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Alexandre Antique Prints, Maps & Books Books

Jean Antoine Nollet: Saggio Intorno All’Elettericita de Corpi H. B. Guppy: The Solomon Islands and Their Natives Heinrich Luden; Karl Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach: Reise Sr. Hoheit des Herzogs Bernhard zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach durch Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1825 und 1826
N.P. Willis, J. Stirling Coyne, W.H. Bartlett (Illustrator): The Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland Abu al-Ghaz Husain: Histoire Genealogique des Tartars H. J. Sarrett: New Picture of London for 1814; or, the Stranger’s Guide Through the Metropolis; Containing a Comprehensive Description of Every Object Deserving of Notice in the British Capital
Frederick A. Wislizenus: Denkschrift ueber eine Reise nach Nord-Mexico Pieter Langendyk: De Graaven van Holland, in Jaardichten Beschreven. . John Armstrong: The History of the Island of Minorca
Christian Georg Andreas Oldendorp: Geschichte der Mission der evangelischen Bruder auf den caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan Rene Aubert de Vertot: Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellex depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et Aujourd hui Chevalier de Malthe D. Adriani van Royen: Tentamen Juridicum Inaugurale, Quaedam Rusticorum Specialia Jura Sistens, Quod Annuente deo ter opt. max. .
Miguel Cervantes: Les Principales Avantures de l admirable Don Quichotte, Representees en Figures par Coypel, Picart, le Romain, et autres Habiles Maitres. . Francis Bacon: Sylva Sylvarum: or A Natural Historie / New Atlantis. A work undefined Daniel Defoe: The Political History of the Devil; bound with Anecdotes of a Scoundrel or, Memoirs of Devil Dick
Karpinski, Louis C: Maps of Famous Cartographers Depicting North America: Bibliography of the Printed Maps of Michigan 1804-1880 Andre Gorse: Les Pyrenees monumentales et pittoresques William Beattie: The Danube: Its History, Scenery, and Topography
Laurence Oliphant: The Russian Shores of the Black Sea in the Autumn of 1852 with a Voyage down the Volga, and a Tour Through the Country of the Don Cossacks Charles Dupin: Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, Entrepris Relativement aux Services Publics de la Guerre de la Marine, et des Ponts et Chaussees au Commerce et a L Industrie depuis 1816. [TWO VOLUMES ONLY] Benjamin G. Smith: The War with the South / A History of the Late Rebellion with Biographical Sketches of Leading Statesmen and Distinguished Naval and Military Commanders
William Gell; John P. Gandy: Pompeiana: The Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii Dante; Henry Francis Cary (Translator): Purgatory and Paradise From the Original of Dante Alighieri and Illustrated with the Designs of M Gustave Dore Frank Leslie; Louis Shepard Moat (editor): Frank Leslie s Illustrated Famous Leaders and Battle Scenes of the Civil War. The Most Important Events of the Conflict between the States Graphically Pictured
W.H. Withrow: Our Own Country Canada Scenic and Descriptive Garcillasso de la Vega; B. Picart (illustrator): Histoire des Yncas Rois du Perou, Depuis le preier Ynca Manco Capac, Fils du Soleil, jusqu’a Atahualpa dernier Ynca. . . / Histoire de la Conquete de la Floride Pietro Andrea Mattioli: Commentarii in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de medica materia..
