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WOOLRICH, Cornell: Night & Fear. A Centenary Collection of Stories. Edited with an Introduction by Francis M. Nevins WRIGHT, Farnsworth. Authors Include August DERLETH, Edmond HAMILTON Clark Ashton SMITH and H.P. LOVECRAFT. Includes "Hesperia" by H.P. Lovecraft: Weird Tales. The Unique Magazine. Volume 16. October, 1936. No. 4 WRIGHT, Farnsworth. Authors Include Clark Ashton SMTH, Robert E. HOWARD: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 24. October, 1934. Number 4
WRIGHT, Farnsworth. Authors Include H.P. LOVECRAFT. Includes the poem "The Dweller" by H.P. Lovecraft: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual.Volume 35. March, 1940. No. 2 WRIGHT, Farnsworth. Authors Include Robert BLOCH, Clark Ashton SMITH and August W. DERLETH: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 27. May, 1936. Number 5 WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Include Robert BLOCH, H.P. LOVECRAFT, Clark ASHTON SMITH, and Henry KUTTNER. Includes "To Virgil Finlay": Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 30. July, 1937. Number 1
WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Include Robert BLOCH, H.P. LOVECRAFT, Clark ASHTON SMITH, Robert E. HOWARD and Jack WILLIAMSON. Includes "To Clark Ashton Smith": Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 31. April, 1938. Number 4 WRIGHT, Farnsworth. Authors Include Robert BLOCH, Robert, E HOWARD: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 32. December, 1938. Number 6 WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Includes Edmond HAMILTON, Robert BLOCH, August DERLETH and Harry KUTTNER: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 29. April, 1937. Number 4
WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Includes H.P. LOVECRAFT and Harry KUTTNER. Includes "The Thingon the Door-Step" by H.P. Lovercraft: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 29. January, 1937. Number 3 WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Includes H.P. LOVECRAFT, Ray BRADBURY, Fritz LEIBER and Robert BLOCH. Includes "Hertbert West: Reanimator" by H.P. Lovecraft: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 36. November, 1942. Number 8 WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Includes H.P. LOVECRAFT, Robert E. HOWARD, Harry KUTTNER and Jack WILLIAMSON. Includes "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" by H.P. Lovercraft: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 31. March, 1938. Number 3
WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Includes H.P. LOVECRAFT, Robert E. HOWARD, and Robert BLOCH: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 28 November. 1936. Number 4. Includes a Weird Story reprint of "Pickman Model" by H.P. Lovecraft WRIGHT Farnsworth. Authors Includes Robert BLOCH, Robert E. HOWARD,Edgar Allen POE and H.P. LOVECRAFT. Includes reprints of "The Fallof the House of Usher" by EdgarAllen Poe and "The Gardins of Yin" by H.P. Lovecraft: Weird Tales. A Magazine of the Bizarre and Unusual. Volume 34. August, 1939. Number 2 ADAMS, Douglas: So Long and Thanks for all the Fish. The Hitch Hikers' Guide to the Galaxy 4
ATTENBOROUGH, David: Zoo Quest to Madagascar [BRENAN, Gerald] BEATON, George. Collected and Set Forth by: Doctor Partridge's Almanack for 1935. With an Account of his Resurrection from the Grave after Lying Dead in it for 2 Centuries by G. Robinson. Also a Brief Exposition of his Religious & Astrological Teaching by Professor Blish BENSON, E.F. Francis Sibson, George Whitley: Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Volume 8, No. 2
BLACKWOOD, Algernon. BENSON, E.F. WRIGHT, S. Fowler: Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Volume 7, No. 3 BLOCH, Robert: Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper. Tales of Horror. FIRST BELMONT EDITION BOLAND, John: Breakdown
