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Barry Cassidy Rare Books Books
Gregson, Eliza; Gregson, James: The Gregson Memoirs Containing Mrs. Eliza Gregson's "Memory" and the Statement of James Gregson
Dobbin, C. E.; Bowen, C. F.; Hoots, H. W.; United States Geological Survey: Bulletin 804. Geology and Coal and Oil Resources of the Hanna and Carbon Basins, Carbon County, Wyoming
Wilson, R. M.; United States Geological Survey: University of Hawaii Research Publications, Number 10. Ground Surface Movements at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Fath, A. E.; Moulton, G. F.; United States Geological Survey: Bulletin 756. Oil and Gas Fields of the Lost Soldier-Ferris District, Wyoming
Martin, W. F.; Pierce, C. H.; Leighton, M. O.; United States Geological Survey: Water Supply Paper 318. Water Resources of Hawaii, 1909-1911
Kelsey, Rayner Wickersham: Publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History. Vol. I. No. 5. The United States Consulate in California
Davidson, George: Francis Drake on the Northwest Coast of America in the Year 1579: The Golden Hinde Did Not Enter the Bay of San Francisco. Volume V, Series II
Dellenbaugh, Frederick S: The North-Americans of Yesterday: A Comparative Study of North-American Indian Life, Customs, and Products, on the Theory of the Ethnic Unity of the Race
Agnel, H. R: The Book of Chess: Containing the Rudiments of the Game, and Elementary Analysis of the Most Popular Openings. Exemplified in Games Actually Played by the Greatest Masters; Including Staunton's Analysis of the King's and Queen's Gambits, Numerous Positions and Problems on Diagrams, Both Original and Selected; Also A Series of Chess Tales, with Illustrations Engraved from Original Designs. The Whole Extracted and Translated from the Best Sources
Very, Jones; Clarke, James Freeman (Biographical Sketch); Bartol, C. A. (Preface): Poems and Essays
Williamson, R. S: Professional Papers of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. No. 15. On the Use of the Barometer on Surveys and Reconnaissances. Part I. Meteorology in Its Connection with
Thoreau, Henry David: In the Midst of Winter: Selections from the Journals of Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau, Henry D: A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
Lienhard, Heinrich: I Knew Sutter; Translated from the Original German By Students of German at C. K. McClatchy Senior High School
Sanborn, F. B.; Warner, Charles Dudley (Editor): American Men of Letters. Henry D. Thoreau
Schoonover, T. J: The Life and Times of Gen'l John A. Sutter
Thoreau, Henry David; Stevens, Bertha (Compiler): Thoreau, Reporter of the Universe: A selection of his writings about Nature, for all readers from eight years old to eighty
James, George Wharton: Indian Basketry, and How to Make Indian and Other Baskets. With Nearly 600 Illustrations
Fletcher, Francis; Drake, Francis; Green, E. F.; Hettrich, A. L. (Editor): Sir Francis Drake; Description of his landing at Drake's Bay, Marin County, California, June 17, 1579; Being an exact copy of parts of the original report of this Voyage, in his caravel the "Golden Hind," including a description of the first religious service in English ever held in America, and also the date of his departure for England, July 25th, 1579
Sperry, Baxter: Mexican Land Grants, Sacramento County, Omuchumnes
Adams, Raymond: The Bibliographical History of Thoreau's A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers [Separate from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America] Volume Forty-three, First Quarter, 1949
Fremont, J. C: Narrative of the Exploring Expeditions to the Rocky Mountains, in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California, in the Years 1843-44. With Map and Illustrations
Johnson, Kenneth M: The Fremont Court Martial
Fremont, J. C: 33d Congress, 1st Session. [Senate.] Mis. Doc. No. 67. Letter of J. C. Fremont to the Editors of the National Intelligencer, Communicating Some general results of a recent winter expedition across the Rocky mountains, for the survey of a route for a roilroad [sic] to the Pacific
Phelps, William Dane; Busch, Briton Cooper (Editor and Introduction): Fremont's Private Navy: The 1846 Journal of Captain William Dane Phelps
Infidelity and Abolitionism. An Open Letter to the Friends of Religion, Morality, and the American Union
Fremont, John C.; Cass, Lewis; United States Congress; United States Senate; United States Senate Committee on Military Affairs: 30th Congress, 1st Session. [Senate.] Rep. Com., No. 75. California Claims. In Senate of the United Sates. February 23, 1848
United States Bureau of Indian Affairs; Unietd States Department of the Interior; United States Senate; United States Congress: 32d Congress, 1st Session. [Senate.] Ex. Doc. No. 61. Report of the Secretary of the Interior, Communicating, In answer to a resolution of the Senate, a report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to debts contracted by Indian agents in California. April 15, 1852
United States Committee on Indian Affairs; United States Congress; United States House of Representatives: 33d Congress, 1st Session. Rep. No. 289. Ho. of. Reps. John Charles Fremont [To accompany bill H. R. No. 474.]
