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RICE, Michael: Swifter than the Arrow. The Golden Hunting Grounds of Ancient Egypt RICHARDS, Walter: Her Majesty's Army: A Descriptive Account of the Various Regiments now Comprising the Queen's Forces, from their First Establishment to the Present Time. With Coloured Illustrations by G.D. Giles RICHARDSON, Norval: Third and Last
RICHARDSON, Tim: Avant Gardeners. 50 Visionaries of the Contemporary Landscape. With Foreword by Martha Schwartz RICKMAN, Phil: The Fabric of Sin. (SIGNED) RIDING, Laura: Four Unposted Letters to Catherine. Postscript by Laura (Riding) Jackson. Afterword by Elizabeth Friedmann and Alan J. Clark
RIDLEY, Rosalind M. and BAKER, Harry F: Fatal Protein. The Story of CJD, BSE, and Other Prion Diseases RIGBY, Bernard: Ever Glorious. The Story of the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment. Vol One only RIPMAN, Constance: Ginger & Snout. Illustrated by Eva Ash
RIPSTON, Rowena: Children, For Shame! RIVERS. PENSWICK, Right Rev. Dr: River's Manual; Or Pastoral Instructions Upon the Creed, Commandments, Sacraments Lord's Prayers, &c Collected from the Holy Scriptures, Councils, Fathers, and approved writers in God's Church with prayers conformable thereunto'.... RIVOIRA, G. T: Roman Architecture and Its Principles of Construction Under The Empire. With an Appendix on the Evolution of the Dome up to the XVIIth Century. By... Translated from the Italian by G. McN. Rushforth
ROBB, Candace: The King's Bishop. A Medieval Murder Mystery. The Fourth 'Owen Archer' Mystery ROBERTS, A: Applied Geotechnology. A Text for Students and Engineers on Rock Excavation and Related Topics ROBERTS, Brian: Churchills in Africa
ROBERTS, David: The Holy Land ROBERTS, Glenys: Bardot. A Personal Biography ROBERTS, H. A., UNDERHILL, Eugene et al: The Homoeopathic Recorder. Volume LI. Numbers 1 - 12. The Complete run for 1936 Bound together in Cloth
ROBERTS, Lord: Forty-One Years in India. From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief. In Two Volumes. With Portraits and Maps ROBERTS, Mrs John: Khasi Folk Lore ROBERTS, Mrs John, late of Cherrapoonjee: Khasi Folk Lore
ROBERTS, Peter, GIBBONS, Andrew and HERAUD, Richard: Education, Ethics and Existenc. Camus and the Human Condition ROBERTSON, E.Graeme and ROBERTSON, Joan: Cast Iron Decoration. A World Survey ROBERTSON, James (edited by): Forensic Examination of Fibres
ROBERTSON, John M: Pagan Christs. Studies in Comparative Hierology ROBERTSON, R. Macdonald: Wade the River Drift The Loch. Angling in Scottish Waters. Compiled by.. ROBERTSON, Stanley: Nyakim's Windows. SIGNED presentation copy from the author. Illustrations by Simon Fraser
ROBERTSON, W. Graham: French Songs of Old Canada. Pictured by... With Translations ROBERTSON, William: An Historical Disquisition Concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India; and the Progress of Trade with that Country prior to the discovery of the Passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an Appendix... The Fourth Edition ROBERTSON, William: The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. In Four Volumes
ROBINS, F. W: The Story of the Bridge ROBINSON, Admiral Samuel Murray: A Brief History of the Texas Navies ROBINSON & CLEAVER. CHROMOLITHOGRAPHY: Serviettes and How to Fold Them
ROBSON, Brian: Crisis On The Frontier. The Third Afghan War And The Campaign In Waziristan. 1919-1920 ROBSON, Rev. James: Christ in Islam ROCHE, Richard: Here's Their Memory. A Tribute To The Fallen Of Republican Wexford
ROCK, Paul: After Homicide. Practical and Political Responses to Bereavement RODRIGUES, Louis, translated by: The Battles of Maldon and Brunanburh. Illustrated in the old Anglo-Saxon style by Gavin Rodrigues [ROGERS, James Edwin Thorold]: Bible Folk-Lore. A Study in Comparative Mythology