BOLAND, John: Counterpol BOLAND, John: Vendetta. (British Bloodhound No. 368) BRADBURY, Ray. HODGSON, William Hope. Robert, W. Chambers and J. Lesile Mitchell: Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Volume 5, No. 5
BRANDT, C.A. (editor): Amazing Stories. Volume 4, No.3 BURRAGE, A. M: Don't Break the Seal CHASE, James Hadley: Come Easy - Go Easy
CHASE, James Hadley: I'll Bury My Dead CHESTERTON, G. K: The Return of Don Quixote CHEYNEY, Peter: Dance Without Music
CHEYNEY, Peter: I'll Say She Does! CHRISTIE, Agatha: The Labours of Hercules DAVIS, S C H "Sammy". Compiled and Edited by Peter Heilbron. Assisted by Malcolm Jeal: My Lifetime in Motorsport. His Final Autobiography with Log Book for 1913-14
EVAN-THOMAS, Owen: Domestic Utensils of Wood. XVIth to XIXth Century. A Short History of Wooden Articles in Domestic Use from The Sixteenth to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century FALDO, Nick with Mitchell PLATTS: The Rough with the Smooth. Breaking into Professional Golf. Foreword by Peter Oosterhuis. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY FROM PLATTS) FLEMING, Joan: In The Red
FRASER, Alex: Bury Their Dead. (PUBLISHER'S FILE COPY) FREMLIN, Celia: The Trouble-Makers GERNSBACK, Hugo (editior): Amazing Stories. Volume 1, No. 8
GERNSBACK, Hugo (editor): Amazing Stories. Volume 2, No. 12 GERNSBACK, Hugo (editor): Amazing Stories. Volume 2, No. 2 GERNSBACK, Hugo (editor): Amazing Stories. Volume 4, No. 1
GERNSBACK, Hugo (editor). Includes "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes" by H.G. Wells and "The Ballon Hoax" by Edgar Allen Poe: Amazing Stories. Volume 2, No. 1 GRANBY, Marquess of. Illustrated by J.E. Grace and from Photographs: The Trout. With Chapters on Breeding by Colonel F. H. Custance. Cookery by Alexander Innes Shand GRAY, Berkeley: Conquest on the Run
GREEN, F. L: The Magician HAMILTON, Edmond. Includes Charles Cloukey and R.I. Melhorn: Amazing Stories. Volume 7, No. 7 KELLY, Mary: March to the Gallows
KNOX, Bill: Leave it to The Hangman LEWES, G. H: A Biographical History of Philosophy. Series I - In Ancient Philosophy. In Two Volumes. (THIS EDITION TWO VOLUMES BOUND IN ONE) MALO, Vincent Gaspard: Murder on the Mistral
MANTEL, Hilary: The Giant O'Brien. FIRST EDITION MAYO, Margaret Illustrated by Cara Lockhart Smith: The Italian Fairy Book (MILTON, John.) Arranged by Walter FANCUTT: A Selection from the Works of John Milton. The Kingsgate Pocket Poets
NAIRN, Ian: Nairn's London NEWMAN, Bernard: The Wishful Think NIALL, Ian: The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow
(PALMER, Arnold). McCORMACK, Mark H: Arnold Palmer. The Man and the Legend. (SIGNED) PARKER, Arnold: Ping-Pong. The Game and How to Play It PRICE, Anthony: Other Parts to Glory
PUNSHON, E. R: It Might Lead Anywhere RAY, Ananta Mohan: Famines in India and Their Remedies. Part 1 Causes and Signals RICHARDS, Alun: Dai Country. Short Stories. (SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY)
RIFKIN, Adrian. With a Foreword by George Melly: Street Noises. Parisian Pleasure 1900-40 SHERIDAN, James: 'Sheridan of Sunningdale'. My Fifty-Six Years as Caddie-Master. Foreword by Gerald Micklem. (SIGNED) SLOANE, T. O'Conor (editior): Amazing Stories. Volume 5, No. 5
STOUT, Rex: Bad for Business THOMAS, George: Neighbours. Foreword by Beverley Nichols VINCENT, Harl. Includes David H. Keller, Ed. Earl Repp and Edwin K. Sloat: Amazing Stories. Volume 7, No. 9
VINCENT, Harl. Includes Francis Flagg, David H. Keller and J. Lewis Burtt: Amazing Stories. Volume 7, No. 4 WHITE, T. H: Gone to Ground. A Novel WILLIAMS, Alan: The Brotherhood
ANDERSON, David R. [Rex STOUT]: Rex Stout AUSTEN, Jane. Illustrated by Joan HASSALL: Emma. Introduction by Richard Church. Wood-Engravings by Joan Hassall AUSTEN, Jane. Illustrated by Joan HASSALL: Northanger Abbey. Introduction by Richard Church. Wood-Engravings by Joan Hassall
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