John Gardner Wilkinson: Dalmatia and Montenegro: With A Journey to Mostar in Herzegovina and Remarks on the Slavonic Nations; The History of Dalmatia and Ragusa; The Uscocs William Bradford: Sketches of the Country, Character and Costume, in Portugal and Spain, made during the campaign, and on the route of the British Army, in 1808 and 1809 F.O. Morris: A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds
Girolamo Fabrici: Oeuvres Chirurgicales de Hierosme Fabrice D’Aquapendente, Fameux Medecin, Chirurgien, & Prosesseur Anatomique en la celebre Vniuersite de Padoue. . J.N. Bellin: Atlas de l\\\'Histoire des Voyages / An Untitled collection of 73 maps and charts mostly by Bellin M. Louis Enault: La Mediterranee ses Iles et Ses Bords
Hubert Goltzius: Icones imperatorum romanorum, ex priscis numismatibus ad viuum delineatae, & breui Narratione. . Bellin: An Untitled collection of 74 maps and charts mostly by Bellin Capt. Joseph Brant: Memoir of the Distinguished Mohawk Indian Chief, Sachem and Warrior
J. Fr. Bourgoing: Voyage de Duc du Chatelet, en Portugal, ou se Trouvent Des details interessans sur ce Royaume, ses Habitans, ses Colonies; sur la Cour et M. de Pombal, sur le Tremblement de terre de Lisbonne, etc Jack L. Summers; Rene Chartrand; R.J. Marrion (Illustrator): Military Uniforms in Canada 1665-1970 Wright Howes: U.S.Iana (1650-1950) A Selective Bibliography in which are described 11,620 Uncommon and Significant Books Relating to the Continental Portion of the United States
Marc Lescarbot: Histoire de la Nouvelle France, contenant les navigations, decouvertes et habitations faites par les Francois es Indes Occidentales et Nouvelle-France .. Michael Ignatieff: Blood & Belonging. Journeys into the New Nationalism James Fox: The Langhorne Sisters
George Spendlove: The Face of Early Canada W.S. Hunter Jr: Hunter's Eastern Townships Scenery, Canada East R.V. Tooley: The Mapping of America
Richard Natkiel; Antony Preston: Atlas of Maritime History Phillip Allen: The Atlas of Atlases Kenneth Nebenzahl: Atlas of Columbus and the Great Discoveries
Hannah Wolley: The Compleat Servant-Maid, or the Young Maidens Tutor. Directing them how they may fit, and qualifie themselves for any one of these Employments, viz. Waiting-Woman, House-Keeper, Chamber-Maid, Cook-Maid, Under-Cook-Maid, Nursery-Maid, Dairy-Maid, Laundry-Maid, House-Maid, Scullery-Maid. Whereunto is added a Supplement containing the choicest Receipts and rarest Secrets in Physick and Chirurgery Bucher, Br. & Gnauth, A: Das Kunsthandwerk. Sammlung mustergültiger kunstgewerblicher Genestände aller Zeiten Sir John Ross: Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a North West Passage and of a Residence in the Arctic Regions during the Years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833
Marjorie Lismer Bridges: A Border of Beauty: Arthur Lismer's Pen and Pencil George H. Clark; James Fletcher; Norman Criddle (illustrator): Farm Weeds of Canada Swanston, G. H: East coast of South America Brazil, Middle Provinces
Jaillot, Hubert: Belgium Regium Accuratissime Divisum, &c Ad Usum Serenissimi Burgundiae Ducis Playfair: Map of Russian Asia with adjacent countries Janssonius, Joannes: Pascaart vande Zee-Custen
John Senex / John Maxwell: Germany corrected from the observations of the royal society at London and the royal academy at Paris Seutter, George Matthaus: Nova et Accurata Hungariae Vaugondy, Robert de: Royaume d'Irlande divise en ses quatre Provinces, et subdivise en Comtes
De L'Isle, Guillaume: L'Allemagne Dressee sur les Observations de Tycho-Brahe de Kepler de Snellius sur celles de Messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences &c Arrowsmith, J: Chart of the East India Isands Pinkerton: Turkey in Europe
Homann, Johann Baptist: Dvcatvvm Livoniae et Cvrlandiae Wyld, James: Map of Australia Compiled from the Nautical Surveys made by Order of the Admiralty and other Authentic Documents by James Wyld Geographer to the Queen Weller, E: Wales
Pinkerton: East India Isles Zatta, Antonio: Parte del Regno d'Irlanda ciao le Provincie d'Ulster e Leinster Homann, Johann Baptist: Provinciarum persicarum Kilaniae nempe Chirvaniae Dagestaniae
Barthomalew, J: Islands of Japan Shenk; Valk: Magni Mogolis Imperium Rapkin, J: Chili and La Plata
Rapkin, J: Falkland Islands and Patagonia Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Plan du port et ville de Louisburg dans l'isle Royale Bellin, Jacques Nicolas: Carte de l'isle de Ceylan pour servir a l'Histoire Generale des Voyages
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