Smithsonian Institution; Langley, S. P. (Preface): Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 844. Smithsonian Meteorological Tables [Based on Guyot's Meteorological and Physical Tables.]
Hall, Benjamin F: The Republican Party and Its Presidential Candidates: Comprising an Accurate History of the Republican Party in the United States, from Its Origin in 1796 to Its Dissolution in 1832; of the Whig and Democratic Parties During the Interregnum; and Its Re-Formation in 1856, to Defend Freedom of Speech and of the Press and to Resist the Aggressions of the Slave Power. With Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Fremont and Dayton
Williams, Howel: Geology of the Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
Davis, Jefferson; United States Congress; United States Senate; United States Committee on Military Affairs; United States War Department: 34th Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Ex. Doc. No. 63. Report of the Secretary of War, in Compliance with; A resolution of the Senate of the 29th ultimo, calling for the final report of the board of officers relative to the funds, subsistence, and supplies furnished or taken for the use of Fremont's California battalion in 1846
Stockton, Robert Field; United States Congress; United States Senate; United States Navy Department: 30th Congress, 2d Session. [Senate.] Executive, No. 31. Report of the Secretary of the Navy, Communicating; Copies of Commodore Stockton's despatches, relating to the military and naval operations in California. February 16, 1849
Pierce, Franklin; United States Congress; United States Senate: 34th Congress, 1st Session. Senate. Ex. Doc. No. 109. Message of the President of the United States, Communicating, In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 11th instant, copies of letters and vouchers in support of claims presented by and allowed to John C. Fremont. August 18, 1856
Lagrange, J. L: Theorie des fonctions analytiques, contenant les principes du calcul differentiel, degages de toute consideration d'infiniment petits ou d'evanouissans, de limites ou de fluxions, et reduits a l'analyse algebrique des quantites finies
Keep, Josiah: West Coast Shells. A Familiar Description of the Marine, Fresh Water, and Land Mollusks of the United States, Found West of the Rocky Mountains. Adapted to the Use of Schools, Private Students, Tourists, and all Lovers of Nature
Herbert N. Eaton et al: Aircraft Instruments
Blodget, Lorin: Climatology of the United States, and of the Temperate Latitudes of the North American Continent. Embracing a Full Comparison of These with the Climatology of the Temperate Latitudes of Europe and Asia. And Especially in Regard to Agriculture, Sanitary Investigation, and Engineering. With Isothermal and Rain Chars for Each Season, the Extreme Months, and the Year. Including a Summary of the Statistics of Meteorological Observations in the United States, Condensed from Recent Scientific and Official Publications
United States Congress; United States Senate: 30th Congress, 1st Session. [Senate.] Executive, No. 33. Message of the President of the United States, Communicating The proceedings of the court martial in the trial of Lieutenant Colonel Fremont. April 7, 1848. (Together with) 30th Congress, 1st Session. [Senate.] Rep. Com., No. 226. In the Senate of the United States. August 1, 1848. Mr. Reese made the following Report: The select committee, to whom was referred the resolution of the Senate to inquire into the expediency of providing for the publication of the result of the late exploring expedition of J. C. Fremont to California and Oregon ..
