, 22, 23 and 28, March 1, 2"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1956-57 Season; The Guardsman; May 16, 17, 18 and 23, 24, 25"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1957-58 Season; Time Limit; November 14, 15, 16 & 21, 22, 23"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1957-58 Season; My Sister Eileen; October 10, 11, 12 & 17, 18, 19"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1957-58 Season; Time Remembered; May 15, 16, 17 and 22, 23, 24"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1958-59 Season; The Matchmaker; September 25, 26, 27, October 3, 4, 10, 11"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1958-59 Season; A Visit to a Small Planet; January 8, 9, 10, 16, 17 and 23, 24"
The Sacramento Civic Repertory Theater: Original Program - "Eaglet Theater, 1958-59 Season; All for Mary; May 7, 8, 9, 15, 16 and 22, 23"
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Pepper; Long Red Cayenne Peperone; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Beet; Early Blood Turnip; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Onion; Large Red Wethersfield; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Okra; Gumbo; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Cucumber; Boston Pickling; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Thyme; Broad Leaved; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Tomato; John Baer Pomedoro Grosso; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Tomato; Chalk Pomedoro Grosso; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Cress; or Pepper Grass; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Herbs; Dill; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Kale; Dwarf Curled Scotch; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Celery; Golden Self-Blanching; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Carrot; Danvers Half Long; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Parsley; Moss Curled; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Parsnip; Hollow Crown; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Lettuce; Cos or Romaine; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
Card Seed Co: Original Lithographed Seed Packet - "Lettuce; Early Curled Selician Lattuga; Card Seed Co., Fredonia, N. Y."
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