ROGERS, Samuel: The Poetical Works of Samuel Rogers ROGERS, W.C: Historic Swansea. Being the first part of William Cyril Roger's Swansea and Glamorgan Calendar. Edited by Bernard Morris ROGERSON, Sidney & Charles TUNNICLIFFE: Both Sides of the Road. A Book About Farming
ROHDE, Michael. Edited by..: Prussian Gardens in Europe. 300 Years of Garden History. Published by the Prussian Places and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg in Association with ICOMOS/IFLA.. ROITER, Fulvio: Chianti Classico. The Land of the Gallo Nero. Texts by Enrico Bosi and Cesare Pillon. Translated by James M. Johnson ROLFE, Fr. (Frederick, Baron Corvo): Don Tarquinio. A Kataleptic Phantasmatic Romance
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. December 1954 ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. January 1957 ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. July 1955
ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. July 1956 ROLLS-ROYCE: Rolls-Royce Oil Engines. Service Bulletins ROLLS-ROYCE. HARPER, Harry: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. June 1954
ROLLS-ROYCE. WISDOM, Thomas H: Rolls-Royce Bulletin. January 1956 ROMANES, George John: Essays. Edited by C. Lloyd Morgan RONCAGLIOLO. Santiago: Red April. Translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman
ROOSEBOOM, Maria: Microscopium ROPER, Harry. (Edited by): National Union of Teacher's Conference Souvenir 1937. Portsmouth. Presented to the Delegates and Officers with the Compliments of the Publishers ROSCOE, Thomas. ROBERTS, David. Illustrated by...: The Tourist in Spain. Andalusia. Illustrated from Drawings by David Roberts. The Jennings Landscape Annual or Tourist in Spain for 1836
ROSE, The Rev. Henry John and BURGON, The Rev. John William: Scripture Prints: Intended Chiefly For Distribution Among The Poor. With Illustrative Letter-Press. Edited by.. ROSENBERG, Charles E: The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau. Psychiatry and Law in the Gilded Age ROSENZWEIG, Alexander: The Jewish Memorial Council. SIGNED BY AUTHOR A History 1919-1999
ROSS, Anne. Roger GARLAND (Illustrated by...): Druids, Gods & Heroes from Celtic Mythology. Line Drawings by John Sibbick ROSS, J. E: Radical Adventurer. The Diaries of Robert Morris 1772-1774. Edited with an Introduction by... ROSS-OF-BLADENSBURG, Late Coldstream Guards: A History of the Coldstream Guards from 1815-1895. Illustrated by Lieut. Nevile R. Wilkinson
ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel: The Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Edited with Preface and Notes by William M. Rossetti. Revised and Enlarged Edition ROSSETTI, William Michael: Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer. Notes by William Michael Rossetti, Including A Prose Paraphrase of the House of Life ROSSI, Filippo: Italian Jeweled Arts
ROSTEN, Leo: Dear "Herm" - With a Cast of Dozens ROUGHEAD, William: Reprobates Reviewed ROUGHEAD, William: The Riddle of the Ruthvens and Other Studies. (SIGNED)
ROURE, Georges: Faune et Chasse en Afrique Occidentale Française. Guide du Tourisme de la Nature Vivante. Croquis de Lucien Blancou ROUVEYRE, Edouard: Comment Discerner Les Styles. Le Style Empire XIXe Siecle - 1804 à 1814. Trois Cents Reproductions Documentaires. Aigles, Ajours geometriques, Attributs et Symboles, Colliers d'Oves, Cols de Cygnes, Couronnes, Corniches, Groupes, Moulures, Vases, Victoires ailees, etc ROWAN, Richard W: The Spy Menace. An Exposure of International Espionage
ROWLAND, Benjamin: The Art and Architecture of India. Buddhist, Hindu, Jain ROWLEY, Trevor (Ed.): Anglo-Saxon Settlement and Landscape. Papers presented to a Symposium, Oxford 1973. British Archaeological Reports 6-8 ROY, Dilip Kumar: Six Illuminates of Modern India. Foreword by H. V. Kamath
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