Burroughs, John: Ways of Nature
Smucker, Samuel M: The Life of Dr. Elisha Kent Kane, and of Other Distinguished American Explorers: Containing Narratives of Their Researches and Adventures in Remote and Interesting Portions of the Globe
Upham, Charles Wentworth: Life Explorations and Public Services of John Charles Fremont. With Illustrations
Zabriskie, George A: The Pathfinder
Papers of the California Historical Society. Vol. I. Part I
Lowell, James Russell: Fireside Travels
Drake, Francis; Schouten, William Cornelison; Rowse, A. L. (Historical Introductions); Dougan, Robert O. (Bibliographical Notes): Bibliotheca Americana; The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, 1628; and The Relation of a Wonderfull Voiage by William Cornelison Schouten, 1619
Wagner, Henry R.; Axe, Ruth Frey: Drake on the Pacific Coast
Wallis, Helen: The Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Mapped in Silver and Gold
Bishop, R. P: Drake's Course in the North Pacific
Whitman, Walt: Leaves of Grass
Scheffauer, Herman: Drake in California: Ballads and Poems
Powers, Stephen; Momaday, N. Scott (Preface); Heizer, Robert F: Californian Indian Characteristics and Centennial Mission to the Indians of Western Nevada and California
Fremont, John Charles; United States House of Representatives; United States Senate; United States Congress: 30th Congress, 2d Session. [Ho. of Reps.] Miscellaneous No. 5. Geographical Memoir upon Upper California, in Illustration of His Map of Oregon and California. Addressed to the Senate of the United States
Goethe, C. M: "What's in a Name?" (Tales, historical or fictitious, about 111 California Gold Belt place names)
Taylor Instrument Companies: The Barometer Book
Fremont, John C.; Emory, William H: Notes of Travel in California; Comprising the Prominent Geographical, Agricultural, Geological, and Mineralogical Features of the Country; Also, the Route to San Diego, in California, Including Parts of the Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila Rivers. From the Official Reports of Col. Fremont and Maj. Emory
Stillman, J. D. B: Seeking the Golden Fleece; A Record of Pioneer Life in California: To Which is Annexed Footprints of Early Navigators, Other Than Spanish, in California; With an Account of the Voyage of the Schooner Dolphin. (With Plates.)
Maclagan, Christian: The Hill Forts, Stone Circles and Other Structural Remains of Ancient Scotland, Illustrated with Plates and Sketches
Sacramento Chamber of Commerce: The Romance of California
The Opening of the West. The Old South Leaflets. Eleventh Series, 1893
Halford, Frederic M: Modern Development of the Dry Fly: The New Dry Fly Patterns, The Manipulation of Dressing Them, and Practical Experiences of Their Use
Rennie, James: Alphabet of Angling, for the Use of Beginners
Holden, George Parker: Steamcraft: An Angling Manual
Marston, R. B: Walton and Some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fishing
Rhead, Louis (Editor); Hallock, Charles (Introduction): The Speckled Brook Trout (Salvelinus Fontinalis) by Various Experts with Rod and Reel Edited and Illustrated by Louis Rhead with an Introduction by Charles Hallock
Young, Paul H: Making and Using the Dry Fly; With valuable notes on leaders and stream tactics
Salter, T. F: The Angler's Guide, Abridged for the Use of Young Anglers: Containing the Angler's Progress--The Art of Trolling for Jack and Pike, and Fly-Fishing: Also, Bottom or Float Fishing, and Trimmer Angling; With Directions how to plumb the Depth; To bait the Hooks; To make Paste; To lay Night lines; &c. &c. And the best Method of making Ground-Bait, &c. Founded on More Than 40 Years' Practice and Experience. The Third Edition, Carefully Corrected and Revised. Embellished with Twenty-five Engravings & Cuts
Keene, J. Harrington: Fly-Fishing and Fly-Making for Trout, Bass, Salmon, Etc. With Plates of the Actual Material for Making Flies of Forty-eight Varieties. Illustrated; Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged
Rhead, Louis: Fisherman's Lures and Game-Fish Food; With Colored Pictures from Life of Various Creatures Fish Eat and New Improved Artificial Imitation Floating Nature Lures and Chart-Plans to Show the Haunts Where Fish Feed on Them in Lake and Stream
Wells, Henry P: Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle: Suggestions as to Their Manufacture and Use
Plumley, Ladd: With the Trout Fly
Sturgis, William Bayard: New Lines for Flyfishers
Jordan, David Starr; Evermann, Barton Warren: American Food and Game Fishes. A Popular Account of All the Species Found in America North of the Equator, with Keys for Ready Identification, Life Histories and Methods of Capture
Williams, Henry Smith; Williams, Edward H: The Wonders of Science in Modern Life: In Ten Volumes; Illustrated
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